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Joined 07-11-12, id: 4121767, Profile Updated: 12-15-12
Author has written 3 stories for Thor, Sesame Street, Mario, and Misc. Tv Shows.

Hi my name is sufi! I love reading and writing books, Harry Potter books are my favorite to read! My favorite color is red I love monkeys and chameleons!!!

If you review on my stories and you don't like it tell me why!!!!

Also when you write a story please, please, please use Spell check, correct grammar, proper textual formatting, and paragraphing.

"They hurt her"

About six years ago in Indiana, Carmen Winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by five girls in her school, trying to embarrass her in front of her school during a fire drill. When she didn't submerge, the police were called. They went down and brought up 17-year-old Carmen Winstead's body, with her neck broken from hitting the ladder, then the concrete at the bottom. The girls told everyone she fell... They believed them.

FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off.

Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true.

If you don't repost this saying "They hurt her," then Carmen will get you, either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower, or when you go to sleep, you'll wake up in the sewer, in the dark, then Carmen will come and kill you...

This is a true story. A girl died in 1933. A man buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murderer chanted,"Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this in your profile, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.

Copy & Paste

Copy & Paste if you've ever thrown up and tried to catch it in your hands

Copy & Paste if you've ever tripped 3 times in a row

Copy & Paste if you've ever tried to kick a soccer ball but succeeded in kicking it an inch

Copy & Paste if you always get out on firstbase in kickball

Copy & Paste if you've fell off a chair because of laughing

If you've ever had a mad laughing fit for no reason, copy and paste this into your profile.

-If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile.

-If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile.

-If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile

-If you are the kind of person that gets really excited when you get like two reviews, copy this into your profile.

-If you don't watch Laguna Beach, O.C., or The Hills religiously, never have, never will, and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile

-If you've ever tripped where there is a WATCH YOUR STEP SIGN copy this into your profile.

-If you've ever walked into a wall before copy this into your profile.

-If you ever fell off a chair backwards copy this into your profile.

-Milk tastes good. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile!

-If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile.

-If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile

-If you use exclamation marks just because they make you sound all hyper and they're 'pretty' copy and paste this to your profile.

-If your one of those people who can literally stay on the computer for hours on in if only you weren't forced to get off, then copy and paste this on your profile.(I could do this for days!!)

-If you are random and don't care, copy and paste this onto your profile.

-If you have ever said something that had nothing to do with your current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile!

-If you've ever slapped yourself and/or banged your head on a table for no reason copy and paste this onto your profile.

-If you've ever lost someone you loved, copy and paste this onto your profile

-If you have embarassing memories that make you want to smack yourself copy this into your profile.

-If you think Canada is AWESOME, copy and paste this to your profile!

-If you think America is AWESOME, copy and paste this on your profile.

-If you think the UK is GREAT, copy and paste this onto your profile.

-If you think EUROPE is COOL, copy and paste this onto your profile This is a link to my Forum[s]

Anyone who says "Easy as taking candy from a baby" has never tried it.

War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.

Whoever said that words don't hurt never got hit by a dictionary.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the Universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a chair has wet paint on it, and he'll have to touch it to be sure.

Why do companies offer you "free gifts?" Since when has a gift NOT beenfree?

How is it possible to have a civil war?

Aren't the 'good things that come to those who wait' just the leftovers from the people that got there first?

Whoever said nothing’s impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.

Flying is simple. Just throw yourself at the ground and miss.The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Love your enemies! It really annoys them.

To put it nicely, I hope you choke.

Don't ever attempt a staring contest with a brick wall, they cheat a lot.

I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect!

You don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest guy running from the bear.

I did what they say and chose the road less traveled...Now where the heck am I?

Don’t knock on death’s door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that.

Secret admirers are stalkers with stationary.

At least I don't CARE what those mindless people think of me.

It's always in the last place you look...of course it is! WHY would I keep looking AFTER I found it?

So what if we act like imature idiots? We're having fun.

If at first you don't suceed then sky diving isn't for you.

When life gives you lemons,make apple juice,then laugh while people try to figure out what the heck you did.

It doesnt matter whether the glass is half empty or half full,just drink it and get it over with.

This world is full of crazy people.THEY MADE ME THEIR LEADER!!

WARNING:Do NOT follow in my footsteps...I walk into walls and off the occasional cliff.

I'm here because Heaven wouldn't take me,and the others was afraid I'd take over.

I'm not afraid of Death.What's he gonna do,kill me?

Why do we teach kids that violence is not the answer and then have them read about wars in school that solved America's problems?

Parents spend the first parts of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.

Who was the first person to look a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out of its butt"?

Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At Hogwarts:

1) The Giant Squid is not an appropriate date to the Yule Ball

2) I am not allowed to sing, "We're Off to See the Wizard" while skipping off to the Headmaster's office

3) I am not allowed to take out a life insurance policy on Harry Potter

4) I am not allowed to ask Dumbledore to show you the pointy hat trick

5) I am not allowed to give Remus Lupin a flea collar

6) I am not allowed to bring a Magic 8 Ball to Divination

7) I am not allowed to say that Seamus Finnegan is "after my lucky charms"

8) I am not allowed to start a betting pool on this years Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. It's taste-less, tacky, and not a good money-making strategy.

9) I am not allowed to joke about Remus' "time of the month"

10) I am not allowed to make light saber sounds with my wand

11) I am not allowed to give Hagrid Pokemon cards and convince him they're real animals

12) I am not to refer to the Accio charm as "The Force" (oops)

13) I am not allowed to claim that growing marijuana or hallucinogenic mushrooms is "Extra Herbology Work"

14) I will not give you my socks to make hand-puppets of the Slytherin-House mascot

15) If the thought of a spell makes me giggle for more than 15 seconds, assume that I am not allowed to use it

16) I will not lock the Slytherin's and Gryffindor's in a room together and bet on which House will come out alive

17) I will not charm the suits of armor to do a rendition of "The Knights of the Round Table" for the Christmas Feast

18) I am not allowed to declare an official "Hug A Slytherin Day"

19) I am not allowed to sing my own personal spy music while wandering the hallways

20) It is not necessary to yell, "BURN!" Whenever Snape takes points away from Gryffindor

21) I will not say the phrase, "Get a Life" to Voldemort

22) First years are not to be fed to Fluffy

23) I will never ask Harry if his Voldie senses are tingling

24) I will stop referring to showering as "Giving Moaning-Myrtle an eye-ful"

25) I will not make, "OMGWTC" a spell

26) It is not necessary to yell, "BAM" every time I Apparate

27) I will not steal Gryffindor's sword from Dumbledore's office and use it to potrol the hallways

28) I will not poke Hufflepuff's with spoons, nor shall I insist that their color's indicate that they're "covered in bee's"

29) "I've heard every joke possible about Oliver Wood's name" is not a challenge

30) I will not go to class skyclad

31) I will not use Umbridge's quiz to write, "Told you I was Hard Core"

32) If a class-mate falls asleep, I will not take advantage of that and draw a Dark Mark on their arm

33) House Elves are not acceptable replacements for Bludgers

34) I will not start every potion's class by asking Snape if the potion is acceptable as Body Lotion

35) I will not call the Weasly twins, "bookends"

36) I will not call the Patil twins, "bookends"

37) I will not call the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Kenny, even if he is wearnig an orange anorak

38) There is no such thing as a were-thylacine

39) I will not give Luna Lovegood Coast-To-Coast AM transcripts

40) Tricking a school House Elf to strip of it's clothing does not make it mine. Yes, even when I yell out "PWND!"

