AN: This is my first fanfic EVER, so please go easy on me! However, reviews and suggestions are highly encouraged! :) Thank you for reading! :)

I don't know why I did it. Any of it. It was a really dumb decision, and I get that now, but I guess I don't really regret it. I mean, at least I ended up here with...ugh, I can't even say it...Loki.

This is so stupid. I just want to go home, but no. You're probably wondering what I'm on about.

I'm Shayne. And yes, I am a girl, or, young woman. I'm 21, so there. I'm not from Asgard. I'm from Midguard, or, Earth, as I like to call it. Kansas, to be more specific. I'm sassy, unapologetic, yet silent when need be. So how did I get entangled with the god of mischief? Well now, here's a story for the books.

I'd been doing some work for SHIELD, you know, just a part of the team. I wasn't a huge part; all I did was watch the security cameras for the prison cells. I mean, there were so many others assigned to guard cells, that I wondered if they even needed me.

But then it happened. Loki, Thor's brother, caused some chaos, and everyone was called to keep a careful eye on him. Suddenly my not so exciting job became pretty cool. I mean, he was considered a high profile criminal. And I got to help guard him? Sweet!

He didn't do much. Some days he'd sit with his back against one of the glass walls, and other days he'd just be reading. All in all, he really wasn't a problem. Which, kind of annoyed me considering my job was already boring, and now the god of mischief won't even do anything, I don't know, mischievous? Lame.

Things went on like that for about 2 weeks before it happened.

It had already been a really annoying morning. I mean, I woke up late, so when I went in for my shift, Brian, the guy who had been watching the cameras on the shift before mine, was needless to say pissed. I had showered in a record time of 5 minutes, and had scarfed down a protein bar on the way to save time, but it didn't keep him from reprimanding me.

"You're late. Again."

"I know, I'm sorry!" I said. In about a split second I had already taken over his place at the cameras and clocked in.

Brian just rolled his eyes at me. "You keep this up, and you'll be out on your ass so quick, you won't even have time to beg for mercy."

"Okay. Duly noted." I said in an embarrassed yet professional tone. Honestly, I was just trying to get him off my back. He wasn't my boss.

Brian growled at me a little as he grabbed his stuff and left. I let out a breath I had been holding in as soon as he was out of the tiny room. "Asshole" I mumbled to myself. I glanced over my shoulder again just to be absolutely positive he was out of ear shot. He was. I forgot to double check that he couldn't hear me one day before calling him a name, and let's just say he made it more of an issue than it needed to be. So ever since that day, I've made sure Brian was well gone before insulting him.

I turned back to the screens to make sure all was normal. My eyes began to pan over the screens before I noticed something wasn't quite right.
And then it hit me. Loki's cell was empty. In a panic, I began to click through all the cameras that were in his cell, but there was no sign of him.

'Ohhhhh shit,' I thought to myself.

I quickly grabbed my keys to security room, ran out, and locked the door before proceeding down the hallway. The halls were empty, and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I turned left on my heels and opened the heavy titanium door that led into the giant room which contained Loki's octagon shaped glass cell. I ran down the metal stairs and marched towards the cell. Something wasn't right. Where did he go?

I stood there with my arms crossed, observing the cage and trying to find logical explanations to this mystery. I became lost in my own thoughts for a few moments before I felt a slight rush of cool air on my neck, making all the hairs on my nape stand up straight.
I didn't dare turn around. I had a pretty good idea of what I'd find if I did, and honestly, I was slightly scared shitless.

'Stay calm,' I thought as I slowly worked up the courage to turn around. I turned on my heels only to find nothing. I let out a laugh as relief came over me. I was probably just imagining things. I turned back around to look at the cage again and let out a scream as piercing greenish blue eyes were staring into mine. I immediately stumbled backwards a few steps. He smiled a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

With his hands voluntarily held behind his back, he just stood there continuing to smile and stare. What was he doing? Was he reading my thoughts? I noticed he was taller than I am, and looked down on me a little. But, then again, I'm only 5'5".

Despite his initially startling appearance, the more I looked at him, the less scared I became, and the more I began to realize how handsome he really was. And because any sort of close proximity with attractive guys make me nervous, I instantly had to blush and break eye contact.

He may have noticed because I heard him chuckle a little. I looked up and saw his spine chilling smile become more of an untrustworthy smirk. Well that made my stomach flip around a few times. I was oddly attracted to him, but at the same time I knew I needed to call for help and get him back in that cage.

His smirk grew. Oh crap, he was reading my thoughts. He slowly looked me up and down before his eyes softened a bit and I blushed even more.

"Scared?" He purred.

I swallowed before saying in a less than confident voice, "No. Should I be?"

He smiled and said, "You tell me."

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked innocently.

He smirked again and said, "No, but I do believe I have plans for you."

