I don't own Dragon Ball/ Z/ GT/ or Kai.

Two Shot

What of Immortality

By Mangalover4321

"Immortality…is that a super power?" –Mark Wahlberg

He sat down swirling the whisky around in the bottle while staring down at the smoke rising from the air behind him. The smell of rotting bodies filled his nose and he raised the bottle to his lips, drinking down a sip of poison. It dribbled down his throat like acid into a gulf of fire and pulled it back, some sticking to the corner of his lips.


He paused at taking another swig and looked towards the familiar voice he hasn't seen in a lifetime. The Saiyan Prince frowned at him and narrowed his eyes, staring at the bottle barely hanging between his numb fingers. He scowled and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Drinking away your dread," he said and looked down next to him, seeing the five graves next to him, "How appropriate."

The Saiyan, once known as Son Goku and Kakarot, turned back to the graves and took another long slug of the toxin. The Prince swatted it away, the liquor smashing across the stones and spilling its containments on the ground. The liquid moved towards the graves and his heart hurled against his chest as it sank into the soil where their remains laid underneath.

That's when he lost it.

He didn't know why but he felt his heart shatter when the whiskey tumbled over their graves where they had long ago died. His charcoal eyes coated with remorse and grief grew wide and his body began to tremor. His hands that held his precious poison were clutched at his side and his lips pulled back in sneer.

"You motherfucker!" he yelled and charged at the Prince who easily dodged his attack. The alcohol altered his attacks and he growled in frustration, raising his leg to raid him again but the Prince easily grabbed it to his awe. He pulled him closer and held him at face point. His eyebrows were narrowed and stunk of soot and sweat, Goku tried to claw at the Prince yet it was impervious.

"Look at you," he said and he continued thrashing around to grab his throat and choke out his life, "Look at what you have become, Kakarot. Do you see the monstrosity you have ushered yourself into?"

Goku ignored his words, his only focus was to end the Saiyan Prince's life, and he no longer cared about such simple things as words now after everything that crippled his former self.

"Do you see what has happened to Earth as you crumbled into darkness?" he asked yet again and Goku heaved for breath, sweat trickling down his body, "Do you smell to carcasses surrounding you as you drink away the torment? While you have been, shrinking away your duty of defending the people Earth, I have been preserving the Humans and fighting for my life! You have no fucking right to shade away the job that you promised to hold!"

Goku paused at the word 'promised' his memory flashing back to long times that he had forgotten.


His eyes shot open and smiled at his wife, Chi-Chi walked towards him. She was always there for him, no matter what and even though she had grown frail in age he still loved her. He knew she felt the same about him and loved that he never left her for someone younger than her. He grabbed her hand and gripped it tightly in his own. He pulled her close and hugged her deeply.

"I love you so much, Chi-Chi." He whispered in her ear and she hugged him back.

Suddenly the sound of gunshot echoed the air and gasp escaped her lips. Goku blinked and pulled her back, staring at her large eyes.

"Chi-Chi…?" he asked while the scent of blood shuffled into his nose and looked down, scarlet seeping out from her dress. Terror nailed his heart and she grew pale. He screamed out her name while more blood rushed out, her eyes slowly closing before him.

"No!" he screamed and placed his hand on the wound, trying to stop the blood flow, "Chi-Chi, stay with me! Please don't go!" She smiled sadly at him and moved a shaky hand towards his face, blood now seeping through his hand and her eyes turned soft.

"I…love you…so much…" she managed to get out before her eyes grew big and spat out a colossal amount of blood onto his orange Gi, "Promise…to watch over…"

She grew silent and her Ki evaporated into nothing but an empty shell of his beloved wife.

He went silent then snapped his gaze up to an unfamiliar Ki who held a sniper in his quacking hands. Fear eroded in the Ki and started to dash away. Goku waited a bit as his mind went blank for a few minutes then he started flying towards it, red hot anger flooding into his system.

"You're going to die, you son of a bitch." He hissed as he dove down into the trees, easily finding the Ki. The man wore horror on his face and sweat dripped down his back, piss running down his leg. He screamed as Goku snatched him up by the neck, flying him over to a deserted area where he could seek his vengeance on the man.

