"Oh my goodness your belly is so big! My grandson must be a chunky monkey!" Maya said as she greeted her daughter at the door. Ever since Liv told her parents that she wanted to wait to reveal the sex of the baby until they found a name her mother had been flipping back and forth between the baby being a boy or girl. Every week it was something different, this week the baby happened to be a boy. Olivia chuckled at her mother as she moved in to hug her father.

"How was your trip?" She asked as she moved them into the living room so they could relax.

"It was easy, four hours of peace. Well as peaceful as it could be with your mother rattling off baby names and nick names for two of those hours." Maya playfully slapped Eli on the chest and he stuck his tongue out at her causing Liv to chuckle.

"Well you guys and Sunny will know the sex of the baby by tonight's end and we've already chosen a name. You'll know that too." She said with a shake of her head. She couldn't believe she was able to keep their secret this long. She'd wanted to tell her parents many times that they were having twins but they'd decided to wait. They wanted to surprise their parents and make it a thing. So she held her tongue but tonight, finally, they were revealing their secret. They chatted for a few moments before she heard Fitz coming down the stairs, his freshly showered scent filing her nostrils and she could feel herself start to moan at the sight of him. His muscles were practically bulging out of his shirt and his jeans clung to his ass perfectly. She was definitely checking out her husband and she was turned on. But she couldn't do anything about it now. Taking a deep breath she peeled her eyes away from his body and back to her parents.

"Fitzgerald! How are you son?" Maya said as she pulled him into a hug. They chatted as a family for a while and then the doorbell rang and they all knew it was Sunny by the distinctive knock the followed. Fitz quickly made his way to the door before he yanked it open and scooped his mother into a long hug. He hadn't seen her in months and that was rare. They usually visited her twice a month since she only lived in Connecticut but they'd been busy prepping for babies Grant and trying to hide it from everyone. The least amount he saw his mom after they found out they we're having twins, the lesser the chance he'd spill the beans.

"Hi mom! How was the ride? Was the car service ok?" He asked as he sat her down and grabbed her bags.

"The car service was an utter delight and now that you've done it once I'll never be able to go back to a regular cab again. They had everything! I even watched TV!" Fitz chuckled and moved out of her way so she could make her way to Olivia.

"Liv, my little darling! My goodness that belly is bigger than the rest of you isn't it." She said with wide eyes and Olivia chuckled. She moved to Sunny and hugged her as best she could. 'Are you sure you're not carrying two babies in there?" Sunny said and Olivia shrugged her shoulders playing along.

"Well Sunny is here now so I wanna know what you're having so I can start buying everything under the sun." Maya said and Sunny nodded her head in agreement.

"Fine. We've made you suffer long enough. C'mon." Olivia said as she moved to the large staircase in the foyer. Fitz was right behind her, his hand on her lower back for support. Her parents followed along silently, almost in a trance like state as they took in the décor of their new home. They all shuffled down the hall of the east wing were the master bedroom and nursery, which they had added after they purchased the house, lay.

"Both of your rooms are in the west wing of the house. There's a large common area and both rooms have attached bathrooms. You should be comfortable." He said as they approached the nursery. They stopped in front of the door and smiled to each other before turning the doorknob and letting the door open slowly.

"Oh my goodness!" Maya squealed as she took in the turquoise, white and black themed room. It was large and there was a comfy furniture set nestled in the corner. They walked further into the room and Sunny stated happily "I knew it! I knew there was no way you we're only carrying one baby!" Their parents took in the two cribs that were next to each other a small night stand with a lamp next to it the only thing separating them. Over one crib, in white lettering with black butterflies and flowers intertwined delicately, was the name Charlotte Rose Grant. And the other, also with white lettering but planets and space ships intertwined, was the name Carson Taylor Grant.

"My little girl is having twins!" Maya practically sobbed as she pulled Olivia into her arms as best she could. Eli clapped his hand over Fitz's shoulder and smiled brightly. He was damn proud to be a grandfather and he was more than ready to meet Charlie and Carson.

"I can't believe I'm getting a granddaughter and grandson! This is amazing! I don't know what I'm going to do now, I only bought one crib! Eli we have to get another crib!" Maya said as she moved around the room.

"Mom you don't need another crib, not yet." Olivia said through a laugh. She tuned to Sunny who was looking out the large bay window that had a gorgeous view out into the spacious backyard.

