Rosepetals and Strife
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Joined 01-23-07, id: 1205132, Profile Updated: 05-21-11
Author has written 13 stories for Naruto.




Okay, so yeah, I ain't gonna deny I kind of fell out of my Naruto groove for a bit...for a really long time...but I'm falling back into it again! Since no one ever wants to hear excuses, I shall give you your unnecessary information you request!

Music: Um. To list everything I've heard and liked would be stupid. Right now though, I'm listening to Vampire Weekend and Les Petits Pilous, er, Daft Punk and a lot of Roisin Murphy. I've been told I listen everything they've never heard of, and I wouldn't deny this. Look it up if you want to.

Books: Finding Lubchenko, Be More Chill, and Little Brother are all very wonderful books, the Twilight Saga (although in my school, openly saying that is putting yourself in front of a firing squad), and I'm getting into reading classics. As of late it's 'Don Quixote,' and it's actually really funny for being written by a Spaniard in 1605.

Manga:'Tis mostly Naruto, sprinkled with a wee bit of FMA and I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of Ouran High School Host Club. I've read the first volume of Oh My Goddess!, too. My collection is rather weak.

Anime: Sticking to catching up on all the goshdarned Shippuden episodes I missed. I'll be focus-driven on that for a while.

Yay for stealing Strife's profile format.

Strife-chan's section:


--Story Section!!--

Travelin' Soldier: Songfic, ShikaIno. Dedication inside the story.

Deep Blue Seas: On Hiatus. ShikaIno, SasuSaku, NaruHina, NejiTen. The girls get tickets to a cruise, and they take Neji, Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamaru with them.

Flowers: Ino gets a little visit from Shikamaru. ShikaIno.

--Coming Soon--

Notes: Naruto and Hinata are passing notes in Math class, what'll happen after the bell rings? NaruHina. (?Rated K+?) Oneshot, by Strife.

Penitentiary Ward: ON HIATUS! TOO MUCH STUFF GOING ON TO DO A HUGE ADVENTURE AT THE MOMENT. The Rookie 9 and Team Gai are sent on a mission to a foreign country they've never heard of. May not come out until Christmas. ShikaIno, NejiTen, SasuSaku, NaruHina, NaruxHinaxOC triangle. By Strife.

Rosepetal's Section~

~THE REAL SUMMARY FOR The Fairydust Chronicles: Sakura's drab, nerdy, life is up for a few tweeks. When Mountain Fairy Tenten shows up, tweeks turn into big changes. I'm not even sure about Pairings yet. Hiatus :(

A Kiss For A Kiss: Yeh, the 100 oneshots.

Coming UP!

Mind Games: A simple science experiment can pull a group of people together.

Prom Anonymous (Are we seeing a TREND??):The prom is coming up, and Tenten isn't going. Sakura's sad, Hinata's confused, and Ino's gonna change her mind. May not come until April...

Blood and Autumn: A mission to help a bratty princess turns into a devious tale of love, mystery, and deceit.

No title yet my friend: Since I'm having a large obsession with Greek Mythology, I could relate almost anything in Naruto to Greek MythologySo, yeah, like how when Sakura was a jerkish moron, how she declared her love for Sasuke like a million times and Sasuke was all like "No." That is like the epic story of Echo and Narcissus. Ooh...


1.) August 5th, 2007.

-Strife is now Rosepetal, and Clouds is Strife. Because Clou-Strife, is a total stupidface. GREAT JOB, Strife. Confuse the general public, eh?! If you care, or don't understand, PM us, no. PM ME. (My email is jazzin_dancer@) ...Heheheheh, I have the profile until Strife comes back from camping...Hahahahahah! Oh, and, that is until this afternoon. v.v ~Rosepetals

2.) August 7th, 2007.

-I am not a stupidface. Michelle is a stupidface. And the account was made with my email address so if your lazy its me that your PMing. Not 'Rosepetal'. And we both have hotmail. Just ask for either one of us for it. And camping was awesome!! Then I got to hang with Sean!! Yay!! Go Sean!! ~Strife

3.) August 8th, 2007.

-Hi... I'm really bored and just felt like making an entry. My cuz' Ryan is here, asking me all these questions on his Yahoo 360 thing...Me and Rosepetal watched The Simpson's Movie today! So did Sean, Dan, Lauren, Kevin, and Justin! Yay! I sat next to Sean and Rosepetal. Then we got back to camp, and I spent like... 2 hours with Sean. On the ride home, it sucked ass. Destini kept asking me stupid questions like: "Are you and Sean best friends?!" or, "Is Sean your boyfriend?"... It got rather annoying. I kept ignoring her and everything was fine. .' Then Dan starting singing the 'K.I.S.S.I.N.G.' Song... They're all lying I tell you!! Lies!! Then we made those oragami old school quizzes. Like 'Blue, 6, 8, 3, Fortune.'... And we made a Push one too. The one where you push the button and it says Boy Girl, then Kiss, Love, Kill, or Friend, then 1-some number. THAT GAME LIES!! Because of stupidass Matt... I picked boy... then he told me to do Kiss... just to see where it would go...And I was pressured into saying 5... which happened to be Sean... Freaking Matt...Today was so awesome yet horrible...Yeah I'm probably boring you people. Byes. ~Strife... And ShikaTema is sooooo wrong. Temari's like 3 years older than Shika! It's freaking nasty!! ~Strife

4.) August 8th 2007.

-First lesson you should know. NEVER, NEVER EVER EVER NEVERRRRRRRR, ever, take Strife's opinions too seriously. Well, she(or is it a he? Inside joke.) hates Temari in general...LESSON TWO! Strife never talks for me. I, however think that Temari is just as good as any other normal character. I still don't like ShikaTema...It doesn't flow right for me. Even though Ino and Temari are alike in many, many, unimportant ways. Hey, hey, heyheyheyhey! Don't get angry at me, I just wanted put that out there. No disrespect to any ShikaTema fans out there. I love you all, like doughnuts. Lesson three. The world is like a box of donuts. There are the wonderful Strawberry Dips, and Vanilla Sprinkles, and then there are the not as good Lemon Bran, and Chocolate Chocolate. Uh-huh. I'm crazy. And YES! I don't have to go dancing tonight. Woop.

Okay, read peoples! The first actual story is coming up. All late updates are to be blamed on Strife. Flames, feh, why do people do it sometimes? Well, if anyone reads these, there you go.-Rosepetal

5.) August 11th, 2007.

-Go to MySpace TV... and look up Stick Figures on Crack. They are freaking hilarious!! Especially the 3rd one.-Strife

6.) August 14th, 2007.

-Me and Rosepetal will have 2 stories up and running soon. But... I seriously need help with titles. PM us with any suggestions pwease. And yay!! Summer camp is done!! Wait... Nuuuu!! That's not good!! ... Yeah... and I might get killed for this.. but ask for our MySpace things if you want to be our friendeths. ~Strife

7.) August 15(??) 2007.

I love this song! I love England too!

~Hey England... let's kick it.

Cops without guns and the NME.
Should I watch the BBC or should I watch the BBC?
Look at these crazy coins, is this Lord of the Rings?
Pounds and pence and Princes and Queens?
Flipside experience, well not really.
More familiar than Russia or Chile.
Up for cricket or squash, or the London zoo?
Look, you hate George Bush and we do too.
Fab music scene, though, UK bands are ace,
And you guys are the most polite of the human race.
Fish and chips, crumpets, bangers and mash,
Shakespeare, Donne, Sid Vicious and the Clash.
You love our movies, we kind of like yours.
We love the way you talk, "please help help us in these wars."
You stopped staying "fab," we stopped saying "groovy,"
Our Scotland is Canada; you saw the South Park movie.

(Chorus)I love England and visa versa,
American perspective in these Visa verses.
Tea time? Jolly good! Caffeine rush.
Look, a red a phone booth and a double-decker bus.

I love you England, so let's both ignore
The Boston Tea Party, and that silly East Coast war.
Oxford, London, and Guildford too,
Rockin' your P.A.'s when I come to visit you.

