Entry 58

We arrived to the planet Noglla by the end of the day. It is a barren world, but it is positioned next to two intersection hyperspace lanes. The spaceport is large with massive public personal carriers docked to let passengers make connecting flights. It should be simple to get passage off this planet.

I planned to debark the Laranth alone and have everybody else go to Dathomir. Of course, my team always disagrees over any plan that has us separating. So, the arguments commenced. I wanted Sacha to get as far away from me for her and the baby's safety. But she stubbornly refused.

"Darth Vader has had contact with both of us, Jax!" She protested. "He wants us both. I killed one of his Inquisitors."

"He's also had contact with Den and I-Five," I pointed out.

She heaved a frustrated sigh. "Den is not a Force Sensitive, so Lord Vader probably can't sense him over great distances. I doubt he could sense I-Five' weak Force signature or whatever we are feeling from him and he's never interacted with Magash or Norro. What's the use of you splitting from the team to lead Vader away when he may sense me aboard the Laranth?"

"If he arrives here and tries to pick up our scent…even if he does sense your departure…he will go for me instead."

She threw up her hands in frustration. "Then he may send an Inquisitor after me. I killed an Inquisitor. I am sure they are looking for me with just as much intensity."

I wish the Jedi Order taught us how to deal with women. Apparently the female human brain can outmaneuver mine with relative ease. Every time I thought of a reason for her to go to Dathomir she came up with an impressive counter argument. Finally I caved in. We would split up. Magash, Norro, Den and I-Five would go to Dathomir. Sacha and I would get a transport to any planet outside of Imperial territory that had public starship transportation.

Norro was not happy with my decision. I gave him a hug and told him not to worry. Once we got to Dathomir we would find a planet to settle down on. "I have seen a vision of the future. I am confident this will work," I told him.

I wish I was as confident as I sounded. As Master Yoda once taught me as a youngling, "The future is always in motion."


Sacha and I watched as the Laranth departed the docking bay. I truly hoped it wouldn't be the last time I saw my ship. We walked to a ticket office and purchased passage to the planet Doerj. The flight would leave in three hours. My first thought was to hole up in a hotel room or somewhere private and hide, but I came to the conclusion that it would only make me easier for Vader to locate. My only hope is to hide my Force signature among the throngs of sentients occupying the city.

Sacha and I ended up spending our free time dining and walking around the metropolis. At one point we stopped in front of a jewelry store. I smiled broadly. "Would you like to go in an look at some rings?"

She gave me a sideway glance and tried to suppress a grin. "Is that your non-romantic way of proposing to me?"

I shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry. The Jedi Order never prepared me for romance or what is expected of a boyfriend."

"We need to save our money." She sidled up next to me and grasped my hand in hers. "I don't want to rush things just because we might die today."

"Rush things? You're going to have a baby. I think we did an all out sprint when it came to our relationship." I came up from behind her and put my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I let my hands glide across the fabric covering her abdomen. I risked reaching out with the Force to sense the growing life within her. "It is definitely a boy." I leaned in and kissed her neck.

She shooed me off. "We're supposed to be blending in, not attracting attention."

An apologetic smile crossed my lips. "Sorry. Maybe we should be getting back to the docking bay. Our shuttle should be loading soon."

Hand-in-hand we strolled back to the ship loading area. Her warm hand in my palm gave me a sense of peace that calmed my ragged nerves.

"Sacha, I know you don't want to rush, but I need to know. Will you marry me?"

She stopped and gazed at me tenderly. "You mean if Darth Vader doesn't capture us?"

I gave a dry laugh. "I mean regardless of asthmatic Sith Lords."

"You know the answer to that, but I'll say it anyway. Of course I'll marry you."

A wide smile blossomed across my face as I pulled her in for a tender kiss. The romantic moment was blemished when I felt a wave of darkness wash over me, making my skin crawl.

I broke away from Sacha and spun around. Darth Vader was here somewhere. My eyes darted down the long line of ships until I spotted an Imperial shuttle. A squad of Stormtroopers was moving down the ship's boarding ramp and forming up in two columns. I didn't wait around to see Vader's dramatic exit. I grabbed Sacha's hand and pulled her down the street. "Vader found us. We have to get as far away as possible."

I was now convinced that Darth Vader was actively seeking me. We've evaded him before, I can only hope we can do it again. If we could lead him away from our shuttle and then double back and board minutes before departure we might be able to slip through his fingers…but I'm not going to count on that. He's probably already locked down all in-and-outgoing shipping and a Star Destroyer is most likely waiting in orbit to shoot down any ships trying to break the blockade. The only way out of this situation is to avoid Vader until he gave up looking for us.