"Sunny?" Liv said as she made her way over to the older woman. Sunny turned to the woman she considered her daughter and smiled brightly.

"Come sit with me?" Sunny said and Olivia easily obliged. Once they were settled, Sunny resting comfortably at the corner of the couch with pillows supporting her back and Olivia nestled in close with her head resting comfortably on the older woman's shoulder, is when Sunny spoke again.

"You know I didn't think I'd live to see this day?" Olivia sighed heavily and grabbed Sunny's hand, squeezing it tightly. "With the bout of cancer and my hip replacement I thought it was close to the end for me. But here I am! Five years cancer free and my hip is better than ever and now… now I'm gonna be a Grannie. I'm so proud of you Olivia. I know you know I love you like you were my own but I just need you to know this. I'm so very proud of you and Fitz." Sunny said before kissing Liv on the top of her head.

"I'm so glad that you're still here, Sunny. I don't want to know a life where my kids don't know you. Where they didn't get to experience your love. So you need to stay healthy and live at least until you're 90 because my kids need you. I need you! And if you die before then I'm kicking your ass." Liv stated seriously and Sunny couldn't help but laugh.

"You would too! And that's exactly why I love you."

"What are you two whispering about?" Fitz said as he came over to them and made himself comfortable. The family sat for a while, chatting and sharing stories of Fitz and Olivia when they were babies, all of their mistakes as parents and giving advice to the parents to be. It was and evening Liv would remember forever, hearing these stories and getting advice from the people she had so much love and respect for. After dinner and a movie everyone retired to their respective rooms for the night.

"I can't believe my baby is having twins." Maya gushed as she sat on her side of the bed applying lotion to her hands.

"Me either, honey. She's so tiny I have no idea how she's going to expand any more than she has to accommodate more than one baby." Eli said as she removed his reading glasses and sat down his book. "According to Sunny, Fitz was on the large side."

"Well Liv was a tiny little thing, still is. Maybe the babies will be tiny as well." Maya guessed before getting under the comforter and snuggling up to her husband.

"Your feet are freezing, Maya!" Eli chuckled as he attempted to shift away from her. Maya could only giggle as she held on firmly onto her Husband of over thirty years.

"You should help me warm them up then! You know you love my cold feet." She said once he settled down with a huff.

"No, I cannot stand your cold feet but I love you, with all of my heart, so I put up with them." He kissed her lovingly on her lips as he pulled her closer to him, her freezing little feet rubbing against his legs.

"I love you too, Eli." Maya mumbled as she nuzzled into his chest, quickly drifting off to sleep.

"How did I know I'd find you down here?" Sunny said as she entered the kitchen. She'd come down for some tea and found Olivia with a jar of pickles and a few pieces of toast with a generous amount of peanut butter slathered onto them.

"These babies are always hungry. ALWAYS." The smile that spread on her daughter-in-law's face said everything. She was more than happy to feed them in the middle of the night. She'd give them any and everything they wanted.

"I used to have late night cravings with Fitz that were so extreme that, thinking back on it, were vomit inducing. Anchovies with ketchup or BBQ potato chips dipped in strawberry jelly." Olivia made a face and Sunny laughed. Apparently Liv's cravings weren't that weird.

"That's gross. But I like our late night snack time. I get to bond with them and talk to them. We have some very in-depth conversations. Mostly about how much they're growing and we talk about how much we love them already. They're both very responsive so it makes me feel like they understand me." Liv said with a giggle before popping the rest of the pickle she'd been munching on into her mouth.

"I'm happy for you and Fitz. You've wanted this for so long and I'm just glad that once you got here you weren't disappointed or hating every moment of your pregnancy." Sunny said with a soft smile as she filled the water kettle and placed it on the stovetop.

"Oh, there were times when I definitely hated being pregnant, but nothing serious. The morning sickness, the heartburn I had was horrendous, and I was so very moody and self-conscious the first few months. Especially when I started showing. I was not very accepting of the fact that I'd have to make room for two humans in my body. Fitz helped me get over that though. He's wonderful." The smile on her lips wistful as if she were remembering something he said to her. "He'll be a wonderful father, he already is!"