The Florida incident? Democracy at work,
But we've still got love for your boy Edmund Burke.
If it weren't for us, you'd be speaking German,
But then we gave you Hanson and Pee Wee Herman.
You gave us the Beatles, and you gave us the Who
We gave you Kris Kross and Vanilla Ice too.
You gave us "Chicken Run" and the Teletubies,
We gave you McDonald's and got you chubby.
You think we're all Trailer Trash obnoxious and noisy.
But that's just Springer, Ricki Lake, and Boise.
We're friendly and fake and proud of our nation,
Overweight, wasting gas, hedonic civilization.
We're sue-happy mad overworked compulsive winners,
Strong facade but insecure, just think Seymour Skinner.
We're obsessed with image, old age and fat,
Technology, death, and our dogs and cats,
The superbowl, shopping, S.U.V.s and money,
Santa Claus, hygiene and the Easter Bunny.
But bigger is better and we love our T.V.
From L.A. to Boston, to Nashville, Tennessee.
And yes 1/4 of Americans own guns
In case you come back to punish your sons.
But Mother Britain listen, there's still a tie that binds us,
The U.S. isn't perfect, you don't have to remind us.


It's by MC Lars, who I also think is the best rapper, though he is a nerd. And if anyone is offended, it's because you can't laugh at yourself. -Rosepetal.

8.) August 17th, 2007.

-I'm going camping again!! I'll be gone the whole weekend! Yay!! Then I'll be home. And I don't know wether it's this week or next week that I'll be gone Wed-Mon. 6 days!! With my friends Stephen and Chris! Yay!! And we have a band. We haven't really decided on a name, but we're working on songs! Yay us! We are going to rock your asses!! All of you!! ALL OF YOU!! Ok... I'm fine now...~Strife

9.) August 19th, 2007.

-I'm back from camping!! I went to Watkins Glen. It was so beautiful, and huge! New York City used to be an ancient ocean, and the gorge at Watkins Glen used to be the layers of mud. But that was like... 15 million billion years ago...I got a poster, and a spearhead. On Saturday, we went to this thing called the Windmill, and it was freaking cool! I got a necklace, hat, and 2 rings. If you ever go there, go to this one place in building three, it's this resturant thing, and buy these cheddar cheese balls. They are the best things I've ever tasted! And my mom is going in again a couple weeks, and bringing me back a wolf painting, a wolf statue, and a book. So... yeah... Today I woke up and came out of the tent to walk to the bathroom, and the campers across the road thing, trashed our campsite. They wrote 'Good Morning' in ketchup, and some messed up thing that sort of looked like 'Fck Me' and 'Bch', in mustard. Then on our table, there was little plastic cups filled with milk, and in 2 of them there was freaking corn on the cob! In the milk! And in the other one, it had eggs in it! So I took pictures of it... and I might post them on PhotoBucket or MySpace, but I don't really know... Then I went over to their campsite (They had already left.), they had all this trash, EVERYWHERE, in the campsite. All over the firepit, and there was corn on the cob in it too, then I saw egg shells scattered places... So we knew it was them. It was interesting. ~Strife

10.) August 22, 2007.

-I am completely and utterly bored out of my mind. Summer is extremely boring right now. No summer camp. No camping. A retarded wedding. I won't see Naruto, AGAIN. For two weeks. I'm going to a wedding this Saturday. I most likely will not watch Naruto because of it. Then I'm leaving for the 6 day long camping trip with my band and our parents. On Wed. Till Monday or Tuesday. I will not see Naruto. This is one of my Sasuke Emo moments.~Strife

11.) August 23, 2007.

-I'm all better now! Yay! My little cousin is gonna tape it for me. . Today was cool. My friend's brother locked us out of his house. In a rainstorm. But it was fun!! And we had Ramen. And we collected bottles. And now I'm bored. So I think I'm going to update soon!! ~Strife

12.) August 25, 2007.

-I forgot about Shikamaru and Ino's Birthdays!! Nuuuu!! Tis impossible!! So, I am making a dedication story for the two of them. I'm a genius sometimes! .

PS: I might not have to go to the wedding!! Yay!! I may be spending the whole day at Rosepetal's house! Yay! That means I won't miss Naruto!! Even more yay!! Or be bored at a wedding!! But that also means I won't be updating no matter what today. Besides the dedication story! Yay dedication!! ~Strife

13.) Is it the 25th? Okay, I'm making it the 25. August 25, 2007.

-I'm so bored right now. Until Strife comes over, then I'll be scared a bit. I'm announcing that Strife sorta kinda accidentally looked at hentai...hahahahah. Err. But I was there, and now I'm scarred. SCARRED. Really people. Why must you scar me with your pictures? Oh and Kung Pow is funny as all things stupid! Oh my god...good times, good times. That's it. Rosepetal signing off. Like anyone cares... ~Rosepetal

14.) August 27, 2007.

-I knew I didn't miss their Birthdays! This is August! Their birthdays are in September! Yay! I didn't miss them!! ~Strife

15.) August 27, 2007 (I presume...).

-You thought it was September? You're a dunce sometimes, but I don't care. Oh and, can we get another picture, I believe it's time for a switch up. I mean COME ON!~Rosepetal

16.) August 27, 2007.

-I just got a haircut!! For those of you peoples who do not know me personally, you have no clue why that is so special. I have really short hair. No, I don't have Cancer. I got my hair cut about... 2 years ago. Really short. I let it grow for about 5 weeks then I get it cut again. Well, today was my last haircut like that. I'm letting it grow longer...about...Shoulder length. For those of you who know me, celebration time!! And no, Rosepetal, I did not think that it was September. I thought their birthdays were in August. I'm not that stupid. ~Strife

17.) August 28, 2007.

-Wowzers, I can't wait to see shoulder-length hair on you, I might just die. I want to write a oneshot, mostly 'cause there not going to be that much updation, cause I might go camping on the weekend, and Strife is going camping tomorrow to like Monday or Tuesday (forgot which one.) I'm forcing my mother to go to Watkins Glen, mostly because I heard it was bee-u-tee-ful! That and I saw it in my New York State Textbook last year. So...yeah. My mom isn't a really big fan of camping so it'd be really cool if my mom went. So...yeah. And...I love the oneshot you made, Strife. It's odd. I loves the odd. ~Rosepetal

18.) Also August 28, 2007.

-No oneshot. Cause it got deleted. And I cried. Badly. Fricking computer! I fricking hate it! I'm getting off of the computer and eating cookie dough. God. This sucks muffin. Goodbye, I'm going to gorge on calories. ~Rosepetal, who will kill something now.

19.) August 29, 2007.

-I'm going campin' now! Weee!! Fun, hysterical laughing, spades, and beyblades, here I come!! Also, time to refresh on some old memories! Like, Sugar Sugar, campfire singing, ghosts stories, and beating on Chris for being an idiot! Ah, good times. Good times. Anyway, as many of you know, I will be gone for 6 days with my bandmates (Stephen and Chris), and their mom and dad, and my mom. I am taking the liberty of explaining my companions. Stephen is 1 year older than me, and is like me in so many ways it's not funny. Stephen and I love to beat on his little brother, Chris. Because he's an idiot. Chris on the other hand is wacked out, spantanious, and crazy. We all like beyblades, and fighting eachother. I know, it's not fair for girls to hit boys, because they are no match for us. But it's fun anyway. Plus, they can fight back. I live with boys, so I got used to it around the age of... maybe, 8 or 9. My mom is making me get off the computer now so... I will see you all on Monday! Or Sunday if it rains. ~Strife

20.) August 30, 2007.

WOO! I HAVE THE PROFILE ALL TO MYSELF! WOOOOOOOOOH! AHH, THERE'S SPIT STUCK IN MY VERTEBRAE TRACHEA! OH MY GOODNESS! Oh...never mind...Well, I'm going to my second best friend Emma's house for like all of tomorrow. Then I have to go to sleep at like eight cause I'm going to Fair Haven Beach State Park (Or somewhere else...) the next morning. And Fair Haven is about three hours away from where I live. So we have to leave early. So...Emma's House. I'm not in her class this year so I'm not going to see her as much, but she's having a get together with pizza and ice cream. I was all like "Yo, pizza? I'm so there!" So yeah...I'm booked until Tuesday so I'm trying to be productive. So...yeah...well...bye, I have chapters to work on... ~Rosepetal

21.) September 3, 2007.

-Okay, I'm back! Well apparently, my mom got a campsite at Watkins Glen at the last minute! I had so much fun! Well...YAY! ~Rosepetal

22.) September 3, 2007. The day before school starts. AKA The last day of vacation.

