Galaxy Spoiler- every team Inazuma Japan played during the FFI V2 were aliens, but where did the real players of each Country's representative go? This story revolves around Rolan Lazerev, a midfielder from Uzbekistan's Representative team Storm Wolf and his friend, Yuri Averin, the same team's defender. This fanfic is a side to my Players of the Other World one, so some events would be unable to occur in actual story line.


"Wake up, wake up! Rolan, its morning already!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see my friend Yuri next to my bed clashing pots to make noise. His silver hair had already been tied in a neat braid, so I assumed he was awake for a while.

I was still tired and not ready to get up, so I rolled over to face away from Yuri and pulled the covers over myself once more.

"Rolan!" Yuri growled loudly, "Have you forgotten what day, today is!?"

Today? I started to think hard. Remembering what it was, I quickly sat up. Not realizing Yuri was right there, I accidently head-butted him.

We both sat, holding our foreheads in pain for a second.

"Representative... Team...!" I finally managed to say.

Yuri nodded still holding his head.

I quickly got out of bed to get dressed into the team jersey and uniform. Yes, Yuuri and I were chosen as Uzbekistan's Representative Soccer Team.

"Is Zaul coming with us?" I asked as I set my hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

"He'll be coming here soon." Yuri mumbled.

Yuri Averin is my best friend. He is actually quite new to soccer, but his natural talent got him into the Representative Team. Ah, our team, Uzbekistan's team name is Storm Wolf, quite cool, huh?

"Okay, let's get going!" I grinned as I grabbed my belongings. We have a small training facility made just for our team prepared and we would be staying at the dorms there.

I bid my farewells to my family before leaving. As we got out, sure enough, Zaul was waiting.

His tanned skin contrasting his long lavendar mist hair. Like usual, his left eye was hidden behind his bangs.

"Rolan, were you sleeping in again? On an important day like this?" Zaul snorted.

"That's our Rolan-kun!" Yuri chuckled.

Zaul Merev, position forward. He's the tallest of us three and I look up to him as a soccer player. Unlike Yuri and I, he was part of Storm Wolf last year as well. However one thing I couldn't understand about him... his obsession for tarot cards.

"Today I got the Wheel of Fortune... I feel a life changing event about to occur today." He grinned. Depending on what comes up, Zaul changes his daily schedule.

The three of us hung out together since we attended the same school. I was really glad they were able to be part of Storm Wolf along with them.

"L-let's just get going already..." I mumbled as I started to walk ahead.

Now that I think about it, this day, today was probably the first time Zaul's fortune... Was correct.

"Oh, Zaul! You finally decided to show up." A green haired, arrogant looking boy sneered. His hair style reminded me of a cabbage roll and glancing at Yuri it was evident that I wasn't the only one thinking this.

"Ruslan, long time no see." Zaul grinned.

Ruslan moved his eyes to us, "So these two are the new additions?"

"Rolan Lazerev!" I yell.

"Yuri Averin!"

"I'm this team's game maker, I have scanned through you two's data. I have high hopes for you."

"Um... Okay...?" I frowned.

Looking beyond, it seemed the other members of Storm Wolf had already arrived. I've seen their faces at least when the Representatives were chosen; exactly 11 players were chosen.

"Everyone! Gather here!" Our coach yells and we stand on the line before him. "I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with each other, but please introduce yourselves for the two newcomers. Dmitri, you may start."

The tall long white haired boy nodded. He had sharp beast-like eyes and a fang like tooth was visible from his mouth. A blue captain's band was wrapped around his arm.

"Dmitri Sobirov, position forward."

Next to him the team's goalkeeper introduced himself. His eyes were shut and he wore a bandanna on his head. "Alexei Karnov." He simply stated.

"Sergei Chernov, defender." A muscular boy grunted. He had a small beard making him look older.

The next boy flung his long red-purple hair, probably to show it off, "Micha Eremin, also defender." He laughed.

"Stop doing that! You know I hate it!" A blond haired, tall, muscular boy sighed.

"You're just jealous Maxim, like everyone else." Micha smiled as he combed his own hair with his fingers.

"Hmf. I'm Maxim Adrov, a forward." The blond grunted.