"Prepare for your death," Goku hissed at him as slammed into the ground, throwing the man down and punched him in the ribs, instantly snapping them in half piercing his lungs. The man gasped out blood and Goku battered his lung through his leg, snapping and destroying it from the pressure. He screamed and Goku slowly smiled at the man's pain, he enjoyed his desperate screams to stop, begging for forgiveness, yelling at him that he will get him.

It doesn't matter anymore since he crushed the man's head, blood, brain, and bone exploded all over him.

He panted for breath as the anger dulled down to nothing but pain in his chest as he realized the sin he had committed.

He fell to his and cried his heart out.

A few years later, a bomb went off in Capsule Corp.

His family and Bulma were caught in fire, lots of people killed. The explanation was Bulma missed around with some inexperienced chemicals, mixing them together and destroying many lives of innocent people.

The only people who managed to make it out alive were Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Bra, and Pan.

But his granddaughter was considered brain-dead while Videl and Bulma were killed instantly.

Goku stared down at both his son and granddaughter who wore an air mask over her face along with an IV dripping in her system, a heart monitor to her side, and a breathing machine all connected to her. Gohan held bags under his eye and his hands clamped tight together, always waiting for her to wake up anytime soon.

Goku let out a sigh and put his hand on his son's shoulder, worry knit in his eyes. Gohan looked to him and scowled, snapping his head back to Pan.

"Why are you here?" he hissed and Goku grimaced at his son's venomous tone.

"I wanted to see how you were holding up, Gohan." He replied and Gohan tapped his foot in impatience, his eyebrow furrowed.

"I'm fine." He replied through gritted teeth and suddenly the beeping of the heart machine started to slow down. Gohan's eyes widen and grabbed her shoulders.

"No!" he screamed as tears glistened in his eyes, "Don't leave me! I can't lose you too, Pan!"

He kept calling out her name as doctors rushed him and tried to haul him away, his Ki rising in fear as he saw her heart beat drop down to the double digits. His eyes grew larger and screamed more; Goku scowled at this and grabbed his son. He pulled him away as the doctors moved in, trying to raise her heart beat.

All of a sudden, the machine lets out a long beep.

Goku knew it would happen one day and watched as his son broke down in front of him then flew away, going somewhere far away to release his dread and outrage.

Only two thirds of a year later, Goku was called up to Kami's Lookout to see something.

He was devastated at the sight of two bodies that lay next to each other with blood running down from multiple wounds and no Ki escaping from them plus they looked slightly older.

They were his sons.

Goten, had his hair grown down to his feet, or where his feet should have been since he had only studs now of legs. Blood flowed freely down towards his boots and he observed his right arm, barely hanging onto a piece of flesh while his face held immense scarps and wounds. His eyes were luckily closed and he looked at least ten years older from his normal thirty-six age.

Gohan's hair was cut shorter than normal, close to his head. Half his face was missing pieces of flesh while one eye of missing, staining part of his cheek and looking like he was crying blood. His left arm was torn off but bore next to him while his feet were missing a couple of toes. His Gi was tore in half to show blood escaping from his rib cage plus his face held older features, making him look fifty now.

Goku fell to his knees and face grew pale, not moving one muscle until Dende said something.

"Goku, they were in the Time Chamber."

He locked gazes with the Guardian who stood tall above the dead Son boys.

"Gohan dragged Goten in with him after Pan's death then shut me out for two days then the door…disappeared." He began and Goku's body began to shake, "I tried many times to contact them but today…they just appeared like this, both their Kis gone and dead. They managed to survive 242 years together and they barely aged by ten years. I believe their cause of death…was a fight death over food but I am not sure…"

Goku couldn't believe what he was hearing.

His ears had to be deceiving him.

"Goku, they lived for at least over two hundred and fifty years." Dende said with large eyes, "And Gohan barely looks over fifty. Do you know how long Saiyans live for?"

Goku released tears and grabbed his son's, pulling them into a hug.

"Why?" he mumbled to himself, "Why did you two have to suffer? Why did you not come to me in your time of agony?"

After a few moments of silence, he stood up and grabbed the boys with morose eyes. He turned to Dende with a dull expression on his face and nodding at him.

"Thank you for informing me." He said with misgiving and rose off from the ground, "Goodbye, Dende."

