Lazura: Now originally I wasn't actually thinking of making another KHR oc fanfic...however I kinda wanted a challenge for myself on writing a story with a different pairing.

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR at all except my ocs.

"Target number 1,510 sighted," A muffled voice spoke unto a small mic on an earpiece.

A small figure depicted by the moon's light shown a young girl leering at her prey. Reaching for her rifle strapped to her back, she surveyed the area. Luckily for her there was no one in sight within this ghost town of Italy, except for her and the target.

"Lock," Within seconds a painful scream rang throughout the area,"Mission accomplished. Shade, send the transportation."

"Yes, Aurelia," A man's voice responded from the mic.

Frowning she responded,"I told you, Shade. Call me 'Aura' like you used to when we were kids."

"And get scolded by the commander," The man shuddered through the mic,"No way."

"Good job out there today," A man only a few inches taller than her stepped in under the light.

"It was easy, although comparing today's target to the 1,509 other targets is comparing a mouse to a lion," Aurelia placed a red 'x' on top of a picture. None other than the poor man that died in a heartbeat.

"I see..." Shade gave a smirk, until a buzz came from his ear piece.

"Richter, I have another job for you and Aurelia," It was another man's voice, except he gave off a wave of authority.

"Roger that, commander." Shade gave an inward sigh as he turned off his mic,"Aurelia, you heard the man."

She nodded in response as they both headed back to the headquarters.

I never expected that be my last with my family.

Lazura: Please Review.