This is my attempt at a story that has been circling in my head for the last month. Problem, its more a concept at this point. I don't have a plot thought out yet. But, if I wait till I come up with one I might forget everything, so I want to put down what I have! Maybe, it'll get my brain moving and I'll come up with some ideas.

Warning: Possible spoilers for Dark World!

Usual disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, wish I did, but I don't. They are owned, I believe, by Walt Disney, Marvel, and Rick Riordan!

Greek Bearing Gifts

The Asgardian Prisons were clean, cleaner than one would expect for a dungeon. But who cared when you didn't expect to be there for long. It had been rather easy to get in, just get captured with a bunch of rebels. They knew the trick had been done before. But then, why not do the tried and true. Besides, who would expect someone to do the same trick twice?

Well, that's what they were doing! They just waited for the guards to walk away in their way too predictable routine. Then, with just enough sparks of static lightening, and a little shape-shifting into an elephant (which was a tight fit, but doable), they carefully pushed the electrically weakened corner pillar out of alignment to break the connections for the energy wall. Then, they just slipped out.

The rest of the plan was slowly sneaking through the castle, charming guards into falling asleep. If that didn't work, they used the guards' surprise at having their companions collapse around them to calmly knock them out. What they were about to do, required no interruptions.

As they ran, a set of green eyes scanned the building, sensing, reaching out. He smiled smugly. He darted his eyes to a pair of gray, storm blue eyes. And was answered with a knowing smirk! So far so good!

They continued to the central throne room. Hoping that was where their objective would be! The guards outside were a little more difficult, their minds a little stronger against sweet words. But, their armor did conduct electricity quite easily and they crumpled to the floor and the unconscious bodies were gently shifted out of the way.

They opened the doors and walked the steps of the throne room as if they were supposed to be there, stopping at the base of the throne and staring into the eye of the furious Odin Borson.

"What are you doing here? What have you done with my guards?"

A blonde girl, the apparent leader of the group, stepped forward as her companions fell to their knees. Her gray blue eyes lowered in respect, "Your guards allowed us in, since all we wished to do was meet the great Odin Borson and his equally great sons!"

She didn't fail to notice the slight startle at the mention of the "plural" sons. Obviously, he would think her a fool. Better that he think her a fool!

"I'm afraid your knowledge of what has happened here is incomplete! My youngest son is dead! He died in battle! Protecting his foo…famous older brother!"

"Oh," she frowned, looking up sadly into his one eye, "then we are too late!"

"Too late?" Borson's eye squinted in confusion, "Too late for what?"

The young man behind her stood and stepped forward, brushing his black hair out of his sea-green eyes.

"We had a gift for him!"

"Yes," she interrupted, glaring over her shoulder, amused affection dancing in her eyes. She turned to Odin, "we had a gift for him. We had heard he was a brilliant scholar." She noted the slight turn of the lips at the compliment, but she frowned and continued, "But, we heard he was quite weak on the field of battle."

She inwardly smiled, as the smile left the wizened face to be replaced with a sneer. "My son was not appreciated for his strength. So what if he didn't rush into battle like a mindless bilge snipe. He was better than that!"

"Better than his older brother, Thor! That is not what I heard!" she was interrupted again, except by the tall blonde boy behind her. He smiled as he rubbed his hands together, electricity sparking between his hands and reflecting off his blue eyes.

Odin's one blue eye snapped to the blonde, suddenly having the king's undivided attention.

One of the other girls sidled up to the blonde boy, wrapping her hands around his arm, placing her head on his bicep. She brushed her chocolate brown braids out of her tanned face. She smiled flirtatiously, her changing eyes looking straight into the old god's eye.

"Yes, I heard Loki was never a good Asgardian, never as good as Thor!" she purred, her charmed voice, dripping sweet and seductive like honey, "It seems appropriate that Thor would just throw him into the abyss. Why would he pay attention to a monster?"

Odin snarled and a blast of golden energy ricocheted from Gungnir towards the couple. The blonde dodged to the side, dragging the pretty Cherokee with him.

Another girl, the third girl quietly standing in the back, reached out her dark hands, her gold eyes concentrating on the precious spear as it was yanked from the startled god's hand and flew into her own.

Lightening crackled across the room, barely missing the confused god as he stepped aside, striking the wall behind him. The god spun, looking at the cracked wall, and turned to stare at the blonde lightening wielder, a smug expression on his old face. "Your aim is just as pathetic as my dear brother's," he teased, spitting the word "brother" like an insult.

"You don't know what he was aiming at!"

The one blue eye darted over to the green eyes of the dark haired boy, who's smiled rivaled the gods as he reached out, and the weakened aqueducts in the wall released their load. Water exploded, flooding into the room, knocking the god over, slamming against walls, and nearly slamming the massive doors shut.

The god sputtered as the water forced him under, the water forming a current dragging the god towards the water-controlling demigod. Suddenly they saw a flash of gold and green in the water and suddenly a smaller, dark form fought out of the current.

The Asian boy, who had quietly watched the situation from the back of the room, yelled, "He's going to get away!" Suddenly, he was gone, and an elephant stood in his place, charging through the water in an attempt to beat the escaping god to the open door.

The sea demigod, continuing to try to control the currents smashing through the room, watched the form swerve for the doors. He gave up on controlling the water and dived, using his powers to push his body through the water like a torpedo. As he met the form under the water, a great splashing sound erupted and the boy came up struggling, moving back towards the higher ground of the throne. The elephant trumpeted towards him, hooking his tusks into the net that the boy was struggling to pull from the doors it had been draped between. The elephant dragged the net, and the boys still clinging to it, to the throne's stair, where the contents of the net revealed … a salmon. A large beautiful thing, of sparkling gold and green!

The Son of Poseiden grabbed the net and glared down at the floundering fish.

"Hey jerk!" the struggling slowed as the fish stared up at the furious boy, "My mother lives in New York!" and with that the boy brought his fist down on the fish's head, knocking the thing out!

Everyone stopped for a second to catch their breath, momentarily stunned that it had actually worked. Then they gathered around their target, who with a glow of green and gold had turned to his true form. They stood around the admittedly handsome god with pale skin and long dark hair. His now green and gold riding coat restored to him.

"Is he ok?" the African girl asked, her gold eyes looking down at him in concern.

"Oh, he's fine," the blonde girl responded. "I'm actually surprised seaweed-brain could actually knock him out. He must have been because he was a salmon at the moment!"

The blonde girl leaned over the trickster god, pulling a gold and silver earring from her pocket. The earring, composed of a coin and a chain, its links shaped like an undulating serpent with a head, bit into the upper cartilage of the unconscious god. While simultaneously the small coin attached to the serpentine chain, magically attach to his ear lobe. The eyes of the owl on the coin momentarily glowed red and then faded.

Annabeth snorted, turning to smirk at Percy, "As a trickster, he should have remembered, not to trust Greeks bearing gifts!"