"I wouldn't expect anything less from him. His Father was a bastard who barely spent time with Fitz, even before the divorce. But he swore when he was older that he'd never treat his kids the way Big Jerry treated him." Sunny said just as the tea kettle whistled. She quickly removed it from the fire and poured it into her awaiting mug, humming as the warm liquid heated the tea leaves, releasing their fragrances into the air. "I'm sure you knew that already, Liv. He shares everything with you." Sunny said with a chuckle "but I just wanted to tell you that he'll be protective to a fault. As aloof as he can be, he can be very over protective. You've experienced this to an extent I'm sure but I have this feeling that when it comes to you and his babies he'll be an annoying fucker." Olivia couldn't help but throw her head back in laughter. Sunny smiled brightly, she knew Liv could handle Fitz, she'd been doing it for more than thirteen years. "I'm just saying this so you know you have a friend in all of this. Someone who he's afraid of. So you call me, tell me everything. If he's being an overprotective asshole tell me and I'll tell him off so you don't have to." Sunny patted her hand and Olivia nodded her head in understanding.

"Thanks for everything Sunny. If I forget to say it later, just know that I appreciate everything you do for me, for us. I love you."

"I love you too dear. Now I'm off to bed. Enjoy your bonding time with the little ones. I heated enough water for you too so make come chamomile tea once you get ready to head back to bed. It'll calm your mind and the babies will love the warmth, they'll probably sleep through the night." With that Sunny was on her feet and out of the kitchen leaving Liv with her snacks and the babies.

"I say this with love Liv, but how are you not due for another two months? You look like you're about to pop!" Abby said as she walked into the Kitchen where Liv was sitting at the table mixing a large bowl of chocolate cake batter. Seeing as her Mom and Sunny did a majority of the work for their thanksgiving feast the night before Olivia decided the least she could do was make all of the desserts. She'd made two pumpkin pies, an apple pie, and was now working on a chocolate cake.

"Hey! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you could come early to help out, I need a break from Fitz's hovering." Olivia sighed as she sat down, taking a load off of her tired feet.

"He has been a bit over protective these last few days. What's up? Still having back pain?" Abby said as she moved to the already greased cake pan and poured the contents of the bowl into it.

"No, well not really. Just a few minor spasms here and there but nothing as major as when it happened. But he won't leave my side! He hovers every moment of every day, thank God that today he has the men to distract him or I'd be climbing the walls!" Liv said with a huff and Abby chuckled.

"You knew this would happen. He was just as concerned when you were in the hospital in college with the stomach flu! He paced up and down the hallways and slept by your side every night, even when they told him that your fever was down significantly and that you were keeping your food down. He's a worrier! He cares. It's good."

"I know! I know but he's always around and wants to monitor my every move and I'm just… I just need a few hours of him being normal. So, go tell Fitz that you're here and that we're having girl talk and that he is not allowed in the kitchen. He'll listen to you, he's afraid of you." Liv chuckled and Abby just smiled.

"He is isn't he?" Olivia laughed fully at her friend and winked at her as she moved out of the kitchen. A few minutes later she was back with a victorious smile on her face.

"I convinced the men to play football while we bake. Your mom and dad and Sunny are running down to the homeless shelter to help out for a while, they said they'd be back in four hours and for me to baste the turkey every half hour. Now tell me about your back."

"It's nothing really. Well, Fitz thinks it's his fault and that's why he's hovering, he feels so guilty." Olivia said with a sigh and Abby raised an eyebrow to her friend. "We haven't had sex in over a week and it's stupid because I pulled my back while trying a new position with him, one that is supposed to be good for pregnant women and extremely stimulating, and god it really is, and I was fine after. Well I thought I was fine after but when I woke up I couldn't move my back and our Dr. had to make a house call. He hasn't touched me in twelve days. Twelve. Days." Olivia said with a huff and her best friend couldn't help but throw her head back in laughter. Olivia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at her chest.

"It's not funny Abs! He feels really bad and I've told him over and over again that I'm fine but he won't listen. He says no sex because he's too rough and he doesn't want to hurt me. I want to have sex with my husband and I want sex now!" Olivia whined and Abby chuckled.

"Then why don't you just pounce on him in the middle of the night?" She said and Olivia aggressively pointed at her swollen abdomen.

"Do you really think I can pounce on anything at the moment? I'm lucky if I can roll out of bed on the first try." She said with a giggle, shaking her head at the thought before reaching for her pumpkin smoothie, her current pregnancy craving.

"He'll come around Liv. He just needs to make sure you're really okay and then he'll be back in your pants in no time." Abby said with a wink and Olivia just nodded her head in understanding.