-Why?! Why must the good and youthful go to school!? I. Don't. Wanna. Go. Back. We do this retarded 'Ice Breaker' activity the whole day!! The first day of school is the best day of school! Why the hell would we have an activity, away from our classes, the whole day?! The first day is supposed to be the day to meet your classmates, teachers, and get used to your locker! Middle School sucks! Shit... I'm ranting. And swearing. Anyways... Updates will be much slower because of school. And if you read this on September 3rd... Give a round of aplause for my big cousin, Shawn! Today is his first day of College!! Yayz for him! Ok... I gots chores to do.. before my mom comes home. And I need to pick out clothes! Weee!! ~Strife

Edit: We had that Ice breaker thing for only half the day... The first day was fun! ~Strife-chan

23.) September 5, 2007.

I hate my teacher so HARD! Not much, hard. She's way too strict. But my science teacher Mrs. Spadafora, is really cool. My only friend is in Mrs. Spadafora's class. I share a locker with this girl whom I've NEVER talked to in my LIFE. LIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEE! Her name's Bianca, and she's the only one who can open my locker. Oh and, the only girl I know is Rebekah. I sit next to a kid who takes 7th Grade advanced math. On my other side is some girl from another school. I'm wearing a shirt with squirrelies on it! It makes my stomach look smaller. I woke up at 4:25am! WOO. I just hope that Emma's class is with me in gym. I'm trying out for Surround Sound, the school's SPECIALLY SPECIAL chorus. Which has Emma in it. So, hopefully Ms. Saada will let me in. So...yeah. Like Strife-chan said. SLOWER UPDATES! I have homework everyday 'cept Friday. And a report. Okay, okay, it's a "Literature Analasis thingy..." But okay. Bye. -Rosepetals

P.S: Aw Shiz! The news just said I need more shots. Shizwackers!

24.) September 6, 2007.

-Salut! That's French for hi. School is way better than I thought it would be! I'm taking French as a foreign language...And it rox! Madame Elbaz is really nice. My favorite classes so far: English taught by Ms. Eagan, Science taught by Mrs. Braid, and French, taught by Madame Elbaz. In French class, our first assignment was to go home and bother your parents with French words. And our second one was to go home and get a slip signed. Then, go onto Google and look up French names. Then, you have to pick a French name. I never ever thought I would be called 'chan' before...It's awesome! I shall now call Rosepetal, Rose-chan. I don't share a locker with anyone, but my friend is right next to me! But... we are in the retarded 6th grade hall... And I made up with my friend, Heather! We got in a fight on the last day of school. My computer is being slow, so I'm going to shut it down for a moment... then start working on updates! A demain! (French for see you tomorrow.) ~Strife-chan

25.) September 6, 2007.

Y'know. My year's shaped up in good spots too! We had a thirty minute discussion on "Theories on the Earth" with Mrs. Spadafora. "But...that would be weird." -Mrs. Spadafora. I really enjoy chorus! Miss Saada is awesome!


26.) September 7th, 2007.

-I'm going out to supper with my mom, dad, and grandma. I will be back sometime around... 7? I don't really know. But ,Rose-chan, I'll call you when I get back. The good news is that I have an idea for a story!! Weee!! And it's ShikaIno!! And Choji is very evil. Muahaha. -Strife-chan

27.) September 13th, 2007.

-Gawd. I feel like shit. I stayed home sick yesterday, but today I feel worse... And, I'm not going with Jocelin... I'm going with Severin now. Because, someone else is named Joselin. So... it sorta got confusing. Whatever... ~Strife-chan.

PS: I was doing a word search today, and I found a part that said 'OMGRILLZ' Honest to God.

28.) September 17th, 2007.

-Oh noes! My friend is sicketh. Tis sad. I won't be able to sit with anyone on the ride to school. Oh, and Rose-chan's computer got killed. That's even more sad. So I get the profile all to my self!! Until she gets it fixed... which may be a while, seems her mom is a procrastinator, like me... I have found a new hobby! Day Dreaming! It helps me with stories. And I have photographic memory, so I can play back a memory I have. Yay! Summer camp memories!! Yay!! ~Strife-chan.

29.) September 21st, 2007.

-YAY! MY BABY IS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVEEEEE! Ohhohohohohohh...(is rubbing the monitor.) Err, well, I'm back. Righton. OKAY! Everyone wisheth me good luck on making Surround Sound! I'll know Monday! UPDATES WILL RETURN! ...Eventually. The thing is, I'm sick and I feel like crap, and all of my chapters are on WordPad and not Microsoft Word! And also, I've got two long projects to do. And they are due VERY SOON and I haven't started on either. So...yeh. Bleh.


30.) September 21st, 2007.

-Yay! Rose-chan's baby didn't die! I wonder what it's name is... maybe Monica? (Moniter)... That's hilarious. I met Sean's cousin at school yesterday!! It's so awesome! And she's on my team! But... not in my classes... But she's on my team! And I might be able to see her another time staying after for Math or something... Yay! I got a bank account today. It's custodial though... but I gots 45 dollars in it! And yes... I'm working on updates... I gots two more stories coming. One was inspired by my awesome math teacher, Mr. Chase. The other was inspired by being bored at school! And which I am right now... I have a little challenge for the people who waste their lives on reading these! And people that actually can write a decent sentence that I know from school! You must first guess my name, (Rose-chan, you don't count. Neither do you, Alex.) then you must guess who I like. So nyah. And for those of you who are just reading this profile for the hell of it, go get squirreled. ~Strife-chan. PS: PM me with the answers.

31.) September 22nd, 2007. A day for celebration.

-Yay!! IT'S SHIKA'S B-DAY!! YAY!! WE MUST HAVE A PARTY! AND IT'S SATURDAY!! NARUTO NIGHT! YAY! And in other news, no one has PMed me with answers yet... Shame on you all! But... It was 11:00... So...Um... You have all been Shund... I don't care if that's how you spell it. Wait... As Jack says: You have been Shunda from this park! Away! Weeeee... I'm off to eat something for breakfast! ~Strife-chan.

32.) September 23rd, 2007. Another day of celebration.

-It's Ino's birthday! Yay...? Wow you people are pathetic, still no PMs... ~Strife-chan.

33.) September 23rd, 2007.

-I have Microsoft Word up! YAY! So, I'm working on chapters now. -Rosepetals PS, oh, Strife, it's SHUNDAH.

34.) September 24th, 2007.

YAY! I made Surround Sound! -Rosepetals

35.) October 6th, 2007.

-I'm gonna work on my Blue Tiger-chan stories and stuff. So...yeh. -Rosepetals.

36.) October 9th, 2007.

-It's Naruto's B-day! Yay!! He's 13 now!! ~Strife-chan

37.) October 28th, 2007.

-OMG! We haven't posted on FF in so long! Yeah, we discovered Gaia Online. Check it out, it may bring more literate people. () I'm totally addicted to the forums. Oh, and my keyboard broke, and I either have to work on my grandmother's computer, or type REALLY slow with an on-screen keyboard, which I'm doing right now. Well, I have to get back to my forums! ~Strife-chan.

38.) November 4th, 2007.

~:( ...'Tis true! We have been eaten by that known as Gaiaonline! OMG, right? I'm BlueRosepetalsRed, if anyone wanted to talk to me. I WOULD update, but me and Strife are saving up for a GUILD(!) and it's like twenty thousand gold, and I'm selling all of my crap on the market. I have seven thousand out of ten. YAY!!

But seriously, YOU try and write actively after going to Gaia.


39.) November 6th, 2007.

-Rose-chan couldn't have said it better if I say so myself. I'm posting a new poem I started way back, and finished tonight. Um, I'm back in action with my keyboard (I got a new one.), and I will be posting more stories, because I am starting to doodle in Math class more. ~Strife-chan, the almighty RolePlayer.

40.) December 2nd, 2007.

Sup my readers, I am working on various stories, but it won't be a while till they're posted because of the holidays. So, if I don't see any of you till 2008, Merry Fanfiction to all! And to all, a good write! ~Strife-chan

41.) Decmeber 16th, 2007.

I'm such a lazy jerk, right! Well, The Fairydust Chronicles is moving a the rate of 0.00000000000000000000000012 mph per month, but since it's almost CHRISTMAS BREAK!! I may whip up a crappy oneshot for the holidays or work on TFC. I 3 you all, Happy Holidays! ~Rosepetals

42.) December 18th, 2007.

