Count Bleck, or Blumiere, entered Flipside with his wife, Tippi, or Lady Timpani, using transportation to get there. After six years, they eventually had permission to go out of their world and back into Flipside to see O'Chunks, Mimi and Nastasia. They were warned that something dangerous could happen, but they went anyway. They walked through the bustling streets and entered Merlon's House.

"...And that's why I need a new pair of trousers every day." O'Chunks finished.

"Woah...heavy..." Mimi said.

"Would you like any more enchanted biscuits?" Merlon smiled.

"No thanks. Last time I ate one of those I turned invisible and nobody could hear or see me for a year." Nastasia said.

"Exactly." Muttered Merlon, putting the plate down on the table.

"Wow, this day marks the sixth year since The Count left to save the world..." Sighed Mimi.

"I wonder if we'll ever see him again..." Nastasia wondered.

"Or Tippi..." Added Merlon. "I miss that butterfly..."

"Oh, why did they have to sacrifice themselves!?" Cried Mimi. "The Count was the best!"

"If they didn't do it we wouldn't be here right now, Mimi." Said Nastasia.

Then the door opened and Count Bleck stepped in, Timpani close behind. They all turned to them and gasped.

"Count! Count! It's really you!" Mimi burst into tears and ran towards him, hugging him.

"Count? I can't believe it!" O'Chunks yelled.

"Hello Mimi." Smiled Count Bleck. "Hello O'Chunks."

He then walked towards Nastasia.

"I never got to thank you for sacrificing yourself to save my life...If you didn't all of us wouldn't be here right now." Count Bleck said.

"Count, um, I never got to tell you something. I wanted to, but, um, with the world ending and all that, I never got time to." Nastasia said.

"What is it, Nastasia?" Questioned Count Bleck.

"I...I..." Nastasia tried to say it.

"Tippi! I missed you so much!" Smiled Merlon, hugging her. "It's really strange seeing you in human form."

"I missed you too, Merlon." She smiled.

Suddenly the ground began rumbling. The plate of biscuits fell off the table, smashing.

"No! The biscuits!" Merlon cried in terror.

Books fell off the shelves and The Light Prognosticus, the book that helped Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser and Luigi defeat Count Bleck, disappeared in a flash of light. Everyone gasped.

"What happened to The Light Prognosticus?" Gasped Timpani.

"Oh No..." Whispered Merlon.

"What is it, Merlon?" Asked Mimi.

"Everyone, get out of the house, now! Get up to the top of the white tower where Mario and his friends went through the doors to collect The Pure Hearts! Tippi, you know the way! Show them, quickly!" Merlon ordered.

Tippi nodded and led all of them out, Merlon following. They left the house and screamed in terror as it collapsed. The residents of Flipside were running around screaming, not knowing what was going on. Houses collapsed around them, sending rubble flying.

"Quick, get to the lift!" Merlon yelled and they all quickly went into it.

The lift travelled upwards extremely quickly. It opened and they all stepped out, gasping in shock. Eight white pillars were outside the eight doors which Mario and his friends went through six years ago. Eight sparkling hearts rested in each of the pillars.

"The...Pure Hearts..." Gasped Tippi. "I don't understand! They all disappeared forever when me and Blumiere sacrificed ourselves, along with The Chaos Heart!"

"I was working in my house one day, when I suddenly heard a loud noise, coming from the top of the tower. I rushed up there, thinking it was an intruder, and I stopped in my tracks. The eight Pure Hearts were all there in a circle, shimmering brightly. All the doors were activated too. I took all of The Pure Hearts and put them in the eight white pillars that were used six years ago." Merlon explained.

Suddenly a large, black heart appeared. The entire town of Flipside was blanketed in darkness. They all gasped.

"It...can't be..." Whispered Nastasia.

"The Chaos Heart!" Cried Count Bleck.

Then they heard a voice and they all gasped. It was extremely familiar.

"Ahahaha, hello, everybody!" Dimentio appeared.