"Yeah well I hope he comes around soon."

A few hours later, after copious amounts of batter and filling had been poured and crust baked off Abby and Olivia decided it was time to leave their den of laughter and join everyone for the family football game. It wasn't too cold out and the sun was still high in the afternoon hour and there was a breeze. Olivia bundled up as best she could and Abby did the same before making their way into the spacious backyard.

"Go Baby!" Olivia yelled as she waddled out into the yard. Fitz had just intercepted the ball and was running down the makeshift field when he was shoved to the ground and out of bounds by Harrison. He got up from his spot on the ground and trotted over to her, a thousand watt smile on his face.

"Livvie!" Olivia smiled brightly at her husband. As much as he'd been annoying the crap out of her the past week she couldn't help the flutter of her heart when he smiled at her. She took him in, sweaty hair, mud covered jeans and thermal shirt. He was damn fine. She could feel the familiar flame start to burn in her abdomen and licked her lips in anticipation of the kiss she knew he'd offer up.

"Hi Baby!" She melted into him once his hands made their way to her hips. Her arms immediately going around his neck as best they could without crushing her belly. He smelled of fall and sweat and dirt and she had to bite back a moan when she saw his unruly curl spring forward onto his forehead. It didn't take more than a moment before his lips pressed gently into hers. She craved more, his gentle kiss still lingering on her lips wasn't enough for her. She effortlessly moved her tongue along the seam of his lips and just as his mouth moved to respond in kind…

"Grant! Get your ass back in the game! You two can make out later!" David yelled from the "field" and Fitz's lips tore away from hers. He gave her a wink and took off for the field leaving Olivia hot, bothered and slightly annoyed.

"I thought you weren't getting any?" Abby chuckled.

"I'm not! Kissing is all we've done and it's pissing me off. I love my husband. Correction, I lust for my husband. He could royally piss me off and I'd still let him kiss me breathless. I mean look at him, he's all sweaty and dirty and when he smiles… Ugh! I'm so horny!" Liv huffed and Abby threw her head back in laughter.

"Why don't you just tell him that?" Aby said as she looked over her friend who was clearly frustrated by her situation.

"Because he knows! He better know damn it. We've never gone more than a week without sex or a hot and heavy make out session. Not even when he's out of town! We have phone sex. Very good and oddly satisfying phone sex. We have some sort of sex every week. Multiple times a week and yet I have had nothing."

"Okay Liv. I think I get the point." Abby chuckled before leaving to grab them chairs off of the porch so they could sit closer to the game. They sat for a long while, watching the men tackle each other and heckle each other playfully. Olivia tried her best to focus on the game but she couldn't stop staring at her husband. He was dirty and sweaty and anytime he tackled someone she was sure she moaned out loud. He was turning her on and he wasn't even doing anything. She'd watched Fitz play football for years and yes his athleticism was a turn on but she'd never craved him so much. She knew that their lack of sexual contact over the past week had something to do with that but her hormones had been all over the place her whole pregnancy, she was horny a majority of the time and Fitz kept up for the most part. She kept it in check most of the time, shaking away thoughts of her husband in the middle of the day but at night when they were home she took full advantage.

"Touchdown!" David yelled and Abby cheered bringing Liv out of her lustful haze. She was greeted by a thousand watt smile and the sight of her husband dancing victoriously at the goal line with David, Huck, and Tom. She laughed at her husband who was dancing like a dork, a dance that she loved dearly, and yelled with enthusiasm. After a few moments of celebrating the guys decided it was time to head inside and clean up before they watched the Thanksgiving Day game. Liv was attempting to get out of her chair, unsuccessfully, when she felt a strong pair of hands at the small of her back.

"You could ask for help you know." She could feel the smile in his voice and her body warmed at his touch.

"I could but then I wouldn't be me." She said as soon as she was stable on her feet. She immediately turned to him and smiled.

"Hi." The twinkle in his eyes was not lost on her and she couldn't help the butterflies that formed in her stomach.

"Hi. How are you feeling?" He said as he gently started to massage her lower back. She liked the feeling of his hands, she wanted them to do more than massage her back but she knew that wouldn't happen. Well, not right now.

"I feel fine baby. I told you the Dr. said I was fine." She said in an even tone. "How are you? Feeling pretty cocky after scoring the winning touchdown."

"Mmmmhhhhmmmm! You know it." His cocky smile made her tingle with need. She took a steadying breath and smiled at him.

