Thanks for the feedback. This is the last chapter. I'd like to thank everyone who read, encouraged and helped with this story. Thank you for reading!

Rory left a little earlier than she had planned on Sunday. Lorelai had a surprise call from the Dragonfly and she kissed her daughter apologetically, saying she could stay longer if she wanted.

"I'm going back this evening anyway," Rory told her, smiling to show she wasn't annoyed. "It's fine."

Paul Anka barked in indignation and Lorelai and Rory laughed as he stared at him, shuffling his paws.

"I'll be back soon," Rory told him, rubbing his head. "Don't be mad at me."

"He's never mad at you," Lorelai said. "Not for long, anyway."

"That's because he likes me better."

"Oh, he does not!"

Lorelai walked with Rory to the car, hugging her again before she got in.

"Drive safe," she said. "Call me when you get there."

"You know I will."

"Well, you live in big, fancy New York," Lorelai said, setting her hands on her hips. "How do I know one day you won't forget about your mother and humble roots?"

"Forget this town?" Rory laughed. "Forget you? Impossible, Mom."

"I know," Lorelai said, but her eyes were bright as she spoke. "I love you, sweets."

"I love you too, Mom."

They hugged again and then Rory jumped as she saw Paul Anka had leapt into the driver's seat. She pushed him out, teased Lorelai some more about who he liked better, and finally got in. Rory waved and waved as she drove away and Lorelai waved back. Her mother was smiling and strong, steadfast on the horizon.

Rory took her time driving back. It was a beautiful afternoon and she stopped somewhere outside Connecticut in some countryside. Rory walked slowly around the fields, enjoying the soft sensation of grass under the feet and the slaking flow of the river. She sat down by a tree and as she looked at the rippling water Rory felt serene. She closed her eyes, breathing in the gentle air, and allowed her mind to drift. Her thought wandered over the weekend, Lane, Paris, Doctor Moran and going home again, back to Jess. A small smile lighted Rory's lips and she sat back against the trunk, content. There was no need to hurry, no need to rush. Rory sat still until a large bee buzzed by her ear, making her jump, and finally she went back to the car. The sun was starting to dip behind the horizon and a golden thread of light burned fiercely, leaving a luscious wave of lilac in its wake. Rory admired it until it slowly faded to blue, and, as the sky slipped into night, she got back into her car and drove away.

Jess was already on his way when Rory got back. She gratefully entered the apartment, which looked a little forlorn after its lone spell, and switched on the lights. Rory took a shower and then paced around, impatient, before going to the stereo and inserting a CD. The Pixies were playing when Jess arrived twenty minutes later and, after he kissed her, he paused and said,

"I know this song."

"Of course you do," Rory said, taking some of the groceries he had bought to the counter. "It's the Pixies!"

Jess nodded but he frowned, concentrating, and then his face cleared.

"I know this song," he said again. "It was playing when we bought your mom's record, remember? When you skipped school?"

Rory rested the last of the bags and smiled, shaking her head.

"Yes. I feel weird, sometimes, with this song but I didn't know why."

Jess walked over to the stereo and turned it up. Notes of Monkey Gone to Heaven filled the apartment and as they grinned at each other Rory felt seventeen again, being rebellious without even intending it, with the boy who always understood. As the song finished Jess walked over and took her hips, kissing her, and Rory was brought back to the present. She kissed him back and smiled as he leaned back and asked,

"How was home?"

"Good," Rory said, enjoying the warm feeling which lingered on her lips. "It was great seeing everyone."


Jess disentangled his hands and went over to bags. Rory watched him get the food out and, as he started to chop some mushrooms, she said,

"I went to see Doctor Moran."

"You did?"

"Yeah," Rory said, her lips suddenly dry. "I said I was still feeling a little weird about things. That I don't like people seeing me as someone who used to be married."

"Huh. What did she say?"

Jess's voice was normal but Rory couldn't see his face. She wished he would turn around.

"That it was normal. I might always feel that way, at least a little."

Jess nodded and Rory went over to him.

"What do you think?"

Jess turned and Rory relaxed. His smile was gentle and his eyes were understanding.