My heart skipped a beat. What the hell did that mean? He smiled again knowingly before taking time to slowly circle around me, his eyes examining my every curve. That creeped me out just slightly. I never got this kind of attention from guys, ever. I assumed he was just trying to charm me into lowering my guard so I'd help him with some evil plan, and after I was no longer useful, I'd be dead. So, I stood tall and with my head to the sky, hopefully showing him how much will power I had. Will power against what, exactly? I had no idea. But I had it, and damn it, he would know it.

After circling around me once, he stopped in the place where he had previously stood, looking down at me, obviously planning something. I shifted my body to a position where my legs were slightly apart, and my arms were crossed, causing me to feel a bit more confident and appear as if I were in control. I locked eyes with him, hoping I'd intimidate him into either telling me his plans, or at least cause him to leave me alone. Despite my initial fears, I remembered that technically, in these circumstances, I had more power than he did.

S.H.I.E.L.D had stripped Loki of his magic before detaining him, so I knew we were on even grounds. He brought a hand up to stroke his chin as he continued thinking, completely unfazed by my attempt at an intimidation stare. His eyes were not unkind, however. It looked almost as if he recognized me, and were trying to place me. Or maybe I reminded him of someone. He stared for a few more seconds before snapping out of his train of thought and said, "You're coming with me."

Before I even had a chance to say no, he grabbed my left forearm and pulled me alongside him. When we came to the set of titanium doors that led to the main hallways, he grabbed my right hand with his left, and proceeded to, not as forcefully as I thought he would, shove my thumb into the fingerprint scanner. He became frustrated when the doors gave no reaction. "You are a member of S.H.I.E.L.D, are you not?" He asked in an annoyed fashion, shooting a look my way.

"Well, yeah, but I don't have that high of a security clearance." I responded, feeling a little embarrassed as I realized how menial my position was compared to what I wanted to be. I had applied for this position as a security camera guard in hopes that I could eventually work my way up to be an agent. However, because of my more feminine, delicate physique, no one would even give me the time of day. Which, sucked, because despite my looks, I was actually quite fit and I began training in martial arts when I was only 7 years old. I was quite good too, if I do say so myself. I should be, though. My father is on the most wanted list by the FBI for being one of the most deadly assassins in the world. He's also one of the most crafty, and hard to find people as well. I should know. I'd only spent half of my life trying to track down the damn man after he abandoned my mother and I when I was 10. Unfortunately, my mother became terminally ill later that same year, and after I lost her, I ended up moving to NYC to live with my Aunt Kelly, and my mom's younger sister by a few years, from then until now.

She was actually a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent herself, and when she realized I possessed potential and talent, she took me under her wing and continued the training my father had begun. She was the one who heard about the opening for a security camera guard, giving me an in to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Anyways, I hadn't noticed until a few seconds later that Loki's face was locked in a shocked expression as he stared at me, complete with one eyebrow raised clear to the skies and heavens above.

He squeezed my bicep and said, "Really? You could've fooled me."

This of course, made me blush and squirm a little. I wasn't good with compliments, and as I mentioned before, he was quite handsome, so of course my heart skipped a beat while I began to blush. It took me a few seconds to break eye contact with him before realizing that I hadn't responded, but had only been staring. He had been staring into my eyes as well, his eyes narrowing a bit in a pensive fashion, and his eyebrows burrowing as if he were trying to place me again. My stomach began to twist uncomfortably. I looked towards the ground, still blushing, and brushed a few strands of loose wavy curls behind my right ear with my right hand. He made me a little nervous, but not completely uncomfortable. I didn't know what it was about him that seemed so familiar. I mean, of course, everyone knew who Loki was. Especially after all that had happened after New York, Germany, and his battle with the Avengers. Who wouldn't know who he was? But either way, I just couldn't shake the feeling that I already knew him somehow, and I couldn't put my finger on how.

I suppose I had become lost in my own thoughts for a little too long again as I realized he had already stopped looking at me, and had begun to look around for another solution to this problem. He looked over my head and spotted the security guard he had already knocked unconscious earlier, and with his hand still on my arm, we walked over to the body that was sprawled out on the floor.

"Help me pick him up," he quickly demanded. His semi-harsh tone snapped me out of the trace I had been in, and brought me back to the full reality of the situation. Well, so much for that almost moment I thought we were having. I hesitated for a moment before I helped him lift one side of the man off of the ground, place one of his limp arms around my shoulders, and drag/carry him over to the fingerprint scanner.

"Open the doors." He commanded again.

'Geez, learn some manners, dude.' I thought as I gave him a quick annoyed glare before fulfilling his request.

The doors then made an unpleasant buzzing sound, not unlike one you'd hear at a basketball game, clicked loudly, and then let out a hissing sound as they slowly moved open on their own. Loki then let go of his side of the man, leaving me struggling (and failing) to hold the full weight of an unconscious man that probably weighed twice as much as I did. I let him down as gently as possible until he was lying back on the ground. As soon as the man seemed secure in his position, Loki immediately grabbed my left forearm again with his right hand, and we began to move through the doors, and into the impossibly metal covered hallway. Considering the amount of bulletproof metal they used to coat the walls, I felt as if I were in the world's largest air vent. Our steps echoed loudly and unpleasantly in this tin can for a hallway, causing me to squirm in agitation. The more I squirmed, however, the tighter his grip was on my arm. I glared at him a bit out of the corner of my eye each time he tightened his grip.