He sifted the soil aside; his hands calloused from gripping the shovel tight and dirtied with soot and blood. His eyes contained no joy; only poignancy and terror. Dende's words echoed around in his hand was continued dipping in the soil.

"Do you know how long Saiyans even live for?"

He didn't.

That's what terrified him the most.

He glanced at Gohan's body, mentally two-hundred and eighty year but the body was a fifty year old. He placed a hand to his head and winced as he tried to understand how come they were still alive and looking so young.

But…if they were Half-Saiyans and barely looked fifty, at the age of really two hundred and eighty, how long would he live for?

Five hundred years?

Seven hundred years?

A thousand years?

How long would he last in solitude and anguish?

He pulled Gohan's body into the soil then grabbed Goten's body pulling along side his brother. His tears dried up inside and started piling the soil back on them, thunder clapping over him. Rain started to cascade over him, the rain becoming his tears so he would no longer to have shed anymore. He stood over them and stared at the new graves formed.

He looked to the sky and gawked at the drab clouds.

He was the last Son left in the world.

He had no one to call his family.

No where to call his home.

He glanced back down to their graves and looked to see some ale lying near his wife's gravestone. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked to it. He held it up to his face and stared at the dirty label of the alcohol: DESTIHL BLACK ANGEL STOUT.

He smirked at the ironic name and lifted it to his nose, inhaling the sweet yet intoxicating scent climaxing into him. His eyes stuttered and he grazed his lips, moved the forbidden fruit towards his lips. A splash of the sweet elixir rushed down his taste buds suddenly turned to bitterness.

His eyes widen and coughed, choking on the beer. He glared at it and scowled, throwing it to the ground which had the sky rumble above him too. He took a deep breath and bent down to the ground, his knees sinking into the mud.

"Why?" he mumbled and slammed his fists to the ground, the earth shock before him, "Why could I not manage to save anyone of them?"

He peered back to the booze and his mind went stupefied. His tongue was still held a tart aftertaste but his body yearned for more of the poison, slowly helping him with drowning his sorrows. He looked towards the graves and whispered, "Another way of forgetting is to drown your sorrows in the poison of a man's toy."

A hundred years flashed him back to the present, Goku gawked at him and he scowled. Numbness faded into the back of is mind and he turned away. Vegeta released him and Goku turned to ash born city lay before him. He placed a shaky hand to his face and mumbled, "I need another drink."

A punch across the jaw, snapped his attention to the Saiyan Prince again. He snarled at him and Vegeta burrowed his eyes at Goku.

"Did you not hear me, Kakarot?!" he screamed at him, thunder and raining drenching them, "These drinks have done nothing but suffocate yourself from reality! Your passion for fighting has turned to dust along with your existence! Do you truly want to diminish from Earth?!"

Goku paused at him and lighting shined behind him, striking the ground in an Earth shattering display.

"I have nothing left of this world but my elixir to shroud my perception of time to await my demise." He replied and turned his back to the Prince, "Kill me to end my suffering, if you wish. I have no dispute towards any action you put on me."

Vegeta grind his teeth together and gripped his knuckles tight, small droplets of blood rushing out of his palm.

"You think I haven't suffered, Kakarot?" he spat at him, "I have lost more than you! I have lost my planet, my people, my pride, my family, and lives that could have been saved! More blood has been shed to protect those who have fallen to ash and bones! You have not seen what I have been through!

"What the fuck do you think is happening to the Earth as we speak?! It's falling to depths of despair since no one has been able to be become a true Savior of Earth! Without me, it would crumble to ash! You have slacked off your job! You promised to keep it's inhabits safe from harms way! Now look at you," he sneered at the Saiyan, "you've become weak under pressure and suck onto the death of your family with whisking away in a bottle full of poison!"

Goku winced at his words but still left no mark on him but did hit his soul's angst. He continued walking and kept his mind full of the tang of whisky to retrieve from the market. Vegeta ranted on but left nothing for him to catch on.

Once his family died, he lost his will to fight for Earth. His family was the reason he fought so hard and grasped tight in his hands. As soon as Chi-Chi's blood had been spilled, he realized that everything would long for death's hands soon enough and he would suffer eternity forever alone.

"The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever." –Herb Caen