"I think she sounds smart," he told her. "I think it's good that you went."

"You do?"

"Don't you?"

"Yes," Rory said, after pausing for a moment. "I do."

Jess smiled back at her and Rory leaned up to kiss him. He kissed her back and as Rory stopped he resumed chopping the vegetables. Rory watched him and then, without realising, started to giggle. Jess stared at her, comically puzzled, and Rory's chuckles grew into laughter. She threw her head back and laughed happily and Jess, grinning himself, asked,

"What? What's so funny?"

"I don't know," Rory said, her giggles fading to gurgles. "I'm just happy. I'm happy, Jess."

Jess put his knife down and put his arms around her waist. If he was confused by this answer he didn't say so and instead kissed her on the lips, pressing his chest to hers.

"I'm happy too" he said. "I'm happy you're happy."

Rory leaned up to kiss him again, putting her hand in the small of his back.

"I love you," she said, when she moved her mouth from his. "I love you so much, Jess."

"I love you, Rory," Jess said, sounding almost shy. "I'm glad you're back."

Rory didn't know if he meant simply from Connecticut or from something more, but didn't ask. She didn't mind. Instead she kissed him again, and again, and Jess groaned as she ran her hands under his shirt and hardened between her legs. Dinner forgotten, they stumbled into the bedroom, hastily removing clothes and made love loudly, crying out as they came.

Strains of the CD reached Rory's ears as she lay back, panting, and it made her giggle guiltily. Jess looked at her quizzically and he asked,

"What is it?"

"I don't know," Rory said. "I feel like I'm seventeen again."

"Because of the music?"

"The music," Rory agreed, "and other stuff. I don't know."

"I think Lorelai would have done more than shoot darts at my picture if we'd done this at seventeen."

That made Rory laugh out loud. She leaned over on her elbow and said,

"You know I was far too good for that."

"I don't know," Jess said, tucking some hair over her shoulder. "You skipped school and everything, it so wasn't you. You weren't so good."

Rory looked at him and he grinned to show he was kidding.

"You were too good for that," he added, "but not so good. You could be rebellious."

Rory shrugged, making the hair rise and fall.

"It didn't feel rebellious," she said. "It just felt like something I should do."

"I'm glad you did it," Jess said seriously. Rory leaned up to kiss him and the CD stopped, making them jump as it clicked. Jess sat up and said,

"How about some dinner? Shame to let all that hard work go to waste."

"Hard work?" Rory teased, reaching for her clothes. "You mean chopping the mushrooms?"

"Hey, it's a skill. I don't see you volunteering."

"That's because you do it better," Rory said cajolingly. "You have a talent!"

"Pathetic," Jess said, kissing her cheek to show he didn't mind. "You're lucky I like to cook."

"I am, huh?"

"Yes, you are."

They grinned at each other as they dressed. They went to wash and then Jess went back to cutting the vegetables, which were starting to get a soggy look. Rory waited until he'd tipped them into a pan, hissing with heat, before walking over and hugging him from behind.

"I'm glad I'm back," she said happily. Jess turned around and said,

"I'm glad too. I missed you."

"I missed you," Rory said. "I missed here. I love Stars Hollow but I'm not sorry I moved away. It felt weird being back there."

"Because of being near where you lived with Logan?"

"That," Rory agreed, her arms still around him, "and because it's where I grew up. It was like being a teenager again, only I wasn't. I'm not. And sometimes I felt like I was, in a weird way. It didn't feel good. I mean, I love Mom and I was so grateful to be able to stay with her but it shouldn't have been forever."

"You knew that."

"Yeah, but I didn't know how long it would last," Rory mused. "It's good being back here. I like going home knowing it's not my only home. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," Jess said quietly, "it does. I didn't have a home like you did but I get it."


"Yes. I do."

He kissed the top of her head and they both started as the saucepan steamed. Jess turned back round and hastily turned down the gas, stirring the mixture with a spoon.

"Go relax," he said over his shoulder. "I got this."


"I'll call you when it's done."