41) I do not weigh the same as a Duck

42) I do not have a Dalek Patronous

43) I will not lick Trevor

44) Gryffindor Courage does not come in bottles labeled, "Firewhiskey"

45) I will not dress up as Voldemort on Halloween

46) It is a bad idea to tell Snape he takes himself to seriously

47) I will not tell Sir Cadogan that The Knight's Who Say Ni have challenged him to a duel, then have all the students say, 'Ni' from various directions

48) I am not the King of the Potato People and I do not have a flying carpet

49) "To conquer the Earth with an army of flying monkeys" is not a career choice

50) I will not tell the first years that Professor Snape is the voice of God.

15 Things to do when your in Walmart!

1. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

2. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.

3. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, " 'Code 3' in housewares"... and see what happens.

4. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.

5. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

6. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.

7. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"

8. Look right into the security camera & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose.

9. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are.

10. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. ( I love this one! )

11. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna" look

12. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"

13. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!"

14. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while and then yell, very loudly, "There's no toilet paper in here!

15. Grab a lot of bouncy balls and throw them down the aisle, shouting "Go, Pikachu, Go!"

. Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out ()

2. Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails (X)

3. Broken a chair by leaning back in it ()

4. Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking (x)

5. Choked on your own spit while you were talking (x)

6. Had people tell you that you are blond when you're not or have had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head ( )

7. Been caught staring at your crush by your crush him/herself (X)

8. Have looked for something for at least 10 min then realized it was in your hand (X) Happens more than it should.

9. Tried to push open a door that said pull (X) XD

10. Tried to pull open a door that said push (X)

11. Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love potion ( ) And I was pulling out my wallet . . .

12. Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something (X) Happens a lot when I try to swat bugs.

14. Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave (X) I DIDN'T THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN!!!

15. Have gotten gum stuck in your hair (x) I fell asleep...

16. Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble (x)

17. Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it (x ).

18. Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard ()

19. Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name. (X) Hehe... I'm not good with names.

20. Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot (X)

21. Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on (X)

22. Have fallen out of a moving vehicle. ( ) I ALWAYS wear my seat belt.

23. Have run into a closed door (X)

24. Have almost shot someone with a real gun while trying to shoot something else ( ) O.o CREEPY

25. Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it ( ) Don't have one

26. It has taken you longer than 5 min to get a joke ( X ) .

27. Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer ()

28. Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan ( )

29. Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk (X) All the time.

30. Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock (X)

31. After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped in it ( X ) WORST BEACH TRIP EVER.

32. Put on a white shirt even though you already knew it was raining outside (X)

33. Have ever walked up to a stranger because you thought they were someone else (X) Yes and almost hugged them...

34. Ever been kicked out of a grocery store/off someones property ()

35. Touched the stove, the curling iron, a hot pan, etc on purpose even though you knew it was hot (x) Light bulb

36. Picked out your change of clothes, took off the ones you had on and then accidentally put the old clothes back on (X) And sometimes I'll put them on again!!!

37. Wondered why something wasn't working then realized it wasn't plugged in (X) All the time.

38. Put the cereal in the fridge, or put the milk in the cupboard (X)

39. Walked into a pole (X)

40. Wore two different earrings or shoes by accident (X) not on accident

41. Put your shirt on backwards/inside-out without realizing it then left your house (X)

42. Tried to take a picture of your/someone's eye with the flash on (X)

43. Gotten a ring stuck on your finger because you put it on even though you knew it was too small (X)

44. Walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe without realizing it ( )

45. Went to go do something/go get something, then when you got there forgot what is was that you were going to do. (X) Happens weekly. Sometimes daily. What was i saying?

46. Picked up someone else's drink and drank out of it by accident when your drink was right next to it (X)

47. Fallen out of your chair while trying to pick something up (X)

48. Have poked yourself in the eye (X)

49. Have gotten in the shower with your socks still on ( )

50. Melted your hairbrush while blow drying your hair ( )

51. Have done enough stupid things to make a test (X) ;) :P

52. Have accidentally stabbed yourself with a pencil (X) and all my friends

53. Have sung the wrong verse to a song without realizing it (X)

54. Have given an odd answer to a question because you didn't hear the question in the first place and didn't feel like asking what it was. (X)

55. Told someone you were the wrong age because you seriously forgot how old you were (X) Did that with my Birthday too!

56. Looked into an overhead light purposely while it was on (X)

57. Got up early and got ready for school/work/meeting, then realized that you didn't have school/work/meeting that day. (X)

58. Have tripped on a cord after someone told you to watch out for it (X)

60. Have ever laughed at a joke or movie that no one else thought was funny (X)

61. Done the Macarena to the electric slide or vice versa (X)

62. Said funer, then had someone make fun of you for it (X)

63. Have repeated yourself at least twice in the same sentence (X)

64. Brought up an inside joke with the wrong person (x)

65. Didn't do the backside of an assignment because you thought that there wasn't one or because you had already looked and forgot that there was another side (X) It was awful. the teacher didn't believe me.

66. Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions (X)

67.Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong (X) I hate when I do that...

68. Put something in a special place so that you would remember where it was, then forgot where you put it (X)

69. Put ice in your drink after the glass was full of liquid and had it splash out. (X)

70. Told a lie then forgot what it was that you had said and got caught ( )

71. When wearing goggles, you pulled them away from your face and let go so that they would come back and snap you in the face ()

72. Forgot to make sure that the lamp was off before you replaced the light bulb (X) OW

73. Ran into a door jam (X)

74. Told someone that you hardly ever do stupid things, then immediately did/said something stupid (X)

75. Told someone to watch out for something, then you were the one that ran into it (X)

76. Have purposely licked playground sand (x)

77. Have purposely and repeatedly flicked yourself with a rubber band (x)

78. Gotten so hyper that someone actually thought you were drunk when you weren't ()

79. Have been so hyper you actually scared people (X)

80. Put duct tape on your body then pulled it off to see if it would pull your hairs out (X)

81. Put duct tape on your hair/someone else's hair then pulled it off ( )

82. Put a clothes pin/hair clip on your lip, figured out that it hurt, then did it again (x)

83. Sat and wondered why men’s dress shirts have a loop on the back ()

84. Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about (x)

85. Have gotten a hairbrush stuck in your hair (X) I sometimes give up and leave the room.

86. Used the straw to blow the straw wrapper at someone (X)

87. Shaved your tongue because you thought your taste buds looked weird. ( )

88. When at a restaurant/cafeteria, you used your spoon to fling stuff at people (X)Someone threw a whole burrito at my friend

89. Have flung forks at people in a restaurant/cafeteria. (X)

90. Sucked on a cup and got a hickey from it. ()

91. As you were writing, you moved your head back and forth with your pen/pencil (X)

92. Have drawn finger puppets on your fingers then named them (X)

93. Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper ( )

94. Have used somebody else's toothbrush without even realizing it wasn't yours (X)

95. Started telling a story and forget what you were talking about or what happened in the story (X) More then 10 times

96. When you saw a ‘beware of dog’ sign, you told the owners to beware of the dogs not realizing they owned the dogs (X)

97. You have spelled your own name wrong before (X) Yeah but I've got an excuse my name has 9 letters 4 of them which are doubled

98. When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling. (X)

99. Have used your calculator as a form of communication in class (X)

100. Have popped a balloon in your mouth ( )

Did you know...

1) Kissing is healthy.

2) Bananas are good for period pain.

3) It's good to cry.

4) Chicken soup actually makes you feel better.

5) 94 percent of boys would love it if you sent them flowers.

6) Lying is actually unhealthy.

7) You really only need to apply mascara to your top lashes.

8) It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you.

9) 89 percent of guys want YOU to make the first move.

10) It's impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed.

11) Chocolate will make you feel better.

12) Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.

13) A good friend never judges.

14) A good foundation will hide all hickeys...not that you have any.

15) Boys aren't worth your tears.

16) We all love surprises.

17) Now...make a wish.

Wish REALLY hard!!


Your wish has just been received.

Copy and Paste this into your profile in the next fifteen minutes and...

Your wish will be granted.

From Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

'Oy, Fred! C' mere and help!' (PS6)

'What's that? Said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harry's lightning scar.
'Blimey,' said the other twin. 'Are you –?'
'He is,' said the first twin. 'Aren't' you?' he added to Harry.
'What?' said Harry.
'Harry Potter,' chorused the twins.
'Oh, him,' said Harry, 'I mean, yes, I am.' (PS6)

'Oh, are you a Prefect, Percy?' said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. 'You should have said something, we had no idea.'
'Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,' said the other twin. 'Once– '
'Or twice–'
'A minute– '
'All summer–'
'Oh, shut up,' said Percy the Prefect. (PS6)

'Now, you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've – you've blown up a toilet or –'
'Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet.'
'Great idea though, thanks, Mum.'
'It's not funny. And look after Ron.'
'Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us.'
'Shut up,' said Ron again. 'Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls.'
'We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat.'
'George!' (PS6)

'Are you really Harry Potter?' Ron blurted out.
Harry nodded.
'Oh – well, I though it might be one of Fred and George's jokes,' said Ron. (PS6)

Ron: '… Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny…' (PS6)

Harry has been sorted into Gryffindor: Percy the Prefect got up and shook his [Harry's] hand vigorously,
while the Weasley twins yelled, 'We got Potter! We got Potter!' (PS7)

Everybody finished the song at different times. At last, only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march. Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand, and when they had finished, he was one of those who clapped loudest. 'Ah, music,' he said, wiping his eyes. 'A magic beyond all we do here!' (PS7)

'I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch Cup for sure this year,' said Fred. 'We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. You must be good, Harry, Wood was almost skipping when he told us.'
'Anyway, we've got to go, Lee Jordan reckons he's found a new secret passageway out of the school.'
'Bet it's that one behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy that we found in our first week. See you.' (PS9)

Wood: 'This is it.'
The big one,' said Fred Weasley.
'The one we've all been waiting for,' said George.
'We know Oliver's speech by heart,' Fred told Harry. 'We were in the team last year.' (PS11)

'Merry Christmas!'
'Hey, look – Harry's got a Weasley jumper, too!'
Fred and George were wearing blue jumpers, one with a large yellow F on it, the other with a large yellow G.
'Harry's is better than ours, though,' said Fred, holding up Harry's jumper. 'She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family.'
'Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?' George demanded. 'Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm.'
'I hate maroon,' Ron moaned half-heartedly as he pulled it over his head.
'You haven't got a letter on yours,' George observed, 'I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid – we know
we're called Gred and Forge.' 'P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry got one.'
'I – don't – want –'said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the jumper over his head, knocking his glasses askew.
'And you're not sitting with the Prefects today, either,' said George.
'Christmas is a time for family.'
They frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his sides by his jumper. (PS12)

From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry's bedroom window has bars on it: 'But you can't magic me out either –'
'We don't need to,' said Ron, jerking his head towards the front seats and grinning. 'You forget who I've got with me.'
'Tie that round the bars,' said Fred, throwing the end of a rope to Harry. (CS3)

Fred and George climbed carefully through the window into Harry's room. You had to hand it to them, thought Harry, as George took an ordinary hairpin from his pocket and started to pick the lock.
'A lot of wizards thin it's a waste of time, knowing this sort of Muggle trick,' said Fred, 'but we feel they're skills worth learning, even if they are a bit slow.' (CS3)

Harry tells the twins about Dobby: 'Very fishy,' said Fred finally.
'Definitely dodgy,' agreed George. 'So he wouldn't even tell you who's supposed to be plotting all this stuff?' (CS3)

'Well,' said Fred, 'put it this way – house-elves have got powerful magic of their own, but they can't usually use it without their masters' permission. I reckon Dobby was sent to stop you coming back to Hogwarts. Someone's idea of a joke. Can you think of anyone at school with a grudge against you?' (CS3)

'Well, whoever owns him will be an old wizarding family, and they'll be rich,' said Fred.
'Yeah, Mum's always wishing we had a house-elf to do the ironing,' said George. 'But all we've got is a lousy old ghoul in the attic and gnomes all over the garden. House-elves come with big old manors and castles and places like that, you wouldn't catch one in our house…'

The Ford Anglia lands at The Burrow: 'Touchdown!' said Fred as, with a slight bump, they hit the ground. (CS3)

'Now, we'll go upstairs really quietly,' said Fred, 'and wait for Mum to call us for breakfast. Then Ron, you come bounding downstairs going, 'Mum, look who turned up in the night!' and she'll be all pleased to see Harry and no one need ever know we flew the car.' (CS3)

Mrs. Wesley was marching across the yard…. Remarkable how much she looked like a sabre-toothed tiger.
'Ah,' said Fred.
'Oh dear,' said George. (CS3)

'Perfect Percy,' muttered Fred.
'YOU COULD DO WITH TAKING A LEAF OUT OF PERCY'S BOOK!' yelled Mrs. Weasley, prodding a finger in Fred's chest. (CS3)

'Yeah, she'll be wanting your autograph, Harry,' grinned Fred, but he caught his mother's eye and bent his face over his plate without another word. (CS3)

George: 'Mum, we know how to de-gnome a garden.' (CS3)

About Lockhart: 'Mum fancies him,' said Fred in a very audible whisper. (CS3)

'See, they're not too bright,' said George, seizing five or six gnomes at once. 'The moment they know the de-gnoming's going on they storm up to have a look. You'd think they'd have learned by now just to stay put.'

Arthur's idea of firm discipline: 'Did you really?' said Mr. Weasley eagerly. 'Did it go all right?' (CS3)

Fred: 'You've been told to get all Lockhart's books, too!' he said. 'The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan – bet it's a witch.' (CS4)

'Wish I knew what he [Percy] was up to,' said Fred, frowning. 'He's not himself. His exam results came the day before you did, twelve and he hardly gloated at all.' George to Ron: '… If we're not careful, we'll have another Head Boy in the family. I don't think I could stand the same.' (CS4)

'Where did you come out?' Ron asked.
'Knockturn Alley,' said Hagrid grimly.
'Brilliant!' said Fred and George together. (CS4)

Quidditch practice: Fred Weasley's head drooped right onto Alicia Spinnet's shoulder and he began to snore. (CS7)

'I've got a question, Oliver,' said George, who had woken with a start. 'Why couldn't you have told us all this yesterday when we were awake?' Wood wasn't pleased. (CS7)

'And the Slytherins don't need a spy, Oliver,' said George.
'What makes you say that?' said Wood testily.
'Because they're here in person.' Said George, pointing. (CS7)

Hermione: 'At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in,' said Hermione sharply. 'They got in on pure talent.' (CS7)

'Someone's – tampered – with – this – Bludger,' Fred grunted. (CS10)

Harry: 'Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the rogue one.'
'Don't be thick,' said Fred. 'It'll take your head off.' (CS10)

'This is all your fault,' George said angrily to Wood. '"Get the Snitch or die trying" – what a stupid thing to tell him!' (CS10)

Harry is rumoured to be the Heir of Slytherin: Fred and George, however, found all this very funny. They went out of their way to march ahead of Harry down the corridors, shouting, 'Make way for the heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through …'
Percy was deeply disapproving of this behaviour.
'It is not a laughing matter,' he said coldly.
'Oh, get out of the way, Percy,' said Fred, 'Harry's in a hurry.'
'Yeah, he's nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant,' said George, chortling. (CS12)

Percy, who hadn't noticed that Fred had bewitched his prefect badge so that it now read, 'Pinhead', kept asking them all what they were sniggering at. (CS12)

'Oh, that,' said Ginny, giggling. 'Well – Percy's got a girlfriend.'
Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head.
… 'You won't tease him, will you?' she added anxiously.
'Wouldn't dream of it,' said Fred, who was looking as if his birthday had come early.
'Definitely not,' said George, sniggering. (CS18)

From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

'Harry!' said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply.
'Simply splendid to see you, old boy –'
'Marvellous,' said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. 'Absolutely spiffing.'
Percy scowled. (PA4)

'What do we want to be Prefects for?' said George, looking revolted at the very idea. 'It'd take all the fun out of life.'