"C'mon Mr. Cocky, you need a shower." Fitz kissed her gently on her temple and they slowly made their way into the house.

He'd been in the shower all of a minute now and Olivia was determined to get Fitz as hot and bothered as she'd been all day. She scurried into her closet in search of her lacy black bra and panty set that she knew Fitz loved. She usually didn't break out her lingerie anymore, it wasn't comfortable and most of the time she didn't have time to care about using it and with the move and baby prep x 2 and now Thanksgiving, she hadn't been pulling out all of the stops. But she was needy and horny and she was going to make her husband have sex with her. House full of family and friends be damned.

Within moments she had the thin fabric in her hands. As quickly as her body would allow she removed her large sweater and took a seat on the bench in her closet. She unfastened her maternity jeans and shifted them down her hips. She'd made it to her knees by the time she realized that she'd need to stand up and work them the rest of the way off. Shifting to her left side she gripped the side of the bench and somewhat easily maneuvered herself to standing, a small victory that earned an internal high five. She worked her jeans down and stepped out of them and just as she was reaching to unsnap her bra…

"Livvie?" Olivia cursed herself. She removed her hands from the snap of her bra with a huff before turning around. When she did she was greeted by a glorious sight, her deliciously muscular husband with a towel draped dangerously low on his hip. He was dripping wet and smelled heavenly, his shower gel wafted to her and the sight of his usually unruly curls slicked back from his face was enough to make her melt. "What are you up to babe? I thought you were helping Abby." He said in a light tone before leaning against the door frame of her closet.

"Well I was but then…" She sighed and plopped down on the cushioned bench and rolled her eyes at the flood of emotions she was feeling. Her eyes immediately watering at the thought of even saying what she was about to say.

"Liv, what's wrong?" The concern in her voice making her feel stupid, why was she doing this? So what, they weren't having sex right now. It wasn't the end of the world but she couldn't help but wonder if he thought she was too big, that he wasn't attracted to her because she was carrying twins and had gained a lot of weight. Maybe he knew she was tired and achy and was just trying to spare her, or maybe he didn't want to be bothered with having to maneuver and try different positions that were "safe" for sex during pregnancy.

"It's nothing. I'm just hormonal and… I'm fine." She said before the tears she'd been trying to hold back fell down her cheeks. He was in front of her in an instant, kneeling with his hands on her cheeks trying to get her to look him in the eye.

"Baby I need you to look at me." The pleading in his voice made her cave and her eyes, filled with unshed tears and something he couldn't quite put his finger on, locked with his. "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you feeling okay?" His thumb swept over her cheek and wiped away the remaining tears still settled on the apple of her cheek away.

"I'm fine and the babies are fine and… I just wanted to surprise you. I wanted to put on something sexy for you so you'd want me and wouldn't think..."

"Baby I want you all the time. I don't understand where this is coming from." He said and she could hear the sincerity in his voice but she couldn't help but feel stupid for crying.

"See! I told you it's stupid and I'm fine and I'm just so pregnant and I hurt my back and you haven't touched me, not the way you usually do, in days and I just…" She paused momentarily, taking in the shock and confusion on his face. "We have sex all the time Fitz! Every day, sometimes twice a day and I thought that would change when I got pregnant and it didn't but when I hurt my back... I just want to have sex! I want to have sex with my very sexy husband and you won't even make out with me. You're so worried about me and I love that about you but please, can you please just kiss me?"

"You want me to kiss you?" His baritone voice was deep and caressed her insides fully. His hand on her cheek slipped down to her chin, guiding her pouty and slightly quivering lips to his. "Are you sure that's all you want?" He was playing with her. She should have been annoyed, but his lips were so close and the lust that filled his stormy grey eyes made her pulse speed up. And involuntary whimper slipped from her lips and Fitz growled in response.

"Oh, I want more." His lips crashed into hers in a fierce hunger. The passion that radiated off of him was enough to bring her to her knees. His teeth tugged at her bottom lip and Olivia moaned in response. His tongue skillfully made its way into her mouth, warm and inviting. The usual fight for dominance gone as Olivia gave in completely to his skilled tongue stroking her and spurring the fire that was already burning deep within.

"Fitz" Her needy moan made his manhood spring to attention underneath his towel. Placing a firm hand on her hip and another at the small of her back he gently maneuvered her body so that she straddled him, her knees firmly planted on each side. Olivia quickly threw an arm around his shoulders for support while her other hand made its way into his damp curls.

