Pairing: Cooper/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incestuous thoughts, boypussy!Blaine, accidental exhibitionism, cross dressing (Cheerio uniform).

Summary: Cooper arrives in Ohio early and stumbles across his cheerleader brother in a compromising position.

A/N: In this AU, Blaine is on the Cheerio squad with Kurt but they're not together.

He'd taken an earlier flight in from L.A, hoping to surprise his younger brother by arriving right after cheerleading practice finished. But when Cooper slid Blaine's bedroom door open in an effort to sneak up on him, he wasn't prepared to find his brother's red spankies on the floor and Blaine himself with his legs spread wide, two knuckles deep in his pussy.

Cooper's blue eyes practically bugged out of their sockets at the sight and he relied on his acting prowess to keep himself still and quiet, hidden mostly by the door. He watched as Blaine moaned softly, pulling his fingers out to rub tiny circles over his clit before dipping one finger, then another back inside himself.

"Unf," Blaine groaned. "Uh, uh, Kurt!" he cried as he came, hips thrusting up as his fingers worked harder.

Cooper opened his mouth to let out the breath he'd been holding out quietly and took a step back, and then two more to be safe. He waited in the hallway for a few moments to collect himself and to give his baby brother a minute to catch his breath.

Adjusting his hard-on, Cooper took a deep breath and called out his brother's name loudly. Nicolas Cage would be so proud of the performance he was giving. "Blai-ney," he sung out again. "You down here?"

"Coop?" Blaine called out in reply before busting out into the hallway. "Oh my God. You're early! But you're here!" he yelled as he threw himself into Cooper's arms, giving him a fierce hug. He pulled away, a little bashfully and smoothed down the pleats of his Cheerio's skirt. "Hi," he breathed out, looking up at Cooper through his lashes. "Sorry, I just didn't expect you to be here so soon and I...haven't had a chance to change." Blaine motioned to his uniform and twisted a pleat between his fingers.

"I-I can see that. What's with the...?" he trailed off with a wave at the skirt his little brother was currently sporting.

"Oh, was part of Coach Slyvester's terms to reinstate my credit score back to its original state."


"It's better that you don't ask," Blaine chuckled and headed off down the hallway to the kitchen. "Besides, it's a lot more comfortable than you'd think." Once Cooper had followed him into the kitchen, Blaine stretched up on tip toes to open a cupboard and fetch a pair of clean glasses.

Cooper took a deep breath as another inch of bare skin was revealed and then slapped a hand over his mouth as the pleats of the red skirt slipped between his younger brother's cheeks. In a split second it was clear that Blaine hadn't had the chance to put on his underwear. A sliver of rounded tan skin was revealed and Cooper pressed his fist into his mouth to stifle his sudden willingness to suggest that Blaine spread his legs.

"Coop? Is water okay?"

"Huh? Oh. Uh, is there something else? Cold?"

"Sure. Let me check the fridge." Blaine set the glasses down and spun towards the fridge. Cooper clamped down on his whimper as he caught a glimpse of hairless pussy but then Blaine was bending over and inspecting the fridge's contents. "Uh, there's pineapple juice…um…tomato juice…oh! Cranberry?" Blaine glanced over his shoulder to look directly at Cooper as two pleats fell into the crack of his ass.

Cooper was never gladder for the kitchen island than right then. His sudden erection had left him light headed and reeling. He wasn't proud of his body's reaction to his little brother but holy shit, he was just so hot. It would take the barest lean forward for Blaine's cheer skirt to be completely useless. Feeling breathless and daring, he offered a suggestion.

"I bet dad has a bottle or two of beer tucked away in the back there. Can you have a look please?" Blaine hummed and turned back to the fridge. He bent over further, his skirt creeping up to reveal the crease at the top of his thigh and then there it was in all its glory; Blaine's blushed and puffy pussy lips. Cooper bit his bottom lip. What he would give to taste it.

"Oh!" Blaine's small hand suddenly slapped over his exposed vulva and yanked the back of his skirt down in a vain effort to cover himself. "Shit!" He banged his head on the fridge as he tried to stand upright in a hurry.

"Fuck. Are you okay?" Cooper was by his side in an instant, his hand cupping his brother's elbow.

"Yeah. I-" Blaine licked his lips and blinked in confusion as he looked up at Cooper. "Sorry. I felt a breeze…" he trailed off, seemingly waiting to see if Cooper would 'fess up to seeing his cunt. "Sometimes I forget how short this thing is." He tugged at his skirt again uselessly. Cooper couldn't unsee what Blaine had shown him barely a minute earlier. "There is beer in there by the way," Blaine offered. "I'm just gonna get changed." Cooper kept his hand on his brother's arm. He tightened his grip for just a second.

"Nonsense. You know I don't care about that stuff." It's not the first time he'd seen Blaine in a skirt, that much was true. "Grab the beer and let's catch up, okay? Just you and me? Before mom and dad get home." Blaine shook his head.

"Dad rang. He's stuck on the highway and mom's at her bridge game until five-thirty."

"Oh, well. Even better then." Cooper couldn't help but give his baby brother the once over as he let his arm go. "That means you can have a beer too."

"Oh," Blaine breathed out excitedly. "Okay."

Cooper stepped away and watched closely as Blaine leaned down and grabbed a pair of beer bottles. Yeah, he had the better part of an hour and a half to get another look at Blaine's pussy. Or better yet to get inside of him. He pinched himself at the devilish thought of defiling his teenage brother. It was a dilemma he never expected to face, ever, but as a pleat shifted with Blaine's movements, Cooper knew his resolve wouldn't last. Blaine was still wet. His juices shone, splattered over his flushed split.

He was fucked. Or rather, Blaine would be.