-Ok, I lied... I have way too much time on my hands... Sooooo, I'm going to tell you all a little story. Once upon a time a little 6th grade classroom, 3 students sat at their table. These students didn't want to work, so they goofed off instead. One of these students had a little toy frog, so she started making it do flips on her desk. Another one saw it, and wanted to try. Pretty soon all 3 of them were playing with it. So, of course, this little frog needed a name. So what better a name than Gizmo? Gizmo's life is rather tragic, and is full of horror and suspense. First, it got a tattoo on his stomach, that read 'I ''heart'' mom'. He also got his two front legs ripped off of his body. So, poor Gizmo got taken home about 1 month later, shoved in a box, and forgotten. Now, that 7th grade girl has found the mishapen Gizmo, and brought him to school. His tattoo faded so she decided to color his whole underside blue. This little frog has found a wife, whom we named Audrey. She is pregnant with his child. Audrey is pink and rubbery, but mostly pink. They now live on their nice, humble, abode on this girl's ID cards. Quite a lovely story, eh? That was all true... Anywho, I think I gots some inspiration to do some writing, and I will probably do the Christmas story even if Rose-chan does. ~Strife-chan

43.) December 22, 2007.

-Omg... It's like.. 10:30 PM... I swear to Kami I saw an animal in my tree... It was big and black and it moved...So I grabbed the rest of the groceries and ran like hell... If I don't make it to tomorrow... The people of will know how I died... ~Strife-chan

44.) December 23, 2007.

-I'm alive!! And I finally finished the post count... ~Strife-chan

45.) January 1, 2008.

~Happy new year!! I have found a new obbsession. Alvin and the Chipmunks. Now, I hated the movie. The newest movie. The one that had 'Uncle Ian' and no Chippettes. I wanted to strangle it. I have been a fan of Alvin and the Chipmunks since as long as I can remember. It was the greatest child movie besides The Land Before Time, which they really have overdone. Much to Rose-chan's disapproval, I'm submiting works in that catagory. Squee!! ~Strife-chan. PS: Watch The N. 519 on cable, bishes.

46.??) January 28, 2008.


Anyway, I wanted to say I still haven't posted...I'm a jerk. Oh and, The N is on 532 for TWCable FOOLS!!

47.) April 18th, 2008.

~Holy crap it's been a long time. My birthday was the 30th of March, and Rose-chan's is on the 29th of April. Now our account is totally legal!! I'm a teen!! Anyway, I have been obsessed with NejiTen, and I'm working on a couple songfics for them. Two by the same band. I'm going to reveal the titles, and don't be too shocked. Mr. Wonderul is one. Butterfly is another. And Could It Be is the third. Now, the third one is from Christy Carlson Romano, and the Kim Possible soundtrack. I found an amazing amv on youtube that has that song with NejiTen. Click teh linkies!!

It just fits them, but it also fits other pairings. I was so torn between two pairings, but NejiTen won. I'm ranting so I'm going to stop. Oh, wait. Rose-chan, my friend, my cousin, and I had a Naruto meeting!! We are collecting money for Naruto CCG cards, so I can enter tournaments and win shit!! I never thought of it before, but I'm going to advertise awesome fanfics, authors, and us. And in general. More hits and reviews for all writers!! PM us for requests with advertising. If one of the two of us like it, I'll say something. -Strife-chan.

48.) May 10th, 2008.

Happy Mother's Day! I know it's tomorrow...but...I know I probably won't get to the computer ya'll! -Rose-chan

49.) June 27, 2008.

~Monday is Summer Camp!!111!!one!! Sean!! Destini (Ew...)!! Michelle (Double ew...)!! Tony (Not as bad...)!! Random other people Rose-chan and I hung out with last year!! Cards!! Markers!! Gonna stop now!!

So, as I said, life is good. I just finished the most horrible school year of my life, trust me, and I'm moving!! It's a beautiful duplex that we're splitting with my grandmother. My mom and I are going to be on one side, and my Grandma on the other. Yay, good things happening to Strife-chan!!

And, since I'm done with my school year, I'm considering telling all you nobody's my name!! Maybe next time... Nah. You've all basically gotten to 50 posts... So...

My name is Amanda. But, don't you ever, ever, call me that. Call me Strife, Strife-chan, Shika-chan, or Mandy-chan. Nothing other. I shall attack you with my puppy if you call me by my name.

50.) June 27, 2008.

~ I just saw something that made my day. It was an opening sentence to a rp, and it read:

Welcome to Los Angeles, California: Where the kids are high and the grades are low.


51.) July 1, 2008.

~That last post was by me, in case anyone didn't know. I'm just randomly popping in for a bit to tell you all that is the most hilarious shit ever. Look at the wigs especially. Like, the Temari one. That cracked me up. But, Temari's hair is awesome compared to Sasuke's. Oh dear lord did I cry. It's all spiky!!

Oh, and summer camp sucks ass. The only friend that I remember is Lauren, and she won't talk to me. Plus, that other little kid I can't remember. Sean isn't there, and I almost cried. Rose-chan isn't going till later, so I have no one. Although, I do have Chris. He's one of my older friends from the bus. And, Ryan's not going!! Yesh!! And, next week, Julia and Gabe are supposed to come. They're annoying, but why not? Better 4 than 2... ~Strife-chan the depressed roleplayer, out.

52.) July 7th, 2008.

~I dropped out of summer camp and now I have way too much free time on my hands. I'll be working on stuff as soon as I finish packing. -Strife-chan, the apathetic teenager, out.

53.) July 8th, 2008.

~Alright. Don't PM anyone. All my retarded yahoo accounts aren't working. Both of us can still log in, but I just can't read any mail I get. So. Yes, we are moving the account email. It will still go to me, but I will continue to tell Rose-chan of any PMs you get. So, until I announce that my new hotmail account is up and running, no PMs. Thank you for your cooperation. ~Strife-chan.

54.) July 8th, 2008.

We get PMs?


55.) July dflmnsdfklnsfdsfsdfk

~I'm in a random mood. And, yes. We do get PMs. I think... xDD

Rose-chan? How are you on this oddly formed account? I changed the e-mail, to let you know. Check that out so you don't hurt me. It'll say so on the account button thing. ~Strife-chan.

56.) July, whatever.

~I'm almost fully moved into my new house, and I'm bound and determined to make a good, long, OC story because I'm bored.

It'll have everything! Missions!! Me!! Rose-chan!! Pairings!! Insane speed!! And action!! But wait. Strife-chan doesn't write action!! O.O

Everyone will surely be in for a surprise. ~The almighty, Strife-chan. "Let's take this moment and pray to the Gods. Zeus, let the wind blow it's harmless breeze, forever cooling the sun. Poseidon, may the water of the Earth be wild and carefree, so we may tame it. Hades, allow little death to come upon our people, friends and enemies alike. Ares, let any war that is inevitable, be a victorious one. Demeter, may the Earth bloom with beauty, as you had long ago. Hestia, may comfort and shelter be brought to everyone. Hermes, let the word of the Gods be spread like never before. Hera, let love for everyone in our family fluctuate. Hephaestus, let your hands see that everyone of us can create our own futures. Ah, yes. Athena, let your wisdom guide mankind, and make our lives worth living with your beautiful grace. Artemis, the virgin goddess, let your love of the hunt and every animal change some people into peace. Apollo, make sure that the luxuries of life are not dwelled on, but enjoyed and made a fact that you can live without some things. And, at last, Aphrodite...


57.) July 23, 2008.

~I'm bored, thus, I'm working on the new story and singing Ludo songs.

And... I'm going to talk about music for a sec!!

Has anyone ever noticed Dashboard Confessional's Chris Carrabba sounds just like Shikamaru in a couple of their songs? It's awesome!

On Youtube, Ludo's song "Laundry Girl" is no where to be seen. It makes me cry...

Ludo's songs are very hard to master. It's almost impossible to remember the whole song. I've mastered 2, and I remember most of another. "Love Me Dead" and "Laundry Girl" are the ones I've completed, and I'm able to fully sing them. But, "Good Will Hunting By Myself" is complicated, but I'm working on it.

Rawr. ~Strife-chan.

58.) Whatever.