"You're so beautiful baby." Fitz's words caused the babies to kick and Olivia tore her lips from him, giggling in delight before kissing him again. She nibbled on his bottom lip then slowly made her way to his chin then down to his Adam's apple.

"You think I'm beautiful?" She said in a dreamy voice as she continued to kiss and nibbled on his neck. "Even though I've gained upwards of 30lbs and my ass is spreading daily?" She could feel him chuckle at her statement.

"Liv, you're holding precious cargo in this beautiful body. You're gaining weight for reasons and your hips are spreading due to the fact that you need to make room for our babies. Every day I fall more and more in love with you and you're carrying a part of our future, how could I not think you're beautiful?" The soothing circles he rubbed into her back and the sincerity of his words brought tears to her eyes and she buried her face in his neck, emotions running high. He just held on to her tightly, well as tightly as he could with her ever expanding belly in the way. After a few moments Olivia pulled away from him, her eyes red a puffy from crying, and finally spoke.

"I'm sorry I'm being such a nutcase. I just don't want our kids to change us, what we've had for so long. We've always been…" She trailed off, her eyebrow raising in a suggestive way that made him chuckle before nodding in confirmation. "And I don't want that to change. I just felt like, I don't know I guess I thought you had lost interest in me the bigger I got. And not because of the babies, but because of me. I'm always tired and grumpy and hot and the babies take up so much room and I'm waddling like a penguin! I just don't feel…. Sexy. Not like I used to and it makes me think my bad mood and lack of self-confidence right now are rubbing off on you." She took a deep breath before dropping her eyes, focusing on how she wrung her hands as she waited for her husband's response.

"Livvie…" his tone soft a deep made her shake her head, she couldn't look at him without crying again and Olivia Pope-Grant hated crying, even though she seemed to do it every waking moment of her pregnancy. "Baby please look at me?" His hand went to her cheek and his thumb gently lifted her chin without much hesitation. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You being a major grumpy pants and your cute penguin waddle are just two of the things that I happen to adore about you in this whole experience. Watching you be the amazing woman you are, the brilliant and formidable Olivia Pope while carrying our babies is inspiring. You're the scariest pregnant Managing Partner any law firm has ever seen!" Olivia chuckled at him and smiled, he took that as a sign to continue "And you're the most loving woman I know. You love our babies so much, you protect them and carry them and you nourish them and sometimes they make you grumpy and uncomfortable and all I want is for you to be happy, so I give you space. I know you're hot all of the time so I tend to move away from you in the middle of the night because I can hear you whining and huffing in your sleep even if you don't realize you're doing it. I haven't kissed you thoroughly in the last few days because, as you know, the flu is going around and I just got my shot and I hadn't been feeling 100%, not until today at least, and I couldn't stand the thought of me being the reason you got sick and had to deal with that on top of everything else."

"Baby, why didn't you tell me?" Her concerned look made him smile and he laughed when she brought her hand up to check if he had a fever. "You're not warm so that's good, are you sure you're feeling better? You probably shouldn't have played football today." Fitz quickly grabbed her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist.

"I'm fine baby. You see? This is what I wanted to avoid. You're worrying about me having a little cold and you didn't need that. Not with your back and with everything else." Olivia shook her head before pressing her lips firmly into his.

"Baby," she mumbled against his soft mouth before pulling away from him slightly "It's my job to worry about you. I love you with everything in my heart and I'm you wife, your partner in life. If you're not 100% I want to be able to take care of you, even if you act like a big baby when you're sick." She smiled before running her fingers through his now dry hair. "I love that you don't want to burden me with little things and that you're looking out for me so fiercely, but baby I'm needy and hormonal and as much as I don't want you all over me at night, I really really want you all over me. Any time I see you all I want to do is be in your arms, even when you piss me off. That has always been the case and it always will be." Olivia smiled brightly and Fitz couldn't help but return it with a bright smile of his own.

"I love you, you crazy woman." Olivia threw her head back in full laughter at her beautiful, wonderful husband.

"I love you more, you crazy man." Her eyes twinkled brighter than he'd seen in the last few weeks and it made his heart soar. "Now help me up, we need to get dressed for dinner."

"What about our make out session?" Fitz pouted and Olivia giggled.

"We've been up here longer than I originally intended and if you kiss me like you just did again we'll be up here all day and I don't think our family would appreciate it."