We ran down a litter-strewn alley and into an old deserted warehouse that stunk of dust and bird droppings. Light poured through a dozen broken windows lining the top of the walls. "Watch your step," I warned Sacha as we walked over sharp shards of glass covering the old duracrete floor. I guided her through the decaying building and to the back exit. When we reached the door I turned to face her, pulling her into my warm embrace. "Sacha. I'm going to have to face him. He'll never stop hunting for me. It doesn't matter if I give up being a Jedi or not. Vader will find and kill me and everybody close to me." I gazed deeply into her eyes as I tried to maintain the strength in my voice. "Sacha, get out of here. Take your ticket and leave. I doubt he is looking for you. It's me he wants."

A stubborn look pinched her face. "I'm not leaving you Jax."

I hugged her tightly. "You need to take care of the baby."

She shook her head. "Your vision had all of us in it. We were older. We survive…so I'm not leaving."

I sighed deeply. "The future is always in motion. Things change from day-to-day."

"Then check my aura again. See if you are still in my future."

"Sacha, it doesn't matter what I see. If we are meant to be together we will. Please save yourself." I bit my lower lip to keep it from trembling as I wiped a tear from my eye. "Please Sacha. I know this is the hardest thing for you to do, but please leave." I brought my hand to rest on her belly. She wasn't showing yet, but I could feel the growing presence inside her womb. "Please do this for our son. I could die a happy man knowing my child is safe…that you're safe. I love you Sacha. Please take care of my baby. Please go."

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. "Jax, I don't want to live without you."

I tried to stifle a sob, but was unsuccessful. "I don't want to live without you either, but I want my son to have a chance at life. Please." I was begging her. I had to convince her for my son's sake. "Please." The word came out as a garbled plea. I could feel time dwindling. I needed to convince her now or it would be too late.

Her face was etched with sorrow as she gave a forlorn nod of her head. "Okay."

Relief rushed through my body as I pulled her into my embrace as I kissed her for what I thought would be my last time. "Remember I love you and the baby." I forced the exit door open and gently pushed her out. "Get to the shuttle and get off planet. I will meet you on Dathomir." I gave her one last kiss before I shut the door.

I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against the rusted metallic door as I sobbed in a spasm of despair.

I stayed that way until I heard the familiar hiss of a lightsaber igniting. I slowly turned to face my opponent. There, across the warehouse expanse, was Darth Vader. He was alone and not with his usual escort of Stormtroopers. He moved towards me, his steps measured and unhurried, the darkside exuding from his person as he neared. I could feel tears well up in my eyes when the reality of the situation hit me. I was about to face a Sith Lord, a man who was once one of the Jedi Order's greatest warriors, and if I lost I would never again see Sacha or gaze upon the face of my unborn child.

I reached into my coat, pulled out my lightsaber and activated it.

Vader stopped a few meters from me. "Your friends have abandoned you." It was more of a statement than a question.

"I came alone," I lied before deciding to take the offensive. I rushed forward brandishing my lightsaber in a deep sweeping arc intent on taking off his head. Vader easily parried and pushed me back with a series of strikes.

"Don't make me kill you Jax Pavan. With training you might make a better Inquisitor than you were a Jedi."

I blocked a downward saber strike. "I'll never be an Inquisitor."

"You cannot win this fight, Jax Pavan. Lay down your weapon and I may spare you."

I scoffed. "Not likely." I brought my blade down in an overhead attack. The Sith brought his saber up in high guard and deflected my strike. I sprung back just in time to avoid his counter attack. I could see the collar of my jacket smoldering where Vader's blade grazed it.

That was close.

I pulled in the Force and steadied myself before I leapt toward swinging my blade toward his midsection. Vader Force jumped backwards and brought his blade up to clash with mine. The Anakin Skywalker I knew would have done a fancy backflip and probably decapitated me in the process, but it was obvious that Darth Vader was no longer as flexible or acrobatic as he was before he found himself in his black suit. I don't know what happened to him, but it reduced his power and abilities. Unfortunately, even with his diminished strength, he was still more powerful in the Force than I would ever be. I had to try another tactic.

I backed away and circled around him with my saber in the guard position. "Anakin, I just want to leave the Jedi behind and live in peace. Why can't you let me do that?"

"That is no longer my name!" He shouted in a booming voice.

"I know, but I can't believe the man I knew, the hero of the Clone Wars, is totally gone. You were the greatest Jedi—the hero with no fear. What happened to you Anakin?"