Next the cabbage roll head introduced himself, a midfielder. He seemed close to the Micha boy.

"Aaron Gachinsky, also midfielder" another muscular guy announced. He had dirty blond hair with long side burns. No matter how many times I looked, his eyebrows were definitely connected to his hair. Strange style...

The large guy with purple hair introduced himself, "Gennady Golbakh, defender."

Next was Zaul, he calmly introduced himself though everyone knew who he was. Yuuri was also very calm. I started to feel nervous when I realized I was next.

"Uh... I-I'm Rolan Lazerev! Position i-is midfielder!" I blurted. I bet my face was bright red; I wasn't particularly good at introductions and Yuri giggled slightly as I spoke.

"I am this team's coach, Nikoray Gagaray. Call me Coach Gagaray." His glasses prevented me from seeing his eyes, but he seemed slightly grumpy for some reason. "Okay so we'll start with a mock game to see how the team works together..."

"Rolan-kun!" Turning to the unfamiliar voice, Micha suddenly came up from behind and wrapped his arms around me, "Um... what are you doing...?" I stuttered.

I could feel him sniffing my hair, "Mmm... Nice... but my hair is still better!" He sighed.

"Can you let go of me...?" I asked as calmly as I could.

Micha either didn't hear or ignored me, "I just love you cute first years! Your friend Yuri-kun's hair looks so silky too..."

"Hey, Micha! I want to talk to you for a bit." The cabbage head called.

"Fine, Ruslan..." The long-haired boy pouted as he finally released me.

"Phew..." I sighed. People are really strange. I have to be careful.

I then noticed Yuuri walk up, "Rolan! Did you see which room you're in? It looks like we're roommates!"

"Great!" I started, but then Yuri added,

"With Micha and Ruslan."

I unconsciously let out a deep sigh. Yuri tilted his head to the side, "what's the matter?" He asked innocently.

"Nothing... Nothing at all..." I thought this was going to be the worst thing that would happen during the FFI V2, but I was wrong. The there was an even bigger problem happening within the tournament.

"Silk Road!" I use my hissatsu to dribble past Sergei and kicked the ball towards the net. Alexei caught it easily.

"Nice shoot, Rolan!" He complemented.

I nodded a quick thank-you before running back to start the drill again. We have been practicing for almost a week and our first game of the tournament was tomorrow. Our opponents were Laos representative team, Crescent Warriors. Since its the first match, we don't have that much information in them.

"Rolling Cutter!" Yuri used our team's trademark combination hissatsu to stop our captain Dmitri from advancing.

"You're getting better, Yuri!" Micha said patting his head.

"Thank-you!" The silver haired boy smiled.

"Focus, Rolan!"

I quickly bring my attention back to my practice, "Yes, sir!" I yelled as I started to dribble the ball up again.

After the long day of practice, I took a quick shower and was drying my hair. Yawning I started to head back to my room. It was strangely quiet in the dorms hallways making me feel uneasy. As I reached for the doorknob and started to turn it, someone yelled from the other side.


Yuri!? Instead of listening, I immediately opened it, "Yuri, what ha..!?"

I saw that Yuri was pinned to the ground by an all silver skinned creature. It had irregularly large eyes and a blank expression. A small amount of blood trickled down from its mouth. An... Alien?

"Rolan! RUN!" Yuri managed to yell before the alien used some kind of hypnosis technique to make my friend lose consciousness.

"Yuri!" Before I could go towards him, another, identical creature suddenly came in between and pushed me down. It held me and limited my movements.

Taking out a knife, the alien proceeded to slowly cut a horizontal line on the palm of my hand. I screamed in pain, but that didn't stop it from continuing. Blood oozed from the wound. The alien leaned over and licked the wound it just inflicted. A cold shiver ran down my spine.

The alien formed, what I think was, a smile, "Rolan... Lazerev..." The alien suddenly changed appearance until it looked identical to me. It examined its own arm as if admiring its work. Behind it Yuri, no, the alien which transformed into Yuri looked down at me.

"We are Storm Wolf, Uzbekistan's Representative team. You are not needed any longer, Rolan Lazerev..." The alien gently placed his finger over my forehead and I could feel my consciousness fade. Everything blacked out.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please review and tell me what you think. THANKS!