"DIMENTIO!" Roared Count Bleck. "Mario and his friends defeated you after you betrayed me!"

"Ahaha, silly Count Bleck. I was defeated and sent to the Underwhere, but I used my magic to escape. It took me six years, but now I'm back! And I'm taking The Chaos Heart and The Pure Hearts with me!" Dimentio yelled and raised his hands into the air.

A tornado suddenly appeared, blowing everybody backwards. Merlon gasped as The Pure Hearts were sucked out of the white pillars, and each of the doors went black. The Pure Hearts circled Dimentio, The Chaos Heart in the middle.

"Ahaha! Ciao!" He clicked his fingers and he disappeared, along with The Pure Hearts and The Chaos Heart.

But it wasn't over. A small void appeared in the background, and suddenly got larger.

"Oh No! There's another void! And this one's growing a lot faster!" Merlon cried.

"What do we do?" Asked O'Chunks nervously.

"...We need Mario back." Merlon said.

Then the floor began to crack. Everybody looked down as the cracks travelled along the floor, eventually reaching the end of the tower. It suddenly collapsed, and they all fell.

"EEEK!" Shrieked Mimi as she got closer and closer to the ground.

Suddenly, she disappeared in a flash of purple light.

"Lass? Where did yer go?" O'Chunks looked around, when he also disappeared.

"Count! I need to tell you something!" Nastasia cried.

"What?" Count Bleck asked.

"I-I..." Nastasia disappeared and Count Bleck screamed.

"Blumiere! I lo-" Timpani screamed as Count Bleck suddenly disappeared.

She glanced over at Merlon and braced herself for impact.


"Gwahaha! Forget it, Mario! You'll NEVER get The Princess back!" Laughed Bowser as he pulled a lever.

A trapdoor opened and Peach fell through, attached to a rope. She was above a boiling pit of lava. She screamed in terror.

"Mario! HELP!" She cried.

"Come on, Mario, let's do this!" Luigi cheered and leapt towards Peach.

"Ew, not you, Luigi. You suck." Peach kicked him away. "MARIO! COME HELP ME NOW!"

"Gwahaha! Forget-" Bowser disappeared.

"What the-" Luigi gasped when he also disappeared.

"Okay, this is REALLY strange, I just want to slap you, Mario!" Peach screamed when she also disappeared.

Mario looked around in shock when he also disappeared.





Mario leapt up, looking around in shock. Luigi, Peach and Bowser were standing in front of him. There was destruction everywhere. He then realised he was standing at the base of Flipside Tower, or what was Flipside Tower. Half of it had completely come off and was resting next to them, all in pieces. Fire was everywhere and there were no houses or people in sight.

"What happened to Flipside?" Peach whispered.

"Mario! Princess Peach! Bowser! And Luigi...yay..." Merlon muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Merlon! What happened here?" Gasped Luigi.

"It's Dimentio. He stole The Pure Hearts and completely destroyed Flipside! Everyone has evacuated to Flopside, however, but Dimentio has kidnapped O'Chunks, Mimi, Nastasia and Count Bleck!" Merlon explained.

"Count Bleck? He's returned?" Gasped Peach.

"Where is that Dimentio so I can stomp his face in!?" Roared Bowser.

"He disappeared." Merlon shook his head.

"W...Where am I?" A butterfly appeared from behind some rubble. "Merlon? Why do you look so big?"

"Tippi!" Peach squealed.

"Mario! Princess Peach! Bowser! And Luigi...yay..." Muttered Tippi.

"That's exactly what I said!" Merlon said.

"What happened to me?" Tippi asked.

"Timpani...I'm sorry...but you hit the ground hard, and you were almost dead. I had to return you to your Pixl form." Merlon informed her.

"Oh..." She sighed. " least Mario's back!"

"How are we going to defeat Dimentio?" Luigi asked.

"You have to collect the eight Pure Hearts, but Dimentio stole them and Flipside Tower is completely destroyed so you can't go in the doors to look." Sighed Merlon.