I could feel his hate roll over me like a dark cloud. "Anakin Skywalker no longer exists!" He moved to strike but was distracted by the sound of a blaster ringing out. I looked over at the direction of fire and my heart sank. Sacha had came back to defend me. She was shooting a steady stream of blaster bolts toward the Sith Lord, but it didn't help. Vader put out his hand and absorbed the blaster energy before he Force-snatched the weapon from her hand. He then made a flick of his wrist and used the Force to propel her against the far wall. She hit the duracrete with a thud before crumbling to the ground. My heart clenched in horror as I feared for her life. I was profoundly relieved when I heard her groan and gasp for breath—at least she was alive.

"Get out of here Sacha!" I attacked the Sith Lord, my blade a blur of strikes, but each one was effortlessly deflected by Vader's red blade.

"You are protective of her," he said in a taunting voice. "You cannot help her. She will simply be another woman you failed to save. Just like Dejah Duare the Zeltron traitor who betrayed you and then was destroyed by her own desires. Or your Twi'lek Grey Paladin friend that perished saving you. Women around you have a habit of dying…painfully. She will suffer the same fate."

I was growing increasingly irate at the Sith Lord's words. He was trying to rill me up and it was working. I was spinning, hitting, parrying, and counter attacking to the best of my ability, but I was never as good as Anakin Skywalker. I knew I was fighting a losing battle.

"Sacha!" I screamed over the the clash of sabers. "Please run!"

"No!' Sacha managed to climb to her feet, reached into her jacket and pulled out her lightsaber. She ignited the blade and limped forward.

"She is brave," Vader remarked. "But foolish."

He extended his free hand toward her and made a grasping motion. When I heard Sacha gasp for breath I realized he was choking her. She dropped her saber and brought her hands up to her neck as she strained to pull air into her lungs.

"No! Stop! I'll do anything if you let her go."

Vader turned his head back to me. "It is too late for bargaining. I will bring you before the Emperor, but first you will watch another woman in your life die."

"Anakin stop! She's pregnant! I know in my heart you can't be so evil to kill a woman with child!" It was a last ditch effort on my part. I wasn't sure if the information Bail Organa told me was true, but I had to do something. I was surprised when he dropped her and pulled his hand back like it was stung. Sacha fell to the floor wheezing and coughing.

Vader turned to me slowly. "Are you the father?"

"Yes." I deactivated my saber in a sign of surrender. "Please, just let her and my son live and I'll go with you peacefully."

He turned his gaze back Sacha. "You have a son."

"Yes." My head dropped. "All we wanted to do was to get out of here and raise our child. We were going to leave everything behind, the rebellion, the Empire, everything…and just be a family. I know I'm going to die today, but please…please let her and my baby go."

Vader regarded Sacha for a long moment. All I could hear was his respirator pumping air into his lungs and the hum of his lightsaber. Eventually he turned to me, his black cape billowing out from the quick movement. I couldn't see his eyes through the dark eye coverings of his mask, but I could feel his cold stare. I didn't move. It appeared he was contemplating my words and I didn't want to disturb his train of thought. I was extremely surprised when he deactivated his lightsaber.

"Jax Pavan…I will give you an opportunity that I refused years ago. Take your woman and go far away. I will no longer seek you out, but if our paths cross again, I will kill you and your family."

He then turned and walked away.

I remember my jaw dropped at what had just transpired. Darth Vader spared me! I ran toward Sacha and slid down on the floor next to her "Are you alright?" I put my hand to her belly and reached out to the growing fetus. I sobbed in relief when I felt my son reached back.

"Yes." Her voice was hoarse and strained as she watched Vader stalking out of the building. "He let us go?"

"Yes." I pulled her arm around my shoulder and helped her to her feet. "We may be able to make our flight if we hurry."

"Then let's hurry." She coughed and then took a few deep breaths. "I don't want to be on the same planet with that man ever again."

"You will get no argument from me. Let's go home."


We arrived to Dathomir a week later and were greeted with hugs and pats on the back. Nobody could believe what had transpired with Darth Vader. I barely believe it myself-and I was there! I think sparing us was probably a way for Darth Vader to make up for killing his wife. He also is living with the belief that he murdered his daughter. Perhaps he wanted to make penitence for his sins and luckily Sacha and I benefited from his guilty conscious. The growing fetus within her womb saved our lives. Now it was time for me to fulfill my promise. I would take my family and disappear.

Magash opted to stay with us until we found a safe place to settle down. She said she might return to her planet to find a mate, but she wasn't sure. Den, Magash, I-Five, Norro, Sacha and I boarded the Laranth and set off to find a world we can live on in peace. I felt guilty for leaving my comrades among the Rangers, but I have a family to take care of.

I guess I am no longer the last Jedi—the Jedi are no more. Perhaps the Jedi Order will rise again…and if they do, I truly hope I live to see it.