Hello. I hope you like this.

If Sakura's life started out so different and dark, would it be like this?

I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters.


: the act of moving forward

: the act or result of making something better, more successful, etc

The sun was rising in the sky, casting a pink and orange glow across Konoha in the early morning. Although the one who wanted to see it the most is the one locked away. Sakura had an internal alarm clock that always seemed to wake her up right before sunrise. She always seemed to know, and would sit patiently in the basement corner. She listened to her parents move around in the rooms above her getting ready to go to work. They would do this every morning. They each had their own routine. Sakura would wake up, stretch, and sit in the corner of the basement that allowed some cool air to seep in from the outside. She would wait for her mother and father to leave. The Harunos owned a small restaurant in the civilian area of the village. The couple would wake up early to open. They only served breakfast and lunch, and closed the restaurant at four in the afternoon.

Sakura kept her parents schedule in mind as she waited for the house to fall silent. It was the only time she did not feel afraid.

When she was alone, she had hope.


She remembered when she turned three-years-old in March of this year, everything changed. Not that her parents were ever-loving or caring in the beginning, but their yelling became more frequent. They never fought with each other, they only turned their frustration on their only child. Sakura Haruno.

It began with more yelling and scathing comments to the little pinkette. She didn't understand why her parents are harsh towards her. Yet, when they were out in public together, they acted like a picture perfect family. They wore fake smiles and uttered fake nonsense. Sakura took this time to pretend. To pretend that maybe one day they could change and give her what she craved. Love. No one suspected that behind closed doors they abused their toddler.

She heard and tuned out the yelling and degrading. She absorbed the glares and nasty looks. She had never once seen a look of compassion or kindness sent her way by her parents. Her mother and father never once praised her, they never let a positive comment slip. She never understood why they did it. This was her normal. Her everyday life.

Sakura felt even more confused and hurt when four months ago her father hit her across her face. He yelled at her for spilling her juice at the table. She apologized profusely while bowing to her father. When her father stopped his yelling she looked up into his eyes and regretted it. His dark green eyes sparkled and darkened with anger. Out of the corner of her eyes Sakura noticed her father's large hand raised up in the air. Before she could protest, she felt a flash of pain against her right cheek, the force of his backhand caused Sakura to fall backwards on their dining room floor. Her vision became gray and clouded on the edges before clearing up.

Sakura stayed sprawled on the ground only hoping her father would not hit her again. Sakura heard a laugh from the kitchen, only to look in horror at her mother. Her mother walked over and crouched down to her level and harshly grabbed her chin. "The next time you make a mess in my house, I'll be the one to punish you. You won't get off that easy."

Sakura scrambled away from her parents. Her small body trembled from her sobs, her eyes were blurry from all of her tears. She listened to her parents' voices fade away as they walked into their room. All she could think of was, 'Why?'

As they the days passed, Sakura started to receive more physical abuse from her parents. Anything was a trigger. She was too slow or made too much noise. They always had an excuse. Her mother was much crueler than her father, she seemed to get a sick enjoyment at striking her child. She gained a disgusting sense of power and control over another human. Unfortunately, that human was her own daughter. As the days turned into weeks, her parents began to lock her into the basement when they left for work. When before she had a small room on the opposite side of the house.

She felt stuck. What could a three-year-old little girl do against two full-grown adults?

She planned, she was small but she was smart.


Sakura snapped out of her dark thoughts of her short past. She began to try to pick the basement door lock. She had seen a shinobi do this with a long needle like device. Nobody could call her unobservant. During one of her moments upstairs, Sakura was able to grab a couple of paper clips. She took her time unbending and rebending these paper clips and spent several hours tinkering with the lock on the door. She was patient and determined. Sakura heard the loud click of the locking mechanism slide out-of-place. Sakura froze with disbelief. It worked.

The beginning is a bit short, but I like how I ended the chapter. Somewhat of a cliffhanger I suppose.

I'm happy you read it. Review if you want.