~Christ...Strife. I've never seen you use that many intellectual words in a post. And...try remembering Ludo's Lake Pontchartrain. That was fun.

"COME BACK!" Why the hell would they leave the car?! -Rose-chan

59.) Rawr.

Gods damn, we're getting lazy.

And, which post, Rose-chan? The one with the prayer or the musical one?

Doesn't matter. I'm working on three stories at once, but I'll hopefully have 2 of them out by the weekend. One of them is the OOC one and the other is a songfic.

I have chores today... Ew... I'm half done with them though, so I should start working on the stories towards 6 o' clockish. It's about 4:30 right now. This is Eastern time, by the way.

I was visiting my cousin in the hospital all weekend, so I didn't have time to work on it.

~Strife-chan. "Tell him he's a butt for not coming up." "I'll tell him exactly that, which rhymes by the way." Hysterical laughing ensues. "What?" ""Which rhymes by the way", oh my God." "Wow." Walking away ensues.

60.) Holy shit!!

Rick Riordan sent the message back!! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!! And... The best part is that it wasn't a computer! He didn't capitalize Wikipedia, so I know it wasn't a computer...

I was on the phone, and I was like, "I'm going to FF in a minute, just let me check hotmail first." So... I went there, checked through random stuff for the e-mail I was looking for, which was my friend's FF account that he just made, and I saw it. I was like, "Dude, I'm calling you back later." , click.

So, I'm in a good mood. The story will be up in a little bit, my Internet was down for a while, for I am almost done with the first Chappie. Yesh!

Rawr. ~Strife-chan. "Ohmigawd. That Cap'n Crunch Crunch Berry looks like a frog head!"

61.) ...

Okays, so you wanna know what happened to Strife and I at the YMCA? We were going to rent another pool stick, and we pass this old guy.

And he says:

"Ooh, two kids with a pool stick," or something like that.

"Um." We laugh awkwardly, STILL walking. Faster, even.

So we get the other stick and we pass him again. "You know what's better than ONE pool stick? TWO POOL STICKS!"

More awkward laughing, and Strife basically bolted into the room. -Rosepetals

62.) ...

It was rather awkward, wasn't it?


I'm sitting here, practically staking out, waiting for the mail to come. In it, will be BREAKING DAWN.

I finished Eclipse yesterday, around 3:00, and I plan on starting the book within 24 hours of that time, for a full on quench on my thirst.

It's not healthy, those books. ~Strife-chan, the wannabe Cullen. And, if that doesn't happen, I'll go hang with Jacob.

63.) OMG.

Holy shit, summer ended! I'm in my new school, and it's incredibly creepy. It feels like I don't belong there... And I can't stand it.

I've been hearing noises, too. There is this kid on my bus that sounds exactly like one of my best friend's exes... O_o

And all of the people that I know from GCMS are there, in my head! It's non-stop! Like, my friend Ana was walking down the hall, but when I blinked, she wasn't there! And I swear to the Gods that I saw my other friend Maggie a dozen times. ON. THE. FIRST. DAY. I'll be asylum worthy by the end of the school year! Then, it'll just get worse when I'm in the high school next year. Ohmigawd. I'll be a Freshman in 09... O_O

Too much drama, yo. Way too much. ~Strife-chan, the almighty newb at the moment.

64.) Bleh.

I guess I have a couple friends... School's not all that great right now, though. At the moment, I'm waiting for my RP partner to get online, so I'm incredibly bored. ~Strife-chan.

PS: Oh, Jessie and I have created a new account for Twilight. I'll give the guys the link in a little bit.

65.) Rawr.

I have a special treat for all of you guys! It's a movie that I hope you'll watch!

Cats, the almighty broadway film of randomness, is the best musical I've ever seen in my whole life. Rose-chan can't back me up on it yet, since she is going to watch it later tonight with me and Jessie. But... It's full of dancing cats and dogs and sexual non-sense! Rom Tom (We call him Rom Tom but his actual name is Rum Tum Tugger.), Mr. Mistoffelees (He was formerly known as Tuxedo Man until we heard his song.), and Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, are our favorite awesome cats. Grizabella is funny too. At one part, they were all singing, and she popped out of nowhere. So, they stopped singing, and looked at her. Seconds later, they turned away and started singing while she disappeared. After the song, she was back again.

So, watch it or no updates ever! Just kidding, I couldn't do that. I'd spontaniously combust. Although, I say that like I'm actually writing shit. xD

~Strife-chan, the random blob.

66.) October 15th, or 16th... I can't tell.

-I'm watching a random scary movie on Cartoon Network with the girl who plays Hannah Montana's friend on the show. Lily? I don't know nor do I care, but she's a good actor. The movie is like... Don't Think About It or something. It's so cliche it's funny.

~Strife-chan, the non-active writer. P. S. I'm going to update Night of the Undead or whatever for reals. It's October. What can I say?

67.) November something in the teens.

I'm home for the second day this week (Tis Tues.) and the docs think I have Strep. I'm going to the cruel place they call a medical center at noon thirty. TT_TT

Although I can't hug people, I get off of school for a while. AND... TWILIGHT IS COMING OUT IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK. MORE LIKE 3 DAYS. O.O

So excited. Rose-chan is reading the series too. She's on... Eclipse I think. Last time I talked with her it had been right after she'd finished New Moon. ~Strife-chan, the blob who figured out that the '~' symbol is actually a tilda or whatever. I thought it sounded quite sexual.

68.) November 21st, 2008.


Twilight comes out in theaters today. You guys have no idea how excited I am.

My mom is taking my friend Jessie and I to see it at Regal. COUCHES FOR THE MOVEH!!

I haven't heard from Rose-chan in a while, but I'm going to call her at like... 4-ish to see if she wants to come with us.

Mom got me an Edward poster. o.o

It was the only one at Wal-mart, otherwise she would have gotten someone else. He's not exactly my favorite.

I like Emmett, Jasper, or Seth way better.

Favorite is Jake. That'd be awesome.

Anyways, I'm ecstatic. Squee!!

~Strife-chan, the random blob that's bible is the 4+ books of Twilight and Percy Jackson. Together.

P.S.: I'm working on a possible oneshot. Still sick!! This is a personal record. 5. Days.

69.) November 21st, 2008.

Nevermind, Rose. My mom is a butt and bought the tickets last night so they wouldn't get sold out and we'd all be depressedededed. I was all, "Oh noes. How many tickets did you get??" And she was all like, "3. Why?"

I was sadeth. But, if you go and see it later on, I'll go with you anyways. xDD

P.S. LOL 69! XD

70.) November 22nd, 2008.

Holy shit. That was such an awesomely suckish movie! Robert Pattinson made Edward pronounce Carlisle's name wrong. He kept saying "Carlo"

I need to stop, otherwise I'd double this profile in size with my rants.


P.S.: Bella was too monotone, Jake's hair was ugly, Edward... JESUS CHRIST. I could go on about those complaints, Emmett was awesome but he looked weird but natural with all the white on, Bella stuttered to much (I- Wh- No- You- Ca- No- I- Le- No. You can't leave me.), Rosalie broke a bowl and I fell over dead from laughing, Alice said almost nothing, Jasper DID look like he was in pain, Carlo... Excuse me. Carlisle was really odd, Esme was Esme, Charlie didn't look right, Billy was spot on, Stephenie was in the diner thing, Victoria was all "Woah.", James was ugly, Laurent was just like no, Eric was Asian and so was Angela, Angela looked nice like that though, I'm going to stop this rant before I asplode.

At the end, they were showing what actor played who, and when Jake came on, a lot of people screamed and stuff. Including me.

Then, Jasper came on and I was the only one. I was all, "Yeah!!" And nobody else. I was like, "Wtf? Jake gets some and he got a two second part, yet Jasper was there in the background the whole movie and he only gets me and Alice?"

Lol. Oh, and Jake had fangs. It was funny. And, Edward said sex. He was all, "Sex, sex, money, uh... sex, money, cat."

Not "Cats" but "Cat". Just one. Only one cat, not plural. Just one.

71.) November 24th, 2008.

I'm working on an action fic, but it's AU, so I think I'll do better with it. I think it's the best quality I've ever written to be honest. It's Dinotopia styled Naruto.

The first chapter will be out soon, or my bible isn't Twilight. ~Strife-chan, the random blob whom does not eat tacos.