George: 'We tried to shut him in a pyramid,' he told Harry. 'But Mum spotted us.' (PA4)

'The Ministry's providing a couple of cars,' said Mr. Weasley. Everyone looked up at him.
'Why?' said Percy, curiously.
'It's because of you, Perce,' said George seriously. 'And there'll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them –'
'– For Humongous Bighead,' said Fred.
Everyone except Percy and Mrs. Weasley snorted into their pudding. (PA4)

… they were interrupted by Fred and George, who had looked in to congratulate Ron on infuriating Percy again. (PA5)

'– or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle –' (PA5)

George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again.
'That little git,' he said calmly. 'He wasn't so cocky last night when the Dementors were down our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?'
'Nearly wet himself,' said Fred, with a contemptuous glance at Malfoy.
'I wasn't too happy myself,' said George. 'They're horrible things, those Dementors…'
'Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?' said Fred.
'You didn't pass out, though, did you?' said Harry in a low voice.
'Forget it, Harry,' said George bracingly. 'Dad had to go out to Azkaban one time, remember, Fred? And he said it was the worst place he'd ever been. He came back all weak and shaking… They suck the happiness out of a place, Dementors. Most of the prisoners go mad in there.' (PA6)

'We've got two unbeatable Beaters.'
'Stop it Oliver, you're embarrassing us,' said Fred and George Weasley together, pretending to blush. (PA8)

'We think you're very good, too, Oliver,' said George.
'Cracking Keeper,' said Fred. (PA8)

'Excellent,' said Fred, who had followed Harry through the portrait hole. 'I need to visit Zonko's, I'm nearly out of Stink Pellets.'

'Oliver, calm down!' said Fred, looking slightly alarmed. 'We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously.' (PA9)

'Harry!' said Fred, who looked extremely white underneath the mud.
'How're you feeling?' (PA9)

'Where is Wood?' said Harry, suddenly realising he wasn't there.
'Still in the showers,' said Fred. 'We think he's trying to drown himself.' (PA9)

'We'll come and see you later,' Fred told him. 'Don't beat yourself up, Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had.' (PA9)

'We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go,' said Fred, with a mysterious wink. 'Come in here…' 'What's that supposed to be?'
'This, Harry, is the secret of our success,' said George, patting the parchment fondly.
'It's a wrench, giving it to you,' said Fred, 'but we decided last night, your need's greater than ours.'
'Anyway, we know it off by heart,' said George. 'We bequeath it to you. We don't really need it any more.'
'And what do I need with a bit of old parchment?' said Harry.
'A bit of old parchment!' said Fred, closing his eyes with a grimace, as though Harry had mortally offended him. 'Explain, George.'
'Well… when we were in our first year, Harry – young, carefree and innocent –'
Harry snorted. He doubted whether Fred and George had ever been innocent.
'– well, more innocent than we are now – we got into a pot of bother with Filch.'
'We let off a Dungbomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason –'
'So he hauled us off to his office and started threatening us with the usual –'
'– detention –'
'– disembowelment – ' 'This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school.' (PA10)

'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs,' sighed George, patting the heading of the map. 'We owe them so much.' (PA10)

'Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was,' said Fred bracingly. 'And he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly. One swallow – he probably didn't feel a thing.'
'Fred!' said Ginny indignantly.
'All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself,' said George.
'He bit Goyle for us once!' Ron said miserable. 'Remember Harry?'
'Yeah, that's true,' said Harry.
'His finest hour,' said Fred, unable to keep a straight face. 'Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory…' (PA13)

'The Dementors won't turn up again, Oliver, Dumbledore'd do his nut,' said Fred confidently. (PA13)

From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

'What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?'
'Oh, no, Ron,' came Fred's voice, very sarcastically. 'No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up.' (GF4)

'Did he eat it?' said Fred excitedly, holding out a hand to pull Harry to his feet.
'Yea,' said Harry, straightening up. 'What was it?'
'Ton-Tongue Toffee,' said Fred brightly. 'George and I invented them, we've been looking for someone to test them on all summer…' (GF5)

'That wasn't funny, Fred!' he [Arthur] shouted. 'What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?'
'I didn't give him anything,' said Fred, with another evil grin. 'I just dropped it… it was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to.' 'How big did his tongue get?' George asked eagerly. (GF5)

'We didn't give it to him because he was a Muggle!' said Fred indignantly.
'No, we gave it to him because he's a great bullying git,' said George. (GF5)

'We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought they were actually making things,' said Ginny, 'we thought they just liked the noise.' (GF5)

'Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?' said Fred.
'That was a sample of fertiliser from Norway!' said Percy, going very red in the face. 'It was nothing personal!'
'It was,' Fred whispered to Harry, as they got up from the table. 'We sent it.' (GF5)

'Where're Bill and Charlie and Per-Per-Percy?' said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn. (GF6)

'What is that in your pocket?'
'Don't you lie to me!'
Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said, 'Accio!' 'We told you to destroy them!' said Mrs. Weasley furiously… (GF6)

'Well, have a lovely time,' said Mrs Weasley, 'and behave yourselves,' she called after the twins' retreating backs, but they did not look back or answer. (GF6)

'We'll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts,' said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, 'that Ireland wins – but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we'll thrown in a fake wand..' 'Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years! I'd pay five Galleons for that!' (GF8)

'Anyone can speak Troll,' said Fred dismissively, 'all you have to do is point and grunt.' (GF8)

'Oh, shut up, Weatherby,' said Fred. (GF8)

'Don't tell your mother you've been gambling,' Mr. Weasley implored Fred and George, as they all made their way slowly down the purple-carpeted stairs.
'Don't worry, Dad,' said Fred gleefully, 'we've got big plans for this money, we don't want it confiscated.' (GF9)

'You're all right,' Mrs Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, 'you're alive… oh, boys…'
And to everybody's surprise, she seized Fred and George and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.
'Ouch! Mum – you're strangling us –'
'I shouted at you before you left!' Mrs Weasley said, starting to sob.
'It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough ? Oh, Fred… George…' (GF10)

'What are you two up to?' said Mrs Weasley sharply, her eyes on the twins.
'Homework,' said Fred vaguely.
'Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday,' said Mrs Weasley.
'Yeah, we've left it a bit late,' said George. 'If the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died, how would you feel knowing that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?'
Everyone laughed, even Mrs Weasley. (GF10)

'… It is my very great pleasure to inform your that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year.'
'You're JOKING!' said Fred Weasley loudly. (GF12)

'I'm going for it!' Fred Weasley hissed down the table, his face lit with enthusiasm at the prospect of such glory and riches. (GF12)

'What was it like?' said Harry eagerly.
Fred, George and Lee exchanged looks full of meaning.
'Never had a lesson like it,' said Fred. (GF13)

'What's a bummer?' Ron asked George.
'Having a nosy git like you for a brother,' said George. (GF15)

'Well, we have,' said George, indicating Fred, 'loads of times to nick food. And we've met them, and they're happy. They think they've got the best job in the world –' (GF15)

'An Age Line!' Fred Weasley said, his eyes glinting, s they all made their way across the Hall to the doors into the Entrance Gall. 'Well, that should be fooled by an Ageing Potion, shouldn't it? And once your name's in that Goblet, you're laughing – it can't tell whether you're seventeen or not!' (GF16)

'C' mon, then – I'll go first –' For a split second, Harry thought it had worked… but next moment, there was a loud sizzling sound, and both twins were hurled out of the golden circle as though they had been thrown by an invisible shot-putter. (GF16)

