I have two other Zelda stories I'm writing. Yet I have decided to write this one as well. I'm such a Zelda nerd!

Link: It could be worse.

Yeah, I suppose. I could be a geek. Nerds are awesome, geeks are weak. See it even rhymes a little… Yeah.

Dark: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Hey! Watch it, you! I could decide not to put you in the story. I'm still debating. What do my fans think, huh?

Dark: Well, either way, I don't really care.

Link: … Jerk.

Dark: Softy.

Now, now, children. Oh, by the way, just like in Sorrowful Loneliness, Link is a werewolf but as well as something else. What can I say, I like the animalistic side of him. Plus, wolves are my favorite animal and I'm good at writing stuff about werewolves and mates, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Anyway, I do not own Zelda. Enjoy! This is an AU!

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the leaves were changing such pretty colors. It would have been nice if it were any other day. Just not today. Any other day, but today. I took a mental note to stop back by this area when I was currently not being pursued by rabid dogs. Even if I wasn't about to be eaten by a bunch of dogs, it wouldn't have been a good day anyway, since the whole reason I was on the run was because of my family. There was a mysterious fire one day while I wasn't home and no one survived. Since I was eighteen, I was legally allowed to live by myself, but I still needed to attend classes and find a place to live. However, this was no time to be thinking of such things.

Sweat dripped down my face, my feet pounding against the sidewalk as I ran. I wasn't about to get mauled by a couple of dogs, so I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. Granted, I was about five-foot-eight, so I had a long stride and was naturally pretty fast. Not faster than dogs, though.

The suitcase in my hand swung back and forth beside me as I ran. It carried all the clothes I had bothered to pack. The satchel strapped to me, however, carried my most valuable belongings. My pencils, colors, paints, a sketchbook, a notebook, and a picture of my family. These were my most treasured objects.

Come on, Raven! Run faster! I told myself, long raven hair whipping behind me. I needed to find a way to escape these dogs. If I could help it, I didn't want to hurt them. My silver eyes darted around, looking for any means of escape. I continued running through the countryside as the road turned more twisted and the trees became more spooky looking.

Now, if this were one of my novels, the heroine would have avoided this kind of route by any means necessary. She would have thought things out rationally. Funny thing is, when you're actually in danger, rational thinking tends to fly from one's thoughts.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I looked over my shoulder anyway. I wanted to see what kind of dogs were chasing me. Like I said, rational thinking out the window. The dogs that pursued me were big, black… Dobermans… crap! I was growing tired and I was pretty sure, I couldn't outrun Dobermans. And just like magic, after looking over my shoulder, I fell to the ground.

Before I could even get up, the Dobermans were on me.. Their paws scratched at my arms as the attacked. I screamed when one of the three latched onto my leg. I slammed my suitcase against its head and swung it around some more to make the others back off. I was up and running again before they could comprehend what happened.

My injured leg burned as I ran. I could feel the blood dripping down my calf, staining my jeans. Blood leaked down my pale arms from being scratched as well. I glanced down when the sound of my footsteps changed to a more hollow sound. Instead of a dirt road, I was running on a bridge that connected the sides of a huge chasm. I silently hoped I'd be safe when I got to wherever I was running to. If not, it'd be a dead end.

My feet met dirt again as I continued running. I could see a large structure coming closer, or I was getting closer to it. No matter. Maybe it was a building. When it became clearer, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. It was a tall wall made of stone. In the middle was a large, iron gate. My relief vanished when I slammed into the gate and shook it. It was locked and it didn't appear as if a building was close enough to the gate for anyone to hear me.

I could hear the dogs getting closer. Making a split second decision, I threw my suitcase and satchel over the wall and climbed into a tree near said wall. Not even a minute after reaching the first branch, the dogs attacked the tree, jumping up in the air to try and get me. I used my good foot to kick at a dog that got too close.

As I climbed the tree, my wounds continued to bleed and I started to get a little dizzy. I couldn't stop, though. There was only a few feet separating me from the dogs. I climbed even higher, finally getting higher up than the wall. Carefully, I walked across a long branch. It was still a good six foot gap from the tree to the wall.

Using all the energy I had, I sprung off the branch like a springboard, and leaped towards the wall. I landed on the very edge of the wall and slipped, falling towards the ground. At the last minute, I flung my arms out and grabbed the wall, the dogs snapping at my feet. I flung my leg over the other side, straddling the wall and stuck my tongue out at the dogs. "Nya, nya!" I teased. Flinging my other leg over the side of the wall, I jumped down and retrieved my bags. I sighed and continued walking to wherever my sore feet would take me.

List of Things to Do:

Treat Wounds

Take a Bath

Pick My Jaw Up Off the Ground

I decided to do the third thing on that list, considering I practically ate dirt when I saw the building in front of me. After walking up a long, freaking path lined with spooky looking trees, crows sitting in just about every branch, I came across what appeared to be a flipping castle. Now I was smart and had seen pictures of castles in text books, so I knew they were huge. This one was so huge, I had to make up a knew word. "It's… it's… humogigundous!" I exclaimed, crossing humungous and gigantic.

The large, gothic structure towered over me with its dark, eerie towers reaching up into the sky. The detail carved into the columns that surrounded the building were so defined it was scary. The castle seemed to jump out the pages from my favorite story, "Beast in the Twilight."

Debating whether or not I should approach the door or just leave, I remembered the dogs at the gate and decided right then and there. Slowly, I approached the door and hoped it wasn't abandoned. I grabbed the big, brass knocker and hit the door three times. The knocker was a wolf head with gleaming eyes with a ring in its jaws. I watched in fascination as the door swung open with no one touching it. Shrugging it off, I grabbed onto my bags and slowly walked in.

I had assumed the force of my knock had caused the door to swing open on its own. That must have been the answer. After all, this place was a mess, so I doubted anyone lived here. There was dust everywhere and cobwebs were attached to whatever they could grab, namely the intricate chandelier hanging above me as I walked into the foyer.

As I took note of my surroundings using the light from the doorway, the door suddenly shut behind me. I jumped and yelped. "I-It was the wind. Yeah. It had to have been," I laughed nervously. I reached for the door, only to find it stuck. "Great," I muttered.

It was dark, really dark, so I dug into my satchel to see if I had my pocket flashlight with me. Luckily for me, I did. My flashlight flickered on, and I let out a silent cheer. Deciding to look around, I made my way up the stairs that began in the foyer and reached all the way to the top floor of the castle. That way if I got chased by some bats or more rabid animals, I could run down and not up and get trapped in a dead end.

After about twenty minutes of searching the top floor (trying to ignore the hushed whispers I swore I heard), I made my way down back into the foyer, the castle too big to explore in one day. I found a loveseat resting up against the wall with a sheet over it so dust didn't get on it. I took it off and sat down on the comfortable piece of furniture. As soon as my butt hit that cushion, I laid down and was out like a light, the whispers in the room lulling me to sleep.

Not too bad.

Dark: For a first chapter.

Shut it! Do you want to be in this story or not?!

Dark: N-No…

Admit it!

Dark: N-No… maybe… yes. (sighs)

Hmph. I knew it! Well, Link, my friend, you mind?

Link: Not at all. Please-

Dark: Rate and review! (runs away)

Link: Hey! Don't steal my thunder! (runs after Dark)

They're at it again?