72.) November 26th, 2008.

Ok, first chapter is done, and it's uploaded in the documents, but I'm not quite sure about 1 thing. I'm going to watch the movie again tonight to see.

It'll be out to the public by 12 tonight, EST. That is, or my middle name doesn't start with an L and end with a E. And no, it isn't Lee. That's Rose's last name, xDDDDDD.

Tis Lynne.

~Strife-chan, otherwise known as Amanda Lynne HEHEHEHEHE. Not the last part. That'd be awkward.

73.) November 30th, 2008.

Bad Strife! Bad Strife! I feel like Dobby, or however you spell it. That little thing from HP.

I forgot my favorite pairing's birthdays! I'm making a fanfic about them now, so I'm claiming it's their belated b-day present.


74.) December 24th, 2008.

Well, First of all, Merry Christmas Eve!! Or, fourth?, night of Hanukkah? Or Yule?

Happy Damn Holidays, OKAY?

Also, I wanted to say AKFAK isn't dead! I swear. I have two 'shots in my documents, but I'm going through that one or two day stage of 'should I really add this?' anxiety. Y'know how it is, kids. Well, I'll be updating soon. Also, I've been getting random bursts of Twilight themed writing fits. So I have like six Twilight themed drafts hiding in my documents and like three Naruto ones. 'Tis sad. I knows. I MIGHT just add one. Though I'm sure if it'll be on this account or another one. I dunno.


75.) January 23rd, 2009.


I'll be 14 in about 2 months!! _

Uh, I'm listening to Jordy's Dur Dur D'etre Bebe at the moment, so I'm very distracted by his little baby cuteness. xD

I've decided to hold off my werewolf story, so that that it will make more money. I'll be writing about this random plot that I've had going for a long time but never really delved into it. Once I got Chappie 1 finished, I might put it on our profile. _;


76.) Jeudi le vingt-neuf, Janvier 2009. (Thursday the 29th of January 2009.)

I have a question for you few people who actually read my rants. Which plot do you like better?:

a.) Gender Transformation- Oro has a strange idea as to change two unlucky Konoha nin into girls. Unfortunatly, those two ninja are Naruto and Shikamaru, plus Oro himself and Sasuke by accident. The 4 are forced to work together as Kabuto takes over and keeps the secret to turning back from them. Most likely rated T+.

b.) Fake Gender Transformation- Shikamaru and Neji are assigned an uber-undercover mission which entails them using Naruto's Sexy Jutsu and wearing dresses to spy on a couple of girls. Of course, this isn't really necissary, Tsunade just wanted to know how the secret life of the teenagers went along it's natural course. Most likely rated T+.

c.) Continue my other damn stories.

d.) Work on a songfic I wanna do.

Please help. PM ME!! I'm asking other sources (People on Gaia), and most likely I'll come to a conclusion by Friday night. PWEASE HELP!! If you don't, I might implode! Then no stories would be submited unless Rose stops being lazy. Lol. ~Strife-chan.

77.) Vendredi le trente, Janvier 2009. (Friday the 30th of January 2009.)

~Alright, fine. Don't answer AT ALL. Nobody has helped besides my mom and my cousin Jessie. Glad I can count on the damn population of .


P.S.: Oh, you too Rose. You better answer by Sunday though.

78.) February 20th, 2009.

IT'S MARC DAY! Don't ask what, or why this is. Just don't.

I'm trying to get at least a oneshot out before break is over, but I doubt that'll happen because knowing me, I'll procrastinate and spend my time on incredibly long run on senteces exactly like the one I'm typing right at this very moment on this site. xD


79.) March 10th, 2009.

My birthday is in 20 days, and I posted a new story.

As promised, here's the link to the inspo: http:///art/I-Won-t-Say-i-m-in-love-68408177


80.) April 12th, 2009.

WOW. Haven't been on here in a while. xD

1.) I is now 14.

2.) I've been obsessed recently with talking in Japanese. Just little phrases, y'know? Tonight, right before supper, I was all, "Itadakimasu!" and my mom looked at me like I was retarded.

3.) I'm now an official stalker. It's my friend, and she knows, so it's not nothing dangerous. xD

4.) I've gotten to year 3 in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility in a matter of 2 and a half days. I'M OBSESSED. I have a kid and everything! _

81.) April 13th, 2009.

Today was fun. _

My egg, don't ask, is ruined though. IT NO SACRED NO MORE.

Anyways, I'mma give you all a couple of hilarious quotes from TODAY alone. I should do that more often, since I could do a whole week's worth and double the length of the profile. xD

"Oh noes! I now must sift through my threads! Don't you dare say somethin' about clothes, Na." ~Me.


"Andy!" ~Bri. "Nani?" ~Me. "Konichiwa!!" ~Bri. "Hey." ~Me. This was during Gym, and she yelled it from across the room.

~Strife-chan. Yeah, I respond to Andy now. _

82.) April Somethingoranother, 2009.

God. Sorry I haven't done anything for a while!

Holy Miss Moly, my mom is FORCING, keyword forcing, me to go to Take Your Child to Work Day. That is not how I wanted to spend my Thursday.-sighhhhhhhh- Well, anyway, you want to know something sad, I'm pretty sure AKFAK is on like, life support. That life support is Strife. -sighhhhhhhh- Also, I had a dream about mermaids and Twilight-esque vampires duking it out. The mermaids won. But I don't remember much after that.

Since Strife likes quotes so much, here's one you WILL NOT understand, unless you sit near me in Science. That should eliminate a good 99.9999999999999999999991 percent of the world.

"I am feeling you with my feelers!" -Me. "Well I feel your death approaching with my feelers!" -Emma. Good times.

83.) May 4th, 2009.

First off, awesome quote, Rose. They were chortle wortheh. Second, tomorrow is the release of the 5th PJatO!! I'm making my mom bring me to Barnes and Noble tomorrow and if not then on Wed. IT BE KICKASS.

Oh, my grandma just said something that made me laugh. She was talking to her dog, Gizmo, and she says, "Is this the time of play night?" ~Strife.

84.) May 7th, 2009.

I gotta write this quote down before I forget it.

"I didn't saw a chicken at the horses." It was Hannah from Jon and Kate Plus 8. It made me giggle, and I don't giggle. xDD ~Strife-chan.

85.) May 24th(?), 2009.

I gotta write this retarded thing that my step-sister, Nikki, said earlier yesterday. Rose was there. xD

"I'm gonna die on you until you have nightmares." We laughed. Oh, and they are gonna be living with me for a while. Moving down to the basement and everything. TT_TT

I'm not gonna be writing for a while because of this. I might squeeze out a oneshot I was doodling. It was a really bad doodle but it gave me a little bit of inspo. For some reason, it was NaruHina Lime. _

Another check in thing, my dad's in Mississippi and I haven't heard from him in about a month and a half! Yeah! TT_TT

I gotta stop with those faces. It's like, every line...

School is doing great. My school was entered in a contest at Darien Lake for Chorus and Band and we won third place. We don't hold auditions, so anyone can get in, and the ones that beat us were select few people from private schools. The other ones were select few and open from public schools. We PWNED. I got pictures if anyone is interested in what the amazing Strife-chan and her friends look like. I may just be able to find a picture somewhere of Rose-chan. She'd kill me if I showed it, though. o_o


86.) June 26th, 2009.

Just got back from a party with my friends. IT. WAS. THE. SHIT. Ok, I gotta share some quotes before I forget.

"I'll be your tinkle fairy..." X-to-the-fekking-D. Brittany was heading into the bathroom, and she sorta has this thing about going to the bathroom alone. She's dragged me down halls by my ears. Anyways, she had Bri by the hand and Bri said that in the most disturbing way humanly possible.

"My mom fell down the stairs when she was pregnant with my sister Ashley." THAT MADE MY DAY. Nicole said that, and that's who's party I went to. Me and Bri could not stop laughing. She was down on the bowling alley floor dead and I had to walk away and bang my face on the wall. It was awesome.

Let's see. Some of the things that happened... Quiggle, don't ask, kept attacking me because it's what she does. She also spoiled that Kakashi dies for me. She combed my hair with a fork. Speaking of hair, Brittany sharpied two stripes in my hair. They're half stripes half racoon tails. It's really weird. Speaking of weird, I got Nicole Easy Cheese and they put it on the back of my neck. It sucked. I got raped in the bathroom, which I think was the most off part of the night. Alyssa was all up in my kool-aide, so I hid in the bathroom stall. That worked for a bit. Bri tied my sleeves together and I actually took my hoodie off in public. It's a rare occasion.