Ron: 'Well, we'd better get downstairs for your surprise party, Harry – Fred and George should have nicked enough food from the kitchens by now.' (GF21)

'Don't be a prat, Neville, that's illegal,' said George. 'They wouldn't use the Cruciatus curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing… maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower, Harry.' (GF21)

'Going to try and lead the house-elves out on strike now, are you?' said George. 'Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try and stir them into rebellion?' Several people chortled. Hermione didn't answer. (GF21)

'Canary Creams!' Fred shouted to the excitable crowd. 'George and I invented them – seven Sickles each, bargain!' (GF21)

… he [Ron] placed the last two cards on top of the castle and the whole lot blew up, singeing his eyebrows.
'Nice look, Ron… go well with your dress robes, that will.' It was Fred and George. 'Because we want to send a letter, you stupid great prat,' said George.
'Who d' you two keep writing to, eh?' said Ron?
'Nose out, Ron, or I'll burn that for you too,' said Fred, waving his wand threateningly. (GF22)

'Who're you going with then?' asked Ron.
'Angelina,' said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment.
'What?' said Ron, taken aback. 'You've already asked her?'
'Good point,' said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, 'Oi! Angelina!' Angelina, who had been chatting to Alicia Spinnet near the fire, looked over at him.
'What?' she called back.
'Want to come to the ball with me?' Angelina gave Fred an appraising sort of look.
'All right, then,' she said, and turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting, with a bit of a grin on her face.
'There you go,' said Fred to Harry and Ron, 'piece of cake.' (GF22)

'Hello, Mr Bagman,' said Fred brightly. 'Can we buy you a drink?'
'Er… no,' said Bagman, with a last disappointed glance at Harry, 'no thank you boys…' (GF24)

'– we've tried being polite, it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did –'
'I'm telling you, if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!' (GF29)

George: 'You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a Prefect.' (GF29)

'Thought we'd see what those three were up to,' said Fred matter-of-factly, stepping onto Goyle, and into the compartment. He had his wand out, and so did George, who was careful to tread on Malfoy as he followed Fred inside.
'Interesting effect,' said George, looking down at Crabbe. 'Who used the Furnunculus curse?'
'Me,' said Harry.
'Odd,' said George lightly, 'I used Jelly-Legs. Looks as though those two shouldn't be mixed.' (GF37)

'Take it,' he said, and he thrust the sack into George's hands.
'What?' said Fred, looking flabbergasted.
'Take it,' Harry repeated firmly. 'I don't want it.'
'You're mental,' said George, trying to push it back at Harry.
'No, I'm not,' said Harry. 'You take it, and get inventing. It's for the joke-shop.'
'He is mental,' Fred said, in an almost awed voice. 'Harry – thanks,' George muttered, while Fred nodded fervently at his side. (GF37).

From Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

'Fred and George have invented Extendable Ears, see,' said Ron. (OP4)

'Hello, Harry,' said George, beaming at him. 'We thought we heard your dulcet tones.'
'You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry, let it all out,' said Fred, also beaming. 'There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you.'
'You two passed your Apparition tests, then?' asked Harry grumpily.
'With distinction,' said Fred. (OP4)

On Snape: 'Git,' said Fred idly. (OP4)

'I think we're well shot of him [Percy,' said George, with an uncharacteristically ugly look on his face. (OP4)

'We were just trying to save a bit of time!' said Fred, hurrying forward to wrench the bread knife out of the table. (OP5)

'None of your brothers caused this sort of trouble!' Mrs Weasley raged at the twins… (OP5)

'Molly you can't stop Fred and George,' said Mr Weasley wearily. 'They are of age.' (OP5)

'Yeah, size is no guarantee of power,' said George. 'Look at Ginny.'
'What d' you mean?' said Harry.
'You've never been on the receiving end of one of her Bat-Bogey Hexes, have you?' (OP6)

'Right-o,' Fred said brightly, spraying the Doxy quickly in the face so that it fainted, but the moment Mrs. Weasley's back was turned he pocketed it with a wink.
'We want to experiment with Doxy venom for our Skiving Snackboxes,' George told Harry under his breath. (OP6)

'Us,' said Fred. 'We take it in turns. George did the Fainting Fancies – we both tried the Nosebleed Nougat –'
'Mum thought we'd been duelling,' said George. (OP6)

'I love hearing Mum shouting at someone else,' said Fred, with a satisfied smile on his face… (OP6)

Kreacher: 'and there's its twin, unnatural little beasts they are.' (OP6)

Mrs Weasley was wiping her face on her apron, and Fred, George and Ginny were doing a kind of war dance to a chant that went: 'He got off, he got off, he got off!' (OP9)

'Prefect?' he [Fred] said, staring incredulously at the letter. 'Prefect?' 'No way,' said George in a hushed voice.
'There's been a mistake,' said Fred… (OP9)

'Yeah,' said Fred slowly. 'Yeah, you've [Harry} caused too much trouble, mate. Well, at least one of you's got their priorities right.'
He strode over to Harry and clapped him on the back while giving Ron a scathing look. (OP9)

'I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!'
'What are Fred and I, next-door neighbours?' said George indignantly… (OP9)

'We're going to have to watch our step, George,' said Fred, pretending to tremble, 'with these two on our case…'
'Yeah, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over,' said George, shaking his head. (OP9)

Ron: 'They've always said only prats become prefects…' (OP9)

Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?
Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley Gryffindor common room,
For simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.
(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk.)

'They are the limit,' said Hermione grimly… (OP12)

'Fifth year's OWL year,' said George.
'So you've got your exams coming up, haven't you? They'll be keeping your noses so hard to that grindstone they'll be rubbed raw,' said Fred with satisfaction.
'Half our year had minor breakdowns coming up to OWLs,' said George happily. 'Tears and tantrums… Patricia Stimpson kept coming over faint…'
'Kenneth Towler came out in boils, d' you remember?' said Fred reminiscently.
'That's 'cause you put Bulbadox powder in his pyjamas,' said George?
'Oh, yeah,' said Fred, grinning. 'I'd forgotten… hard to keep track sometimes, isn't it?' (OP12)

Fred: 'But we feel our futures lie outside the world of academic achievement.' (OP12)

'It is NOT excellent!'
'Course it is, they're alive, aren't they?' said Fred angrily. (OP13)

Hermione has caught the twins red-handed: … 'but I will write to your mother.'
'You wouldn't,' said George, horrified, taking a step back from her. (OP13)

Ron: 'Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for tryouts.' (OP13)

'So top grade's "O" for "Outstanding",' she was saying, 'and then there's "A" –'
No, "E",' George corrected her [Hermione, '"E" for "Exceeds Expectations". And I've always though Fred and I should've got "E" in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams.' (OP15)

'Well, be a good boy and keep your temper with Umbridge today,' said George. 'Angelina'll do her nut if you miss any more Quidditch practises.' (OP15)

'Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?' enquired George, pulling a long and lethal-looking metal instrument from inside one of the Zonko's bags.
'Or any part of your body, really, we're not fussy where we stick this,' said Fred. (OP16)

'You know, I don't get whey Fred and George only got three OWLs each,' said Harry, watching as Fred, George and Lee collected fold from the eager crowd. 'They really know their stuff.' (OP17)

'But you get these massive pus-filled boils, too,' said George, 'and we haven't worked out how to get rid of them yet.'
'I can't see any boils,' said Ron, staring at the twins.
'No, well, you wouldn't,' said Fred darkly, 'they're not in a place we generally display to the public.' (OP18)

Harry was not aware of releasing George, all he knew was that a second later both of them were sprinting towards Malfoy. He had completely forgotten that all the teachers were watching: all he wanted to do was cause Malfoy as much pain as possible; with no time to draw out his wand, he merely drew back the fist clutching the Snitch and sank it as hard as he could into Malfoy's stomach –
'Harry! HARRY! GEORGE! NO!; (OP19)