I began to think about a few weeks prior to this when I had been wishing for Loki to do something interesting or mischievous so that I wouldn't be so bored. Yeah, this was not what I meant by that. We walked along this hallway that seemed to continue on forever for a minute or so longer until we reached a T, and without missing a beat or any hesitance, Loki pulled me to the left. I stumbled to catch up with his stride a bit, as the sudden turn caught me off guard.

Finally, deciding I'd had enough of being pulled around like a weightless rag doll, I spoke up.

"Um, excuse me, but could you at least tell me where we're going?" I caught a lump in my throat as I looked towards his face, hoping and yet dreading his response. He snapped a quick glare in my direction, causing me to swallow. Hard. His eyes shot back forward, causing anxiousness to rise within me.

"It would do you well not to ask questions." He did not even miss a step or slow down while answering. Becoming more anxious and frustrated by his response, I snapped at him.

"Are you serious? You're not even going to tell me where you're taking me? Look, if you have the nerve to kidnap someone, you better damn well give them an answer when asked-"

In an instant, I felt his grip on my arm tighten painfully, abruptly stopping the both of us in our tracks, and turning me forcefully to face him. He huffed out a small growl before speaking.

"I do believe I told you to stop talking, did I not? Your insolence will not go unpunished, mortal."

In these circumstances, any normal person would have agreed sheepishly and done as they're told. And then there was me. I could at times be a real spit fire, and, well, this just happened to be one of those times.

"Listen-" I held in a strained moan as his grip tightened, causing the pain to become almost unbearable. "You….you have no right-agh!- to talk to me….l-like….that." I managed to release my strained words as I felt myself becoming immobilized from pain. Never in all my training, in my entire life rather, had I ever felt such a force of pain that I was unable to move. He had god-like power, indeed.

"What was that? It almost sounded as if you were attempting to defy me," I thought I saw a smirk cross his face for a moment, "How very foolish of you. No more speaking. Let's go." Nope, never mind. Instead, he gave a cold, unfeeling glare before continuing at the pace we were walking at a few moments before, almost knocking me off balance. I tripped slightly at the sudden and harsh movements, but quickly maintained my composure as I managed to match and maintain his stride. This was no simple task, either. I had to practically run at times just so that I didn't end up being drug along like a dog on a leash.

'Damn it, he's strong!' I thought at as I gritted my teeth through the mind-numbing pain

I needed to think of a plan, and fast. More than likely, he'd kill me once my purpose was finished, and although I hadn't always been a fan of the hand I'd been dealt, I quite liked being, oh, I don't know, alive!

'But I can be equally as strong,' I smirked to myself as it dawned on me. Although I was merely a security guard, I was equipped with a suit much like an agent's. Now, I did not pack heat quite like an agent would, but I did possess a small Taser gun, handcuffs, and a communication device. I was quite sure at this point he did not possess the magic to read my thoughts, only to read my facial expressions, which, anyone could do. So, I decided as long as I maintained a tough, emotionless expression, I could quickly sneak my hand down and tase him before we got any further.

I began to sneakily reach down for my gun.

'Just a bit further…..almost there…..' I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye to make sure he hadn't noticed my actions. He continued to face forward, still marching on with the same calmed yet stern expression on his face.

'Ok, almost got it…there it is!' I fought to maintain a calmed heartbeat as I began to slowly pull my gun from its holster. I had just about freed it when Loki saw me from the corner of his eye, and before I knew it, I had been slammed into the wall, his right hand still gripping my left forearm, and his left hand firmly gripping my right wrist. My expression had gone from defiant and determined to startled and shocked.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" He asked in a dark, low tone.

"N-nothing." I glanced down at my Taser gun, wishing I hadn't delayed in my actions.

'Ok, new plan.' He stared into my eyes, trying to force intimidation upon me as he also searched my face for answers.

I reached for my handcuffs, with my somewhat freed arm, and quickly freed them from their holster. Before I could make my next move, he had spun my body around, and I had been pressed into fully and forcefully against the wall. He had managed to tightly bind my left wrist with the cuff, as I struggled beneath his grip. The more I squirmed, the tighter he gripped, and the harder I fought back.

'Almost there! Don't give in…keep fighting!' Click. Before I knew it, the other cuff had been latched, but not onto my other wrist. I slowly turned around at the realization, and saw that I had indeed handcuffed myself to Loki. He struggled as he tried to free his right wrist from the cuff forcefully, jiggling my arm in the process.

He growled again. "What have you done!?" He practically screamed in my face. I winced slightly at the harshness of his tone.

"I-I didn't mean to, I swear!" I stood there a bit dumbfound, but also a bit unsure of what to do next.

Uh oh.