So, I had a good time. ~Strife-chan.

87.) July 11th, 2009.

I wanna write this retarded shit down before I forget.

Wanna know what Nikki just asked me? "When you go on a coma, are you smarter or dumber?" I had to explain to her that she's a complete retard. xD

I was hanging out with my friends in my bedroom, playing video games like the winners we are, when we started talking about Naruto. I don't even remember how it came up, but it sorta ended up with Bri testing my knowledge of the series. You know what was the question that she picked? "What's that Neji guy's blood type?"

I thought for a second and said O. Guess, what? I checked on the internet, and found that his blood type is, indeed, O. I laughed so hard I cried and almost pissed myself. I didn't though, no need to worry. XD


88.) July 23rd, 2009.

Nikki is sitting next to me playing Gawd awful music on my mom's laptop because she cannot simply get out of the computer hallway. I can't friggin' wait until this computer goes up to my room. xD

Anyways, I found this new site called Ichumon. It's not new, but I'm new to it. It's sorta like Neopets, but it's more advanced and more serious. It's basically for an older audience. I even got my older cousin to go on it, and she's almost 17. I think she enjoys it more than me.

I'm getting married. Apparently, Bri and I are already married, but we never had a proper ceremony. It's really awkward. Considering we have about 5 children now, I suppose it couldn't hurt. Brittany is planning it, and we were gonna have it on Saturday, but it got moved to Monday, then Jess-chan stole me for a couple days, then it was moved to Wednesday, but it didn't happen because Bri was at Darien Lake. THEY DIDN'T INVITE US. TT_TT

We don't know when it's gonna be. Sorta relieved about that. xD

~Strife-chan. A.K.A. Andy.

89.) November 24th, 2009.

WOW. It's been forever. Like, seriously this time. I only came on so I could update the profile for my friend Quiggle, since she's gonna stalk meh. xD

Okies, gonna catch up all you non-existant people who read our profile on what's been happening in the beloved Strife-chan's life.

90.) December 8th, 2009.

I be at the library, so I'm gonna update shit.

Let's see... For starters, drama. I has a chorus concert on Thursday, and I be uber excited.

I'm now a Freshman! It's really weird being in High School now, but I has friends so it's ok. _

My friendly friend Sarah made me get a Facebook account, so there's that if you really want it. Of course, nobody goes on our profile, so it's ok if nobody stalks me. In fact, it'd be creepy if you did.

That's all I gots right now. ~Strife-chan.

91.) February 11, 2010.

I really should get writing more fanfics.

There's been a lot of crap happening lately.

Can't talk right now, anyways. Will post again if I remember. XD


92.) March 24, 2010.

My life is rather unexciting compared to Strife-chan's, so I'll debrief on the following:

a.) Unicorns are racists, and they are the solitary reason I'm late to class.

b.) During the Death March in the memoir Night, Rabbi Eliahou is not, in fact, a Rabbi. He is a rapper and his son is a cake.

c.) When gardening emotions, it does not matter whether you plant or sow the seeds of hate, just make sure they get oodles o' sunlight.

d.) You are a KNAVE! Leaveth my room beforesth I slaughter thy unholiness! Thou must have no knowledge of what is about to happen to thee?

That's about my life right now.


93.) June 13th, 2010.

Summer's coming and I can't wait. I'm gonna be a lot more active on here hopefully, cause I'm gonna be getting moved down to the basement for a room soon. I'm gonna get my own computer down there too.

Anywho, I was looking at the profile traffic and I keep seeing people from Australia. I think that's freaking amazing. I love Australians, my god. Not to mention my friend has friends down there and we talk about them a lot. So, to our Aussie friends, thank you. PM us? We don't bite. It's great to hear about things from different areas, so this goes out to everyone. US is cool too, but we live there already. XD

Also, to the people reading our beta profile, thanks. We got like 4 people in the last week. It's like holy damn. I didn't even know people knew who we are. XD


P.S.: I'm 15 now!!! Happy birthday to me.

94.) December 5th, 2010.

Ok, so I know that all you've been hearing from us lately is sorry for not being on. Well, sorry. But I'm going through some shit. But! I'm back in business, baby. I got a story all written out, and I just gotta do the finishing touches. I'm guessing it'll be out early this week? Dunno yet.

Course who cares, really? Nobody even knows who we are. xD

So anyways, I'm hoping to pick this back up. And I'mma try and get Rose-chan to do the same. But who knows? Which reminds me, I'm down in the basement now, although I don't have a computer. I'm gonna get a laptop in March for my 16th birthday. Hopefully.


95.) February 22nd, 2011.

Hah. Its been a year. XD

That story I had written out got deleted from the computer. And I've been trying to rewrite it but it never sounds quite right. So I'll work on something different.

Also, on the 25th, for you people in the Rochester area in New York, I'm gonna be at the Chase Coy concert at the Water Street Music Hall. I couldn't be more excited. Cause I fucking love Chase with a burning passion. I'm gonna be with my 2 friends. Hopefully 2. Maybe just 1. Dunno. And I'm getting my hair dyed today so it's not gonna be blonde anymore. Oh noes? Nah. Oh yush. Cause I hate my hair.

My plan for the concert? Number 1, get there mega early and make sure I can stand right next to the stage. I NEED to be by him. XD

Number 2, touch him somehow. His shoe, pant leg. Something. I'm a fucking creep. XD

Number 3, request time with him. I'll be all like hey, Chase! Can I maybe have 5 minutes with you? It'll fucking make my life. And he'll be all like sure, I don't see why not.

Number 4, if I can, I want a hug. It'll be the best hug ever.

Number 5, get a picture with him. It would be my facebook profile picture FOREVER.

Number 6, stop ranting about my never gonna happen plan. Cause nobody likes me. XD

Anywho, I'm gonna have a good time, regardless. Tickets were 12 bucks. I'd pay 1000 and it'd still be worth it.


96.) February 23rd, 2011.

So I dyed my hair yesterday. It's the fucking sex. Also, gonna be 16 in about a month. Life is pretty average right now.

Yes, I went there. MLIA. XD


P.S. I love MLIA with a burning passion of a thousand suns. If you don't know what it is, first of all, you're a pathetic excuse for a human being and you should burn in the depths of hell. Second, google it. Then maybe you'll be spared. XD

97.) May 21st, 2011.

So a lot of time has gone by.

The concert was ok. The dye has completely faded since we used crap dye.

I'm 16 now. I got a droid, a ukulele, and my driver's permit.

Course I'm kinda down lately. But hey. That's what happens when your best friend tells you she hates you.

I'm gonna try and pick up writing again. Oh, and I'm adding a new anime into my stuff.

Can anyone guess? No? Hetalia, bitch. I love it with a passion.

Russia's my secret lover.

Also, I've found this really cool website for penpals and shit. It's damn awesome. I've made a bunch of new friends on it. Called Interpals. And since I know nobody ever comes on our profile and reads this stuff, I'll give out an offer. Anyone who PMs me and asks for my username for interpals and actually goes on and gives it a shot, I'll write them a story. It'll depend. I'll also put this up on the top for people who don't look down here. It's a really great site. A mega win win. Cause you'll make new friends from all over the world, and get a free story. Well, the site's free too. You know what I mean. Shush. xD