'It's not my fault I didn't,' said Fred, with a very ugly look on his face, 'I would've pounded the little scumbag to a pulp if you three hadn't been holding me back.' (OP19)

'Course we can go to St Mungo's if we want,' said Fred, with a mulish expression. 'He's our dad!' (OP22)

'We don't care about the dumb Order!' shouted Fred.
'It's our dad dying we're talking about!' yelled George. (OP22)

'You were guarding it, weren't you?' said George quietly. 'The weapon? The thing You-Know-Who's after?' (OP22)

'What's that supposed to be anyway?' asked Fred, squinting at Dobby's painting. 'Looks like a gibbon with two black eyes.'
'It's Harry!' said George, pointing at the back of the picture, 'says so on the back!'
'Good likeness,' said Fred, grinning. (OP23)

'Headless Hats!' shouted George… 'How do those hats work then?' said Hermione, distracted from her homework and watching Fred and George. 'I mean, obviously it's some kind of Invisibility Spell, but it's rather clever to have extended the field of invisibility beyond the boundaries of the charmed object…' (OP24)

Fred: 'Anyway… we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble any more.'
'Have you ever?' asked Hermione.
'Course we have,' said George. 'Never been expelled, have we?'
'We've always known where to draw the line,' said Fred.
'We might have put a toe across it occasionally,' said George.
'But we've always stopped short of causing real mayhem,' said Fred.
'But now?' said Ron tentatively.
'Well, now –' said George.
'– what with Dumbledore gone –' said Fred.
'– we reckon a bit of mayhem –' said George.
'– is exactly what our new Head deserves,' said Fred. (OP27)

George: 'Oh, I hope she tries Vanishing them next… they multiply by ten every time you try.' (OP27)

Umbridge: 'You two,' she went on, gazing down at Fred and George , 'are about to learn what happens to wrong-doers in my school.'
'You know what?' said Fred. 'I don't think we are.'
He turned to his twin.
'George,' said Fred, 'I think we've outgrown full-time education.'
'Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself,' said George lightly.
'Time to test our talents in the real world, d' you reckon?' asked Fred.
'Definitely,' said George.
And before Umbridge could say a word, they raised their wands and said together: 'Accio brooms!' 'We won't be seeing you,' Fred told Professor Umbridge, swinging his leg over his broomstick.
'Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch,' said George, mounting his own.
Fred looked around at the assembled students, and at the silent, watchful crowd.
'If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley -- Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes,' he said in a loud voice, 'Our new premises!'
'Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
'STOP THEM!' shrieked Umbridge, but it was oo late. As the Inquisitorial Squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below. Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
'Give her hell from us, Peeves.'
And Peeves, who Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset. (OP29)

Harry frequently heard students saying things like, 'Honestly, some days I just feel like jumping on my broom and leaving this place,' or else, 'One more lesson like that and I might just do a Weasley.' (OP30)

From Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

'Oy, Fred! C' mere and help!' (PS6)

'What's that? Said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harry's lightning scar.
'Blimey,' said the other twin. 'Are you –?'
'He is,' said the first twin. 'Aren't' you?' he added to Harry.
'What?' said Harry.
'Harry Potter,' chorused the twins.
'Oh, him,' said Harry, 'I mean, yes, I am.' (PS6)

'Oh, are you a Prefect, Percy?' said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. 'You should have said something, we had no idea.'
'Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,' said the other twin. 'Once– '
'Or twice–'
'A minute– '
'All summer–'
'Oh, shut up,' said Percy the Prefect. (PS6)

'Now, you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've – you've blown up a toilet or –'
'Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet.'
'Great idea though, thanks, Mum.'
'It's not funny. And look after Ron.'
'Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us.'
'Shut up,' said Ron again. 'Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls.'
'We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat.'
'George!' (PS6)

'Are you really Harry Potter?' Ron blurted out.
Harry nodded.
'Oh – well, I though it might be one of Fred and George's jokes,' said Ron. (PS6)

Ron: '… Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny…' (PS6)

Harry has been sorted into Gryffindor: Percy the Prefect got up and shook his [Harry's] hand vigorously,
while the Weasley twins yelled, 'We got Potter! We got Potter!' (PS7)

Everybody finished the song at different times. At last, only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march. Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand, and when they had finished, he was one of those who clapped loudest. 'Ah, music,' he said, wiping his eyes. 'A magic beyond all we do here!' (PS7)

'I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch Cup for sure this year,' said Fred. 'We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. You must be good, Harry, Wood was almost skipping when he told us.'
'Anyway, we've got to go, Lee Jordan reckons he's found a new secret passageway out of the school.'
'Bet it's that one behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy that we found in our first week. See you.' (PS9)

Wood: 'This is it.'
The big one,' said Fred Weasley.
'The one we've all been waiting for,' said George.
'We know Oliver's speech by heart,' Fred told Harry. 'We were in the team last year.' (PS11)

'Merry Christmas!'
'Hey, look – Harry's got a Weasley jumper, too!'
Fred and George were wearing blue jumpers, one with a large yellow F on it, the other with a large yellow G.
'Harry's is better than ours, though,' said Fred, holding up Harry's jumper. 'She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family.'
'Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?' George demanded. 'Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm.'
'I hate maroon,' Ron moaned half-heartedly as he pulled it over his head.
'You haven't got a letter on yours,' George observed, 'I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid – we know
we're called Gred and Forge.' 'P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry got one.'
'I – don't – want –'said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the jumper over his head, knocking his glasses askew.
'And you're not sitting with the Prefects today, either,' said George.
'Christmas is a time for family.'
They frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his sides by his jumper. (PS12)

From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry's bedroom window has bars on it: 'But you can't magic me out either –'
'We don't need to,' said Ron, jerking his head towards the front seats and grinning. 'You forget who I've got with me.'
'Tie that round the bars,' said Fred, throwing the end of a rope to Harry. (CS3)

Fred and George climbed carefully through the window into Harry's room. You had to hand it to them, thought Harry, as George took an ordinary hairpin from his pocket and started to pick the lock.
'A lot of wizards thin it's a waste of time, knowing this sort of Muggle trick,' said Fred, 'but we feel they're skills worth learning, even if they are a bit slow.' (CS3)

Harry tells the twins about Dobby: 'Very fishy,' said Fred finally.
'Definitely dodgy,' agreed George. 'So he wouldn't even tell you who's supposed to be plotting all this stuff?' (CS3)

'Well,' said Fred, 'put it this way – house-elves have got powerful magic of their own, but they can't usually use it without their masters' permission. I reckon Dobby was sent to stop you coming back to Hogwarts. Someone's idea of a joke. Can you think of anyone at school with a grudge against you?' (CS3)

'Well, whoever owns him will be an old wizarding family, and they'll be rich,' said Fred.
'Yeah, Mum's always wishing we had a house-elf to do the ironing,' said George. 'But all we've got is a lousy old ghoul in the attic and gnomes all over the garden. House-elves come with big old manors and castles and places like that, you wouldn't catch one in our house…'

The Ford Anglia lands at The Burrow: 'Touchdown!' said Fred as, with a slight bump, they hit the ground. (CS3)

'Now, we'll go upstairs really quietly,' said Fred, 'and wait for Mum to call us for breakfast. Then Ron, you come bounding downstairs going, 'Mum, look who turned up in the night!' and she'll be all pleased to see Harry and no one need ever know we flew the car.' (CS3)

Mrs. Wesley was marching across the yard…. Remarkable how much she looked like a sabre-toothed tiger.
'Ah,' said Fred.
'Oh dear,' said George. (CS3)

'Perfect Percy,' muttered Fred.
'YOU COULD DO WITH TAKING A LEAF OUT OF PERCY'S BOOK!' yelled Mrs. Weasley, prodding a finger in Fred's chest. (CS3)

'Yeah, she'll be wanting your autograph, Harry,' grinned Fred, but he caught his mother's eye and bent his face over his plate without another word. (CS3)

George: 'Mum, we know how to de-gnome a garden.' (CS3)

About Lockhart: 'Mum fancies him,' said Fred in a very audible whisper. (CS3)

'See, they're not too bright,' said George, seizing five or six gnomes at once. 'The moment they know the de-gnoming's going on they storm up to have a look. You'd think they'd have learned by now just to stay put.'

