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Joined 07-12-06, id: 1088858
Author has written 2 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog.

Hi I'm Hannah. I'm new at this and really suck at it. Here's just a bunch of crap about me

name:good god people do I have to tell you again?

Eye color: green

hair: brunette

freckles: 42, 43, 44...

fav color: red, purple (not together)

fav animal: guess.

fav book: You Are a Dog

party: republican (but I'm not like, against another party or something I mean, my best friends are democratic!)


Emily asking teacher: Why do we go on honeymoons?

Teacher: I guess just to get away after marriage

Emily: Well I'm gonna go to Wendy's! Emily and Ms Massey having an in class conversation

After class discusion on curse words(our school is so weird), were moving back desks. I can get through cause Emmy's in the way

Me: Beep Beep!

Emily: Stop beepin at me you beep! Me and Emily after a long discusion

Tara: Hey if your dog is a girl, how come she pees like a boy?

Me: Duh she's stupid Me and Tara at my house watching Daisey pee

Dad: Alright, you two ready for your spanish before-quiz?

Matthew and Me: Yeah

Dad: Now, this one's hard, so be ready. How do you say hello in Spanish?

Matthew: Aloha!

Matthew's mistake on the ride to school

"Do not underestimate the vacuum. It is evil. It wants to eat you and eat the sofa and eat the children." You Are a Dog

when life hands you lemons, use it to squirt lemon juice in your enemy's eyes. The one and only Happy Bunny!

Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure Douglas Adams

I don't have to be careful, I've got a gun! Homer Simpson

You're chances of getting hit by lightning go up if you stand under a tree, shake your fist at the sky, and say "storms suck!" my all time fav quote, Johnny Carson

Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time, a tremendous whack! Winston Churchhill

Sonic: Aren't you going to thank me?

Sally: For what?

Sonic: For saving your life.

Sally: Sonic, we were in an airplane on a cliff. If we'd of fallen off, we'd be flying.

Sonic: Oh.


Sonic: But where would you land?

Sally: Oh.


Sally: thank you, sonic.

Sonic: For what?

Sonic and Sally's conversation on an old satam show.

Patrick: I'm mad.

Spongebob: What's the matter, Patrick?

Patrick: I can't see my forehead. Spongebob Squarepants

Can I buy you a drink, or should I just give you the money? failed pick-up artist

Show me a girl with her feet planted firmly in the ground, and I'll show you a girl who can't get her pants on. Annik Marchand

Heard melodies are sweet, but unheard ones are sweeter; therefor ya softpipes, play on! John Keats

we're talking about something called g-force in a reading group and start thinking of what could take the place of g)

verity is leaned over writing while we're shouting out things that start with g

she looks over dramatically

verity: gooey forces

sounding like darth maul

Should we have stayed home and thought of here? Elizabeth Bishop

It's the same old story; Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the orange bowl. The naked gun

Don't ask me any questions now. I'm grumpy and I'll probably make fun of you. Effie Kaligaris

To the man who only has a hammer in his toolkit: every problem looks like a nail. Abraham Masrow

Of coarse she found it in the last place she looked. If she hadn't, she'd still be looking. Susannah brown

My shoe is off, my foot is cold, I have a bird, I like to hold. Dr. Suess

To love someone is to see the face of God. somethin somethin

most of these are found in the sisterhood of the traveling pants

My Characters

I own three characters so here is their description

name: Hannah

gender: female

age: 11

appearance: brown/red fox usually wearing a lavender T and brown cargo capris depending on the story. Brown hair with blond highlights comonly sitting on her shoulders

abilities: her magnificent eyesight, chaos control, speed at faster rates than sonic,though he doesn't know.

love interests: Tails, would settle for Shadow

name: Verity

gender: female

age: nine

appearance: green hedgehog with spikes like amy but dirty blond and weres it also, like amy, in a headband. She weres a purple tank top and jean shorts.

abilities :mind reader, phychic (sounds better than what i had before)

love interests: Shadow

name: Hayley

gender: female

age: ten

appearance: peach colored cat with brown/black hair usually in her face. Comonly wears navy sweats and a ripped tank

abilities: capable of gliding (like knuckles)and summoning animals

love interest: none

plus like 60 more. I do them off my class mates. What? I was bored!

Things I can't live without:

Verity: She is so random it's actually funny. And creepy.still, BFF!

Hayley: BFF!

Tara: BFF!

all my other friends :backup... jk I love you all!

Sonic the hedgehog games: even though I suck. some games aren't that great though cough sonicheroes cough

my ipod: an excuse to "not here" what my sisters are talking about

the internet: mwahahahah!

Tails: love ya!

Things I could live without

Sonic: must... kill!

My stinkin' music teacher: hasn't been a good one for six years!

Amelia:grr... RAHH! ...

Those people onFF who think there all that and are better than everyone: jerks!

Dumb blond jokes (no offense their funny)

How the blond was caught

there are three robbers on the run, to brown one blond. they hide behind sacks of potatoes.(two browns first, last blond)

police goes up to first bag +says "I wonder whats behind this sack?"

brown: "Meow"!"

police: "oh just a kitty. what's behind the second one?"

Brown2:"bark bark!"

police: "oh just a little puppy whats behind this last sack of potatoes?"

dumb blond:" potatoes!"

police grabs blond and she's under arrest.

Stupid Pain

Blond smacks herself in the head.

Grabbing knee: "Ow my elbow!"


Police woman (blond) pulls over a speeding woman (also blond).

police:"Can I see your license (spelling?) please?"

woman rumaging through stuff pulls out a little compact mirror thingy

Police looks in mirror:"oh why didn't you tell me you were a police officer?"


huh what!

k now im bored. peeps readin this, you need to find something better to do.

ps please come visit my forums and save me from this cruel curse of loneliness!

pps what does ps mean?

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

A Whole New View by Ciel the Hedgehog reviews
After a fight between Eggman's new creation and Super Sonic, Amy finds herself stuck inside Sonic's mind. Now she has to find a way out, and learn to deal with her new room mate. But what will she learn about Sonic? Sonamy
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 18 - Words: 21,286 - Reviews: 158 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 8/8/2006 - Published: 6/27/2006 - Sonic, Amy - Complete
Sonic Gone Wild by x.MyrtenasterRose.x reviews
Just a totally random story. The group experiences: Miami, Chicago, sanctuaries, mental problems and much more. Read to find out! Reviews are greatly appreciated.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 16,543 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 8/3/2006 - Published: 7/8/2006 - Complete
Tails story by Shadow-Darkness-Wolf reviews
This is Tails's life before he met Sonic, how he made his first friend, how he met Sonic, and how Tails got the plane called the Tornado.(i finally completed the story!)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K - English - Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 5,569 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 3/9/2004 - Published: 12/13/2003 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Love? reviews
Tails has fallen in love with a new fox in town, only to be torn between two when Cosmo comes back! Yikes, little chapter!
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 9,081 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 9/22/2006 - Published: 7/19/2006
Her Legend reviews
A poem I just made up. It's good makes you think. You may be suprised with who I'm really talking about. one shot
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K - English - Poetry/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 126 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 9/2/2006 - Complete
Manager of:
Community: Sonic and Co.
Focus: Games Sonic the Hedgehog