"Wait...What's that?" Asked Luigi, pointing to something sticking out of the ground.

"It's a waste of our time!" Scowled Bowser. "Send us back right now!"

"It's...It's a Pure Heart!" Gasped Merlon, using his magic to lift it out of the ground. "Dimentio must have dropped this one when he left."

"Well, that's a start. It looks the same as it did before, and I don't think it's damaged." Tippi said.

"If we set this in a Heart Pillar, a door somewhere WILL open! Then we can look for The Pure Heart in the world beyond the door!" Merlon exclaimed. "But Flipside Tower was destroyed and The Heart Pillars were on it..."

"Well, The Pure Heart survived! A Heart Pillar has to be somewhere!" Luigi said.

"My feet are tired and I'm hungry. I don't want to go!" Bowser complained.

"I'll go with them. I need to reunite with Blumiere." Tippi said.

"Are you sure, Tippi?" Merlon asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Nodded Tippi.

"Okay then. When you find The Heart Pillar, place The Pure Heart inside and then come back to me." Merlon ordered and the others nodded.

Current Party: Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, Luigi and Tippi.

The group tried to enter the lift which would take them to the second floor, but it was completely destroyed and it wouldn't activate.

"Oh Dear...the first Heart Pillar was on the second floor before, and now we can't get up!" Peach cried.

"Hmmm...Let's keep looking somewhere else." Tippi said as she fluttered alongside the group.

They headed left, avoiding rubble as they went. All they could see was fire, rubble and collapsed houses.

"Flipside has been totally destroyed..." Sighed Tippi as they continued walking.

"Wait, what's that?" Gasped Luigi. "Wait, that's just a rock."

"Why did you think a rock was The Heart Pillar? You idiot!" Muttered Bowser.

"Bowser, this is going to be a long adventure, so just learn to work together with Mario and Luigi, like you did six years ago." Peach said.

They eventually reached a wall and sighed. Then Tippi looked up and gasped.

"There's a ledge up there! We can climb up!" Tippi smiled.

"I'm not sure if I can get up..." Mario said.

"I definitely can't." Bowser admitted.

"Well, I think I can." Luigi said. "I have a super jump, remember?"

"I'll come with you, Luigi." Smiled Peach. "I can use my parasol to get up."

"Are you sure you guys want to stay here?" Asked Tippi to Mario and Bowser, who nodded. "Alright then. I'll go with Peach and Luigi to try and find The Heart Pillar. We'll be right back."

The three got to the ledge and looked around. There was nothing but rubble.

"Wait, what's that?" Luigi pointed at something.

"Luigi, it's a rock." Muttered Peach.

"No, it's a pipe!" Realised Luigi. "Quick, help me get the rubble off it!"

Peach and Tippi noticed the pipe and nodded, helping Luigi to push off the rocks. Then all three of them jumped down the pipe. They landed in a small, green room. They glanced to their right and gasped. A tall, white pillar stood there, surprisingly undamaged.

"That's The Heart Pillar!" Gasped Tippi.

"My only question is, how the heck did that get down here?" Peach said.

"Luigi, put The Pure Heart in!" Ordered Tippi and he quickly put it in.

A flash of red light came off the pillar and the three jumped back, surprised. Then it stopped and they smiled, seeing The Pure Heart resting in The Heart Pillar.

"We did it!" Cheered Peach, accidentally slapping Luigi. "Oops..."


"Congratulations, everybody. You found the first Heart Pillar. And look at the tower!" Merlon pointed at it. "It looks like when you placed The Pure Heart in The Heart Pillar some of the tower was fixed! Now you can go into the lift and into the first door, but I think the rest of the tower will be destroyed. While you're looking for The Pure Heart I'll start cleaning up the town." Merlon said. "Goodbye."

The four and Tippi entered the lift and went up to the top of the tower. A red door was there, shining brightly. They all entered it.


The door opened and the five stepped out, looking around. There was a void in the background, but it was tiny.

"I guess the first void was only the start of the destruction...We have to stop the other void before it devours all worlds." Tippi said.