"But I only made it to first base!" his playful tone made her heart so happy, her smile widening with each rhythmic beat.

"Well if you behave at dinner, maybe we can see about you making it to a few bases. Hell, if you're really good maybe you'll even his a grand slam." It was Fitz's turn to throw his head back in full laughter before he moved to help his wife off of his lap.

Hours later, long after everyone said what they were thankful for and all of the turkey and ham and fixings were eaten and after the soon to be grandparents called it a night, the younger crowd decided it was their time, occupying the entertainment room as it was soundproof and far enough away from the bedrooms.

Fitz could barely keep his hands to himself as he sat with his wife and friends as they discussed relationships present and past and relived stories from their college days. The oversized cable knit sweater she wore over her leggings still showed off her glorious curves and he could keep from running his hands over her hips and down her thighs as she rested comfortably in his lap. When that wasn't enough, and he felt like his point wasn't getting across, his lips got in on the action. Her hair was currently swooped to the side in a fancy braid that made her look like some sort of goddess and left a glorious amount of skin open to him. His lips playfully brushed along her neck a few times but she didn't seem to pay him any mind. He was trying to be subtle for their friends but in all reality, he couldn't care less. They knew about their sex life in college and knew damn well that nothing had really changed since then. When his mouth made contact with the sensitive spot behind his wife's ear her breath hitched and her eyes fluttered shut momentarily. It was quick, but not quick enough for their friends to miss.

"Ugh, you two still act like horny teenagers." Quinn said as she rolled her eyes at her friends. Abby only smiled suggestively while Harrison made sounds as if her were vomiting.

"Fitz acts like a horny teenager, I haven't done anything" Olivia says playfully as she drags her fingers through the curls at the nape of his neck. She leans in to kiss him sweetly on the lips but Fitz has other plans. He quickly slips his hands underneath her body and hoists her up, cradling her into him. "Fitz!" She tries to give him a scolding look but his eyes are dark and lustful and she knows the all too familiar shiver that runs down her spine.

"Good night everyone." His tone is gruff and masculine and barely heard over the laughter that's coming from the entertainment room they'd been holed up in for the past few hours.

''Hey! Be careful with her!" Harrison yells out.

"Yeah! That woman is holding precious cargo!" Abby chimes in at their retreating forms.

"Baby, put me down." Olivia giggles as he walks them to the back stairs near the kitchen and closer to their wing of the house. But he doesn't listen. He's in caveman mode and his ears are bright read, one of her favorite signs of his arousal. She slips her arms around his neck fully and his gaze shifts to meet hers. His mouth hangs open as he draws a ragged breath, it was taking everything in him to not just take her on the stairs. The image of her body bent over the bannister as he sheathed himself in her from behind was tempting him, but they'd have to do that another night.

"If I put you down there is no way we're making it to our bedroom so, unless you want to be screaming my name right here on these steps… I'm carrying you." The finality in his lustful voice and the thought of what was to come sent a severe wave of arousal through her body and the wetness in her panties was surely seeping through her leggings as well. A few moments later her feet touched the ground in their bedroom but her husband's hands never left her body. He was all over her and yet she needed more. He reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled it off of her in one movement. She could feel his ragged breaths on her neck but he didn't kiss her. Her chest heaved in anticipation and his hand moved to the swell of her breasts, running his fingers along the hills and valley before taking one of her pert globes into his hand. A small keening moan slipped from her plump lips as her head fell back onto his shoulder.

"Oh I love that sound baby. I wonder if I can make you do it again." His hot breath caressed her ear and the feeling sent a shiver through her body. She searched for his mouth desperately, the need to feel his lips on hers, the taste of his tongue, the passion that simmered at the surface. As soon as she found his soft lips her body melded even more into him. His demanding tongue dueled with hers in a toe curling kiss. Olivia found herself grinding into her husband, his bulge full present and calling out to her. The thought of him in her sent another wave of moisture into her panties, soaking her leggings even more in the process.

"Fitz" Her breathy tone sent a cocky smile to form on his lips. He quickly unhooked her bra and watched as her full breasts fell into view. Pert nipples and raised chill bumps on her skin from stimulation. He wanted to rush this, the need to be inside of her was almost desperate but he needed to take his time. He needed to worship her, show her how beautiful she is to him. His mouth moved down her body, planting open mouthed kisses and nipping lightly at her skin as her moved down her spine. His hands gently pulled her leggings and underwear down her legs, his mouth never leaving her skin. He motioned for her to step out of her leggings but once her second leg was free she started to walk towards the bed.

