This is it. This is my last year here. Let's make it a good one. I tried to flood my mind with positive thoughts as I walked through the double doors of my high school, a senior. Upperclassmen. Just four years ago, I was a little shrimp of a freshman. And now my class was going to rule the school. They used to tease me about my glasses, but I learned to love my spectacles. Without them, life was a blur if I wasn't squinting. Pushing them up against the bridge of my nose and double-checking my schedule, my eyes met that dreaded word. English. Some people are bookworms and love those dead guys like Shakespeare and Poe, but not me. Analyze quote one and compare it to quote two. Nah, I think I'll pass on that one. My favorite subject was history, obviously.

Choosing an outfit for the first day wasn't really a big deal. My trusty leather coat still fit me. Over the years, it had acquired numerous oddities that I'd put on it. Things like the American flag and goofy little stars were among them. I lazily slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and converse, and that was that. Did I really need anything for the first day? I think not. Summer had taken it's toll on me. Besides pigging out on hamburgers and fries, I became a pretty lazy guy. After all, I was a senior now. I was more than a hundred percent sure that senioritis was going to hit me hard this year. Usually, I managed to get B's and sometimes an A if I was lucky.

Making my way over to the room where I'd be tortured for another entire year of Homer and Dickens, I strutted into the classroom. Damn. Too early. Of course, there was no one in the room but the teacher. Prepare for awkwardness. To my dismay, it was an old guy who I didn't recognize. I was expecting a hot babe this year. Guess my expectations were too high, because this old guy looked nothing like Megan Fox. "Morning, how are you today?" He asked politely. "Pretty good so far. What's your name?" I greeted him, taking a seat in the back of the class. "Mr. Baldwin. And you are?" Had I not been wise enough, I would've burst out into laughter. I bit my lip to prevent it from happening. His name made a lot of sense, because he was going bald! Ha!

"U-Uhh.. Alfred Jones.." I smiled. "Yep. You're on the list. Hmm, looks like your class is small this year." Yeah, it makes sense. No one wants to take English in the twelfth grade. I nodded my way through and watched as he scribbled his name on the board and reviewed some papers. Something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. A boy sheepishly walked into the class, obviously unsure of where he was. "Ehh.. pardon me, is this room 143?" He asked, shaking with the paper in his hands. "I believe it is. What a strange accent you have, where are you from?" The kid was obviously British. He wore a suit and had a sort of hip style. I admired it. He was something different from what we usually saw. "I-I'm an exchange student from London.. my name's Arthur." Arthur. Fancy-assed. "Interesting! Lots of literature comes from there, you know." Mr. Baldwin smiled. He nodded.

Slowly, he moseyed over and took a seat in the empty desk next to me. "H-Hello.." He waved a bit, holding out his hand for me to shake. "Hey." I grinned, taking his hand in mine and giving it a good shake. "I'm Alfred. But most call me Alfie.. or Alf, after that freaky thing we used to watch as kids." Chuckling, I peered into his green eyes. Green eyes were a rarity, and honestly they were the color I preferred, but I was too much of a wimp to compliment him. Mr. Baldwin watched from afar. "So what are you Brits like? Are you as obsessed with tea as we think you are?" He smirked. "Yep. We like our tea on a daily basis. It's an obsession." Kids started coming into the classroom as the bell rang and I searched for any cuties. Really, I'd never been in a relationship, but maybe this would be the year that would change.

We listened as Baldy rambled on about the rules and regs. No touching of any kind, no fighting, blah blah blah. I tuned him out and tapped my foot to the beat in my head. I had been listening to too much punk rock lately. If only I had my headphones. Time seemed to fly, and before I knew it, the period was over. "H-Hey.. um, Alfred? May I compliment you on your coat? It's pretty... rad." Rad? "This old thing, you mean? If anyone looks spiffy, it's you." I felt flattery take over and began to blush. "Really? Thank you.." He smiled. "Welp, I guess I'll see you around." Looking into his eyes one last time, I winked before walking off to my next class. Except this time, I had a strange fluttery feeling in my chest.