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

No Ordinary Summer by Alusy reviews
Four rich girls meet four rich boys at a summer camp, and they don't like each other. Things start happening that stress their lives even more. Will they make it through together, or fall apart?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 16 - Words: 54,436 - Reviews: 287 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 8/1/2011 - Published: 6/21/2007 - Hinata H., Naruto U.
Better by BlueRain09 reviews
She was always better. ANTI-SHIKATEMA. PRO-SHIKAINO.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 980 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/29/2010 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
You And Me by mood ink reviews
Are some things really worth left unsaid? Read to find out.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,334 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 1/9/2009 - Published: 7/24/2007 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y.
Not Your Average Training Session by StaYgolden3262 reviews
Shikamaru and Ino spar and all hell breaks loose. Tensions that have been building culminate in front of poor Chouji, who is probably scarred... for life. T for safety, silly ShikaxIno Oneshot.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 776 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/20/2008 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y. - Complete
Conversation by shyheiress reviews
Just a little conversation between Shikamaru and Ino. Oneshot
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 440 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 10 - Published: 11/19/2008 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
CoAD Drabbles by Linxcat reviews
Some little drabble-ish things, most of them TorakxRenn.
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 815 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/4/2008 - Published: 9/3/2008
Target: Tenten by xdestinyxforeverx reviews
The most important rule, is to never fall in love with the target. Neji's a hired killer, and his next target is Tenten. What happens when he breaks that rule? What will his boss say? Will Neji choose his mission over the one he loves? ooc
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 42,223 - Reviews: 200 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 29 - Updated: 8/7/2008 - Published: 7/11/2008 - Tenten, Neji H. - Complete
Stake Out by Kaira-chan15 reviews
Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten are normal teenagers nearing the end of their sleepover party. However, they're freaked out when they think someone is trying to break into the house, which leads them to have a comical stake out in the guest bedroom. Some OOC.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,636 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 3 - Published: 7/7/2008 - Complete
Wishful Thinking by WittyFlower reviews
Ino finally gets to admit her feelings for her teammate, exactly on the day he wants her to meet his girlfriend.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 6,924 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 3/12/2008 - Published: 2/6/2008 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
A Difference by The Reading Maid reviews
Rich and Poor. Happy and Sad. Life and Death. Everything, nothing. While one sits in a palace, the other sits in the mud. Who knew such similar girls would turn out so different.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,073 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/15/2008 - Ino Y., Sakura H. - Complete
Hiding a fight by Rachel Erica reviews
Alvin is being picked on in school by a bully, and tries to hide it from his family, but it becomes harder to hide when it becomes more than just being picked on, they soon discover that there's more to this bully than they think.
Alvin and the chipmunks - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 12,345 - Reviews: 130 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 12/29/2007 - Published: 12/9/2007 - Complete
Ghosting the Subject by Vethysnia reviews
With perhaps other motives in mind, Jeanette gives Simon one of her favorite novels.
Alvin and the chipmunks - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,039 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 5 - Published: 11/24/2007 - Complete
Fluff Collection by keepONsmiling reviews
A collection of cute, fluffy oneshots. Pairings: SasuSaku, NejiTen, ShikaIno, NaruHina. Please R&R! [CHAPTER 10 IS UP!] SMEXY!
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 6,208 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 10/28/2007 - Published: 11/29/2006 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
The Good's and Bad's of Writing a Fanfiction by x0x reviews
Read along with Team 10 as they explain the different terms you see on FF that make you think, Huh? Mentions ShikaIno, bashes some InoXpairings. Please R&R Good 'tutorial' for new writers EDITED VERSION x2
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,018 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/15/2007 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
Sleep by StarFreak01 reviews
The overly done ‘when Moze falls asleep on Ned’ story, because, every author needs one. Fluffy Noze Oneshot
Ned's Declassified SSG - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,211 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/9/2007 - Complete
Why, Asuma sensei? Why? by The Reading Maid reviews
Ino is furious, Shikamaru is twitching, and Choji is choking. Why? Well, it may have something to do with the fact that Asuma just told them that they're training with team Gai today. Should be fun, right? Right? RIGHT?
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,712 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 4 - Published: 5/21/2007 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y. - Complete
In Your Eyes by Alusy reviews
It was the biggest dance of the year and was rumoured to be the best night of their lives. The girls had it all. Nothing could make their lives better. But if something doesn't get better, that only means one thing. T to be safe. NXT, SXI, SXS, NXH.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,895 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/23/2007 - Neji H., Tenten - Complete
Summer Camp by Aurora Ciel reviews
Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, and Ino decide to go to summer camp. There they meet an obnoxious loudmouth, a lazy genius, a prodigy, and a slightly emo guy with a stick up his ass. SasuSaku NaruHina NejiTen ShikaIno Full Sum inside
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 45,069 - Reviews: 322 - Favs: 439 - Follows: 120 - Updated: 2/21/2007 - Published: 7/11/2006 - Complete
The Only Christmas Present by Alusy reviews
After the rescue misson for Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji and Lee finally come back on Christmas Day. But Neji might not make it. Tenten doesn't want anything for Christmas, but Neji's safety. Will she get her wish?
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,530 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/1/2007 - Tenten, Neji H. - Complete
Let's Get Married by Shikamaru Nara's Fangirl reviews
Sevenyearolds Shikamaru and Ino are getting married! ShikaIno
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 776 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 15 - Published: 12/30/2006 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
Home At Last: Nickelback Style by tomboy14 reviews
My home is wherever you are. ShikaIno oneshot songfic collection. All based on songs by Nickleback. Chapter 1: Far Away, Chapter 2: If Everyone Cared
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,187 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 12/23/2006 - Published: 12/8/2006 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N.
This New World by No Wonder reviews
One Shot LinaDoon Spoilers An alternate ending to the book The City of Ember.
City of Ember - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,218 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 7 - Published: 1/6/2005 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Best Fanfiction to Ever Bless Your Face
There really are no words to describe this fanfiction. Please know that its all crack and we don't actually think it's good. I'm cry.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 1,593 - Updated: 8/30/2012 - Published: 8/29/2012
Follow the Yellow Card Road reviews
The whole Rookie Nine and Team Gai are trapped inside of a building until they've successfully found they're last clue. It's to test they're problem solving skizzles. ShikaIno, NejiTen, NaruHina, SasuSaku. Strife.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 377 - Reviews: 4 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/16/2009
I Won't Say I'm In Love reviews
Just a 'lil short oneshot that I got from DA. I'm posting the picture link that I got the inspo from on the profile, so check there too. ShikaIno, Ino centric.
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 333 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Published: 3/10/2009 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
Cheater! reviews
Neji tries to cheat with his Christmas presents. Strife-chan.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,037 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 8 - Published: 11/27/2008 - Neji H., Tenten - Complete
A Dinotopian Story: Naruto Style
After a massive boat crash, three young women are the only ones to get to a row boat. After hours of endless rowing, they meet a library assistant who acts as their tourguide, the Hatchery's best worker, and some Skyback officials. IxSxT, HxNxS, TxNxR. R&
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,506 - Published: 11/26/2008
A Kiss For a Kiss reviews
For now, 100 unrelated oneshots involving Neji, Tenten, and a kiss of some sort. /Fifteen. You broke the rule, you twit. You don't kiss girls! They're covered in cooties and such! Neji's above that immaturity./
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 15 - Words: 17,543 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 7/22/2008 - Published: 4/5/2008 - Tenten, Neji H.
The Unpaired Pairers
Shino, Kiba, Choji, and Lee have formed a group to help out their fellow ninja. They are set on helping each pair further their relationships, if not start them. Naruto and Hinata are first. I'm working on TenTen and Neji's. Story made by Strife-chan! Wee
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,004 - Published: 4/15/2008
Neji's Life reviews
Neji fights back with the power of music!
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,185 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 2/1/2008 - Neji H. - Complete
Can't Be Your Sasuke reviews
Shikamaru writes a poem to Ino telling her how he feels about her flirtation with Sasuke. By Strife chan.
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 144 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 2 - Published: 11/6/2007 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y. - Complete
Night of the Undead reviews
Halloween Fic. ShikaIno, NejiTen, SasuSaku, NaruHina. Naruto and the gang have a Halloween party in an abandoned house. Romance, Terror, and Undead Zombies emerge from this night, and who knows if they will make it out alive... By Strife chan
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,292 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 6 - Published: 9/28/2007
Travelin' Soldier reviews
Just a simple songfic. Dedication inside. By Strife chan.
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 728 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/26/2007 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
The Fairydust Chronicles reviews
On hiatus...- Sakura, the aspiring photographer. Ino the -odd-best friend. Sasuke the not known well heartthrob . The Sadie Hawkins -Oh NOES!- Dance. A mountain fairy -that hates you, by the way- with a bad attitude. Wait, what? By Rosepetal.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,149 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 8/25/2007 - Published: 8/16/2007
Flowers reviews
I can't really come up with a good title... Suggestions are welcome. Ino's at the flower shop and gets an unexpected visitor. ShikaIno. Yellow Calla Lilies are beautiful...go search for a picture of one. By Strife chan.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 333 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/13/2007 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y.