"You're kidding me?" Karkat scoffed.

Terezi crossed her arms, "I know how to take care of a stupid cat."

Karkat turned to her, his face wearing his signature scowl. "You're blind and you want to take care of a cat. The size of a fucking phone. You'd probably step on him in the morning," he continued, "One day you'll wake up and go to put on your dumb fuzzy slippers. Oh! But wait, those aren't your fuzzy slippers it's the little nook sniffer taking a nap! You step on the douche bag killing him! Now you have a dead kitten laying in your slipper." Karkat's long explanation of why Terezi shouldn't keep the kitten had lost her attention and she was now on her knees petting the baby.

"I don't see why you're getting to worked up, he's adorable." Her hands gently stroked the kitten's black, wet fur.

"I've seen cuter," Karkat argued.

Terezi pouted. "Why do you hate Sir Licorice Paws?"

Karkat moved closer to her side and bent down to sit next to Terezi. "What kind of idiotic name is that?"

"It's a cute name," Terezi answered in a clipped tone, "I bet you hate him just because you're jealous."

"Why would I be jealous of the little dip shit?" Karkat defended.

"Just cause you're stupid like that," Terezi smiled, propping her head on her palm.

"Do you even have food for Sir Fuckass?" he changed subject.

"He likes the tuna," she said lazily, "Can't he eat that?"

Karkat stood up, "I don't know. I've never had a cat before."

"Then lets go shopping for him now," Terezi suggested.

"Why the hell should I be dragged along?" he wore the best disgusted face he had.

"Cause I can't drive," Terezi stated the obvious. She grabbed Karkat's arms and pulled herself up.

"What makes you think I'd want to act as your goddamn taxi driver?" He scorned.

"Fine," she flicked her hands out, "I'll go and drive myself there."

"You'll fucking kill yourself!" Karkat argued.

"The pet store isn't that far away," she continued.

"Just," he swiped his keys from the table he dropped them on and grabbed Terezi's arm, "Lets go."

"I knew you couldn't let me kill myself," Terezi giggled, baring her sharp teeth.

"Shut up," Karkat groaned, "Let's get this over with."


"What the everliving fuck could be so fucking important that we had to drop everything and pay attention to a single fuckable thing?"

"Sir Licorice Paws," Terezi said.

"What about the furry asshole?"

"We can't leave him alone."

Karkat crooked his head, "Why the hell not?"

"What if he gets lonely?"

Karkat shook his head with an unmistakeable anger. "Bring the little asshole then!" he shouted.

Terezi soon scooped him up in her arms and slipped on some shoes.

"Ready." She flashed another toothy smile.

Both Karkat and Terezi arrived at the pet store in record time, considering the kitten wandered out of Terezi's arms and got lost in the car. In the end, they found Licorice Paws napping at Karkat's feet.

"Fuck, I'm tired," Karkat complained.

"Suck it up. I'm tired too," Terezi agreed.

"Isn't it weird that he hasn't meowed at least once during all this?" Karkat asked.

Terezi simply shrugged.

Inside the store, they stared in awe at the sight of so many animal products. "Where the hell do we start?" he asked.

Terezi only continued sniffing the air.

"Cat food," she pointed to her right side.

They stood in front of the walls lined up with various brands of cat food.

"So which one do we get?" Karkat asked.

"Hmm," Terezi hummed. Then she lifted her arm and pointed to a bag slightly to her left.

"That one?" Karkat asked. Terezi nodded. With that he lifted the heavy bag and turned back to her.

"What else?" Terezi asked Karkat.

"Don't know, how about litter?" he suggested.

"Ugh, cats are expensive," Terezi complained.

"I can help pay, if you want," Karkat volunteered.

"No worries Karkat, I have like 30 bucks," Terezi comforted Karkat.

"Yeah you need this," he mumbled. I have some money I can spare. I hope.

After the 2 found litter, litter box, little kitty brush, bowls, and even a little bed, they walked over to the collars.

"Terezi why are we at the collars?"

"I don't know. Think Licorice needs one?"

"He's a cat, I'm no goddamn expert but I'm pretty sure they don't use collars."

A small smirk crossed Terezi's face. "Maybe we should get one for you," she teased lightly. Karkat was taken aback by her suggestion.

"You're a fucking idiot," he muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

Terezi chucked gently. "Now which color shall it be? Red or Red?"

"I'm not paying for that."

"But you'll pay me back later with it."

With their shopping done they checked out and started on their way to her apartment.

"Would Sir Karkat grace me with his help in setting up this cat stuff?"

"Like you could do it on your own."

"Thanks," Terezi said.

"It's nothing," Karkat sputtered.

I swear the pairing parts will come in soon. Also sorry I haven't updated in like 5 months? Oopsies. I didn't think anyone was reading this. But I swear I was working on this, I actually had this chapter all typed up but forgot to post it. You guys are great though 3 Reviews welcome