Rory went over to the couch and curled up on it. She switched on the television but after flicking through there was nothing she wanted to see and she turned it off. She switched on the lamp beside her, picking up a novel on the coffee table, but after leafing through a few pages her eyes flickered and her hand drooped. Rory couldn't concentrate but it wasn't the heavy, foggy feeling before where she felt unable to read the pages. It was instead a warm, pleasant tiredness and she let the book fall in her lap, closed her eyes and opened them only a little while later when Jess was gently shaking her shoulder to tell her dinner was done.

Rory and Jess went to bed early after watching an old movie on television, making love again, more slowly than before. Jess eased off her shirt, gently running his hands over her skin and making her shiver. Rory lay back on the bed as he pulled off her pants before helping Jess take off his own clothes, discarding them with hers on the floor beside them. He kissed her and kissed her, making her breath shorter and her heart race and she was ready long before he moved his hand between her legs and slipping his fingers inside her. Rory moved against them and suddenly, without thinking about it, pushed Jess onto his back and sat astride him, closing her eyes and anchoring him to the bed. Jess gasped and groaned and satisfaction, cupping her breasts with his hands, and Rory soon felt him come inside her, a fierce rush inside. She sighed happily and as Jess stroked her nipples Rory felt herself come too and she slowly sank down onto him where he kissed her cheek, brushing her damp hair back from her face. Rory slid off him and lay beside him, pressing her body close to his hips, and Jess pulled the quilt over them before looking into her eyes.

"I love you," Rory said and he smiled, his eyes golden.

"I love you as well. Are you okay? Are you warm enough?"

"I'm fine. I'm perfect."

Jess moved the quilt further up anyway and Rory snuggled against his shoulder. She closed her eyes, intending only to do so for a moment, and then fell into a deep sleep, filled with forgotten dreams.

Rory woke in the same position the next morning. A glance at the clock showed it was very early, long before either had to go to work, and the sun was only just making its presence in the sky. Jess was still fast asleep, almost with a smile on his face, and Rory carefully extracted herself from the bed. He didn't wake up and Rory carefully bent down to retrieve their clothes, which were tangled together in a friendly way on the floor. Jess didn't stir.

Rory grabbed a towel and went to the shower. She quickly washed and dressed, tiptoeing back into the bedroom for her purse. Jess was still sound asleep and Rory crept out into the kitchen, grabbing her jacket. She hastily wrote Jess a note and then slowly let herself out of the apartment and into the city.

It was very quiet at this time of morning. The air felt fresh and Rory breathed in deep lungfuls as she walked out onto the street. She wasn't really sure why she was out so early, she could have happily stayed in the bed, yet the early light of morning enticed her and pulled her out. Rory wanted to be outside, and alone, and she walked slowly out of the neighbourhood and made her way over the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge was often filled with tourists but at that time it was almost deserted and Rory started to walk. She had planned on doing so ever since she had moved to New York yet had somehow never come here. She had wanted to do it by herself and Rory walked purposefully over, the light of the day gradually filling the air.

Rory walked all the way over and stopped, staring at the water below. As she had yesterday, on her stop back, Rory let her mind wander and she lost herself in her thoughts. She took herself back to the cramped apartment in California, where it felt she would never leave, and she'd seen herself as a young wife growing old, clinging to Logan like a creeper to a house. That was how she had seen herself and yet, Rory admitted, she had not really clung at all. She had wanted to follow him forever but the journey had become a trial and he was the house she was straining to be free from, the fruit turned bitter. Would anything had changed if Logan hadn't got the job in Hartford? A cold feeling washed through Rory as she saw herself still there, knocking around like a toy in a forgotten dollshouse. Yet, he had. She had left. She had found the key to the door.

Rory blinked and let the memories swim back into the past. A lot of people, herself included, were inclined to say she was not that woman anymore. But she was, Rory thought, staring down at the water. She was that woman, she would always be her, and she was also the woman who'd made a new life. She could accept the past, she had the future, and the present itself was a gift. It was too far to see her reflection but Rory felt she could see herself smiling, all the same. The sun had risen fully now and more people were arriving. It was time to go back, time to see Jess and time to start the day. Rory turned back around and was dazzled by the sudden, blinding clearness of the sun. It was a beautiful day.