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Joined 08-23-09, id: 2058968, Profile Updated: 08-27-19

"Sometimes the feeling of what could've been is stronger than what actually happened because the memory of perfection lasts longer.

And even though we didn't end up together, it'll never change the fact that you changed my life forever." ~ Dante Basco

Hardcore Zutara shipper, to the end of the line

By Order of the The Official Time Lord Registry,

Let it be known that on the date 2.27.2015,

IAmAverage gazed upon the Untempered Schism and saw time in all its infinite possibilities and eternity and ran away.

Her chosen name is The Runaway, for she has not stopped running since.

So it was chosen and so it shall be,

The order is stamped with the Seal of the Time Lords.