They looked around. They were in a grassland, covered with trees and piped and item blocks. However, they could tell some destruction was done there, because some trees were on the floor, broken in half, and most of the pipes were destroyed, and grass was all over the place.

"We have to hurry. The second void will probably be more powerful than the other one." Peach said and they began walking.

They hopped over trees and jumped on enemies, when they eventually came to a locked door.

"Oh...great. It's locked. Now what do we do!?" Muttered Bowser.

"We have to find a key." Tippi said.

"Wait a minute. Tippi, do you feel the presence of The Pure Heart near?" Luigi asked.

"I do, but it's extremely far away. Dimentio must have scattered The Pure Hearts across the worlds." Tippi said.

"Just like Count Bleck did..." Whispered Peach.

"Well, let's start looking for that key." Luigi smiled.

"Luigi, watch out!" Yelled Peach and pushed him into a hole. "Oops."

"Let's split up. We have more of a chance of finding the key then." Tippi pointed out.

"Okay. Dibs on Peach!" Bowser ran over to her.

"Damn! I'm with Luigi!" Muttered Mario.

"Thanks a lot, asshole." Luigi rolled his eyes, crawling out of the hole.

"Let's go!" Tippi smiled. "I'll go with Mario and Luigi."

"That's very mean of you, Tippi. That means I'm stuck with Bowser!" Peach cried.

"That's your problem." Smirked Mario and the three walked off.

"Whatever!" Peach turned and opened a door to the right, walking through.


Mario and Luigi had jumped through a pipe, Tippi following close behind. They landed in a small room, with a chain chomp inside.

"Yeah, I'll stay back here." Luigi chuckled nervously, slowly backing away.

"You can do it, Luigi!" Mario cheered, picking him up and throwing him at the chain chomp.

For the next five minutes Mario and Tippi watched in happiness as Luigi got beaten up by the chain chomp. He came back with his clothes ripped and bruises all over his face.

"There." He muttered.

Another door opened and they all smiled, walking through. A treasure chest was there and they all cheered, opening it. They rumbled inside and pulled out a key.

"Let's go!" Cheered Mario.


"Bowser, there's nothing here! COME ON!" Peach screamed, trying to move the giant turtle.

"Oh, I'm sure there is." Smiled Bowser.

"Can you see anything?" Peach folded her arms and glared at him.

"No." Bowser said. "But there is something in here."

"Whatever. I'm going." Said Peach and left through a door.


Mario put the key in the lock and the five walked through the door. They gasped in shock, seeing someone lying on the floor.

"N-Nastasia?" Tippi said as they walked towards her.

Suddenly, the ground began rumbling.

"What's going on!?" Cried Peach, falling over.

"Ahahaha!" Dimentio appeared in a flash of light.

"Dimentio!" Growled Bowser.

"What a nice surprise. I'm sure your looking for this." Dimentio clicked his fingers and a red Pure Heart appeared.

"The Pure Heart! Hand it over!" Cried Luigi.

"Luigi, shut up! You're not helping." Muttered Mario.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give you this. Ahahaha!" Dimentio clicked his fingers again and The Pure Heart disappeared. "Let's see how O'Cauliflower reacts to you wanting The Pure Heart!"

"O'Cauliflower? Really? First O'Chunks, then O'Cabbage, and now...ugh..." Peach face-palmed.

O'Chunks landed on the floor, making the ground rumble once again. Everybody gasped at him and dived out of the way when he tried to attack them.

"Ahahaha! See you never!" Dimentio laughed, disappearing, along with Nastasia.

O'Chunks glared at them, his eyes swirling like he was hypnotised.

"Guys! O'Chunks is hypnotised!" Mario realised.

"We have to defeat him!" Tippi cried.

O'Chunks ran towards them and leapt up. Everybody screamed in terror as he fell towards them...


I hope you enjoyed this story so far! I know this story seems like a generic video game story, but when more people join the party and they enter more worlds it will hopefully fet better. Please leave a review! :D