"Where are you going Mrs. Grant?" His playful tone made her smile. Gently, she maneuvered her pregnancy pillow so it rested comfortably underneath her belly, supporting her has she lay on her side. The dimly lit room offered just enough light for him to see her fully. Her beautiful body looked regal in the soft glow of light. The way she lounged, almost nonchalantly, made him twitch with desire. She didn't need to try to be sexy, not for him. To him she was the most beautifully sexy creature in the world and he was more than eternally grateful that she chose him.

"Fitz…" His eyes met hers. Her chocolate brown eyes deep with desire pulled him to her. She could lure a man to his death with those pools of brown and in this moment he'd go willingly. Realizing that he was fully clothed, he quickly discarded the confining clothes as he made his way to her. Once he made it to the bed he wasted no time spooning behind her. His hands moving up and down her body in feather light stokes that served to stoke the fire that burned in the temptress that captured his heart. Her small hand wraps around his length and he bites back a moan. "No sir. We do not keep quiet in this house. I want to hear you, Fitz." Her words ring familiar in his ears and he shakes his head in wonder at the love of his life. His lips crash into hers, his hand cradling her head as he deepens the kiss.

Her hand is insistent, stroking him firmly. He involuntarily thrusts into her hand and she knows he's more than ready. Removing her hand from him she finds the hand that lay claim on her breasts and brings it behind her and down to her core. The moisture that lay there, the feel of her hot and soaking wet sends a rumble through his chest. She feels so good and it has been far too long for them to attempt anymore foreplay. He grabs hold of his length and strokes her sodden lips before penetrating her. Inch by inch he sinks into her, her doe eyes never leaving his as he seats himself deep inside of her.

"Oh my god… baby." His thrusts are steady and deep and she can't hold back the utterly satisfied moans that spill from her. His large hand gripping one of her thighs as he helps her to meet his thrust. His lips mere millimeters from hers and yet he dared not kiss her. Their eyes bore into each other's souls as they breathe each other in. The pleasure her body felt, deep and immense pleasure that she longed to feel for the past few weeks finally rooted deep in her belly. The familiar warmth building with each thrust. Her walls clenched around his length and it took everything in him not to let go.

"Damn it woman you're trying to make me look like an amateur." He said before moving his hand to her clit. The feeling of his calloused fingers stroking her in firm circles was maddening.

"Don't stop. Please… Oh… please." She moaned loudly. Her eyes threatened to close but she held firm. She wanted him to see what he did to her. How amazing he makes her feel with every thrust, every orgasm. He was relentless, the pace of his hand quickening with every squeeze of her inner walls.

"I know you wanna come baby. Come for me. Come for me Livvie." Her moans grew higher in pitch and her eyebrow knitted together as her body started to give in fully. The dam that had been waiting to burst through her broke in a thunderous rush. Her whole body shook as her orgasm took over, her eyes displaying fireworks as her husband brought her over the edge in the most magnificent of ways. Fitz held her firmly against him as she came, thrusting continuously as she squeezed him tightly until he fell over the edge with her, his warm seed coating her walls.

The room was quiet for a long while, both of them basking in the afterglow of their love. A few gentle kisses placed on her shoulder made her smile as her heart swelled. Fitz could feel her mind at work, in the silence, in the ease of her breath he knew it was good but she was in another world.

"What are you thinking about Mama Bear?" She giggled at the nickname before turning to meet his beautiful grey eyes.

"I'm thinking about you. And how much I love you and our babies. I'm so happy Fitz and there was a time in my life where I didn't think I'd… You made me whole. And I can't wait to start this next chapter in our lives. Our babies are going to know so much love." She said before pressing her lips into his sweetly.

Heyyyyyyyyy! So yeah, it's been 84 years but I've updated! Yay! I really need to change the summary for this story, it is definitely longer than I originally intended... oh well. So their parents know the sex of the babies and Olivia and Fitz are still perfect as ever.

Who watched 501?! So good right?! Love seeing my babies together.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this update. I have a large chunk of the last chapter done. Seriously this is the last chapter because it has to be lol... But it'll be up when it's up. Sorry I can't give you a definite date. Life is crazy.

Please review! Xoxo