Arthur's idea of firm discipline: 'Did you really?' said Mr. Weasley eagerly. 'Did it go all right?' (CS3)

Fred: 'You've been told to get all Lockhart's books, too!' he said. 'The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan – bet it's a witch.' (CS4)

'Wish I knew what he [Percy] was up to,' said Fred, frowning. 'He's not himself. His exam results came the day before you did, twelve and he hardly gloated at all.' George to Ron: '… If we're not careful, we'll have another Head Boy in the family. I don't think I could stand the same.' (CS4)

'Where did you come out?' Ron asked.
'Knockturn Alley,' said Hagrid grimly.
'Brilliant!' said Fred and George together. (CS4)

Quidditch practice: Fred Weasley's head drooped right onto Alicia Spinnet's shoulder and he began to snore. (CS7)

'I've got a question, Oliver,' said George, who had woken with a start. 'Why couldn't you have told us all this yesterday when we were awake?' Wood wasn't pleased. (CS7)

'And the Slytherins don't need a spy, Oliver,' said George.
'What makes you say that?' said Wood testily.
'Because they're here in person.' Said George, pointing. (CS7)

Hermione: 'At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in,' said Hermione sharply. 'They got in on pure talent.' (CS7)

'Someone's – tampered – with – this – Bludger,' Fred grunted. (CS10)

Harry: 'Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the rogue one.'
'Don't be thick,' said Fred. 'It'll take your head off.' (CS10)

'This is all your fault,' George said angrily to Wood. '"Get the Snitch or die trying" – what a stupid thing to tell him!' (CS10)

Harry is rumoured to be the Heir of Slytherin: Fred and George, however, found all this very funny. They went out of their way to march ahead of Harry down the corridors, shouting, 'Make way for the heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through …'
Percy was deeply disapproving of this behaviour.
'It is not a laughing matter,' he said coldly.
'Oh, get out of the way, Percy,' said Fred, 'Harry's in a hurry.'
'Yeah, he's nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant,' said George, chortling. (CS12)

Percy, who hadn't noticed that Fred had bewitched his prefect badge so that it now read, 'Pinhead', kept asking them all what they were sniggering at. (CS12)

'Oh, that,' said Ginny, giggling. 'Well – Percy's got a girlfriend.'
Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head.
… 'You won't tease him, will you?' she added anxiously.
'Wouldn't dream of it,' said Fred, who was looking as if his birthday had come early.
'Definitely not,' said George, sniggering. (CS18)

From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

'Harry!' said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply.
'Simply splendid to see you, old boy –'
'Marvellous,' said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. 'Absolutely spiffing.'
Percy scowled. (PA4)

'What do we want to be Prefects for?' said George, looking revolted at the very idea. 'It'd take all the fun out of life.'

George: 'We tried to shut him in a pyramid,' he told Harry. 'But Mum spotted us.' (PA4)

'The Ministry's providing a couple of cars,' said Mr. Weasley. Everyone looked up at him.
'Why?' said Percy, curiously.
'It's because of you, Perce,' said George seriously. 'And there'll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them –'
'– For Humongous Bighead,' said Fred.
Everyone except Percy and Mrs. Weasley snorted into their pudding. (PA4)

… they were interrupted by Fred and George, who had looked in to congratulate Ron on infuriating Percy again. (PA5)

'– or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle –' (PA5)

George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again.
'That little git,' he said calmly. 'He wasn't so cocky last night when the Dementors were down our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?'
'Nearly wet himself,' said Fred, with a contemptuous glance at Malfoy.
'I wasn't too happy myself,' said George. 'They're horrible things, those Dementors…'
'Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?' said Fred.
'You didn't pass out, though, did you?' said Harry in a low voice.
'Forget it, Harry,' said George bracingly. 'Dad had to go out to Azkaban one time, remember, Fred? And he said it was the worst place he'd ever been. He came back all weak and shaking… They suck the happiness out of a place, Dementors. Most of the prisoners go mad in there.' (PA6)

'We've got two unbeatable Beaters.'
'Stop it Oliver, you're embarrassing us,' said Fred and George Weasley together, pretending to blush. (PA8)

'We think you're very good, too, Oliver,' said George.
'Cracking Keeper,' said Fred. (PA8)

'Excellent,' said Fred, who had followed Harry through the portrait hole. 'I need to visit Zonko's, I'm nearly out of Stink Pellets.'

'Oliver, calm down!' said Fred, looking slightly alarmed. 'We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously.' (PA9)

'Harry!' said Fred, who looked extremely white underneath the mud.
'How're you feeling?' (PA9)

'Where is Wood?' said Harry, suddenly realising he wasn't there.
'Still in the showers,' said Fred. 'We think he's trying to drown himself.' (PA9)

'We'll come and see you later,' Fred told him. 'Don't beat yourself up, Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had.' (PA9)

'We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go,' said Fred, with a mysterious wink. 'Come in here…' 'What's that supposed to be?'
'This, Harry, is the secret of our success,' said George, patting the parchment fondly.
'It's a wrench, giving it to you,' said Fred, 'but we decided last night, your need's greater than ours.'
'Anyway, we know it off by heart,' said George. 'We bequeath it to you. We don't really need it any more.'
'And what do I need with a bit of old parchment?' said Harry.
'A bit of old parchment!' said Fred, closing his eyes with a grimace, as though Harry had mortally offended him. 'Explain, George.'
'Well… when we were in our first year, Harry – young, carefree and innocent –'
Harry snorted. He doubted whether Fred and George had ever been innocent.
'– well, more innocent than we are now – we got into a pot of bother with Filch.'
'We let off a Dungbomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason –'
'So he hauled us off to his office and started threatening us with the usual –'
'– detention –'
'– disembowelment – ' 'This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school.' (PA10)

'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs,' sighed George, patting the heading of the map. 'We owe them so much.' (PA10)

'Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was,' said Fred bracingly. 'And he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly. One swallow – he probably didn't feel a thing.'
'Fred!' said Ginny indignantly.
'All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself,' said George.
'He bit Goyle for us once!' Ron said miserable. 'Remember Harry?'
'Yeah, that's true,' said Harry.
'His finest hour,' said Fred, unable to keep a straight face. 'Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory…' (PA13)

'The Dementors won't turn up again, Oliver, Dumbledore'd do his nut,' said Fred confidently. (PA13)

From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

'What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?'
'Oh, no, Ron,' came Fred's voice, very sarcastically. 'No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up.' (GF4)

'Did he eat it?' said Fred excitedly, holding out a hand to pull Harry to his feet.
'Yea,' said Harry, straightening up. 'What was it?'
'Ton-Tongue Toffee,' said Fred brightly. 'George and I invented them, we've been looking for someone to test them on all summer…' (GF5)

'That wasn't funny, Fred!' he [Arthur] shouted. 'What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?'
'I didn't give him anything,' said Fred, with another evil grin. 'I just dropped it… it was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to.' 'How big did his tongue get?' George asked eagerly. (GF5)

'We didn't give it to him because he was a Muggle!' said Fred indignantly.
'No, we gave it to him because he's a great bullying git,' said George. (GF5)

'We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought they were actually making things,' said Ginny, 'we thought they just liked the noise.' (GF5)

'Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?' said Fred.
'That was a sample of fertiliser from Norway!' said Percy, going very red in the face. 'It was nothing personal!'
'It was,' Fred whispered to Harry, as they got up from the table. 'We sent it.' (GF5)

'Where're Bill and Charlie and Per-Per-Percy?' said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn. (GF6)

'What is that in your pocket?'
'Don't you lie to me!'
Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said, 'Accio!' 'We told you to destroy them!' said Mrs. Weasley furiously… (GF6)

'Well, have a lovely time,' said Mrs Weasley, 'and behave yourselves,' she called after the twins' retreating backs, but they did not look back or answer. (GF6)

'We'll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts,' said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, 'that Ireland wins – but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we'll thrown in a fake wand..' 'Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years! I'd pay five Galleons for that!' (GF8)

'Anyone can speak Troll,' said Fred dismissively, 'all you have to do is point and grunt.' (GF8)

'Oh, shut up, Weatherby,' said Fred. (GF8)

'Don't tell your mother you've been gambling,' Mr. Weasley implored Fred and George, as they all made their way slowly down the purple-carpeted stairs.
'Don't worry, Dad,' said Fred gleefully, 'we've got big plans for this money, we don't want it confiscated.' (GF9)

'You're all right,' Mrs Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, 'you're alive… oh, boys…'
And to everybody's surprise, she seized Fred and George and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.
'Ouch! Mum – you're strangling us –'
'I shouted at you before you left!' Mrs Weasley said, starting to sob.
'It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough ? Oh, Fred… George…' (GF10)

'What are you two up to?' said Mrs Weasley sharply, her eyes on the twins.
'Homework,' said Fred vaguely.
'Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday,' said Mrs Weasley.
'Yeah, we've left it a bit late,' said George. 'If the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died, how would you feel knowing that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?'
Everyone laughed, even Mrs Weasley. (GF10)

'… It is my very great pleasure to inform your that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year.'
'You're JOKING!' said Fred Weasley loudly. (GF12)

'I'm going for it!' Fred Weasley hissed down the table, his face lit with enthusiasm at the prospect of such glory and riches. (GF12)

'What was it like?' said Harry eagerly.
Fred, George and Lee exchanged looks full of meaning.
'Never had a lesson like it,' said Fred. (GF13)

'What's a bummer?' Ron asked George.
'Having a nosy git like you for a brother,' said George. (GF15)

'Well, we have,' said George, indicating Fred, 'loads of times to nick food. And we've met them, and they're happy. They think they've got the best job in the world –' (GF15)

'An Age Line!' Fred Weasley said, his eyes glinting, s they all made their way across the Hall to the doors into the Entrance Gall. 'Well, that should be fooled by an Ageing Potion, shouldn't it? And once your name's in that Goblet, you're laughing – it can't tell whether you're seventeen or not!' (GF16)

'C' mon, then – I'll go first –' For a split second, Harry thought it had worked… but next moment, there was a loud sizzling sound, and both twins were hurled out of the golden circle as though they had been thrown by an invisible shot-putter. (GF16)

Ron: 'Well, we'd better get downstairs for your surprise party, Harry – Fred and George should have nicked enough food from the kitchens by now.' (GF21)

'Don't be a prat, Neville, that's illegal,' said George. 'They wouldn't use the Cruciatus curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing… maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower, Harry.' (GF21)

'Going to try and lead the house-elves out on strike now, are you?' said George. 'Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try and stir them into rebellion?' Several people chortled. Hermione didn't answer. (GF21)

'Canary Creams!' Fred shouted to the excitable crowd. 'George and I invented them – seven Sickles each, bargain!' (GF21)

… he [Ron] placed the last two cards on top of the castle and the whole lot blew up, singeing his eyebrows.
'Nice look, Ron… go well with your dress robes, that will.' It was Fred and George. 'Because we want to send a letter, you stupid great prat,' said George.
'Who d' you two keep writing to, eh?' said Ron?
'Nose out, Ron, or I'll burn that for you too,' said Fred, waving his wand threateningly. (GF22)

'Who're you going with then?' asked Ron.
'Angelina,' said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment.
'What?' said Ron, taken aback. 'You've already asked her?'
'Good point,' said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, 'Oi! Angelina!' Angelina, who had been chatting to Alicia Spinnet near the fire, looked over at him.
'What?' she called back.
'Want to come to the ball with me?' Angelina gave Fred an appraising sort of look.
'All right, then,' she said, and turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting, with a bit of a grin on her face.
'There you go,' said Fred to Harry and Ron, 'piece of cake.' (GF22)

'Hello, Mr Bagman,' said Fred brightly. 'Can we buy you a drink?'
'Er… no,' said Bagman, with a last disappointed glance at Harry, 'no thank you boys…' (GF24)

'– we've tried being polite, it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did –'
'I'm telling you, if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!' (GF29)

George: 'You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a Prefect.' (GF29)

'Thought we'd see what those three were up to,' said Fred matter-of-factly, stepping onto Goyle, and into the compartment. He had his wand out, and so did George, who was careful to tread on Malfoy as he followed Fred inside.
'Interesting effect,' said George, looking down at Crabbe. 'Who used the Furnunculus curse?'
'Me,' said Harry.
'Odd,' said George lightly, 'I used Jelly-Legs. Looks as though those two shouldn't be mixed.' (GF37)

'Take it,' he said, and he thrust the sack into George's hands.
'What?' said Fred, looking flabbergasted.
'Take it,' Harry repeated firmly. 'I don't want it.'
'You're mental,' said George, trying to push it back at Harry.
'No, I'm not,' said Harry. 'You take it, and get inventing. It's for the joke-shop.'
'He is mental,' Fred said, in an almost awed voice. 'Harry – thanks,' George muttered, while Fred nodded fervently at his side. (GF37).

From Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

'Fred and George have invented Extendable Ears, see,' said Ron. (OP4)

'Hello, Harry,' said George, beaming at him. 'We thought we heard your dulcet tones.'
'You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry, let it all out,' said Fred, also beaming. 'There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you.'
'You two passed your Apparition tests, then?' asked Harry grumpily.
'With distinction,' said Fred. (OP4)

On Snape: 'Git,' said Fred idly. (OP4)

'I think we're well shot of him [Percy,' said George, with an uncharacteristically ugly look on his face. (OP4)

'We were just trying to save a bit of time!' said Fred, hurrying forward to wrench the bread knife out of the table. (OP5)

'None of your brothers caused this sort of trouble!' Mrs Weasley raged at the twins… (OP5)

'Molly you can't stop Fred and George,' said Mr Weasley wearily. 'They are of age.' (OP5)

'Yeah, size is no guarantee of power,' said George. 'Look at Ginny.'
'What d' you mean?' said Harry.
'You've never been on the receiving end of one of her Bat-Bogey Hexes, have you?' (OP6)

'Right-o,' Fred said brightly, spraying the Doxy quickly in the face so that it fainted, but the moment Mrs. Weasley's back was turned he pocketed it with a wink.
'We want to experiment with Doxy venom for our Skiving Snackboxes,' George told Harry under his breath. (OP6)

'Us,' said Fred. 'We take it in turns. George did the Fainting Fancies – we both tried the Nosebleed Nougat –'
'Mum thought we'd been duelling,' said George. (OP6)

'I love hearing Mum shouting at someone else,' said Fred, with a satisfied smile on his face… (OP6)

Kreacher: 'and there's its twin, unnatural little beasts they are.' (OP6)

Mrs Weasley was wiping her face on her apron, and Fred, George and Ginny were doing a kind of war dance to a chant that went: 'He got off, he got off, he got off!' (OP9)

'Prefect?' he [Fred] said, staring incredulously at the letter. 'Prefect?' 'No way,' said George in a hushed voice.
'There's been a mistake,' said Fred… (OP9)

'Yeah,' said Fred slowly. 'Yeah, you've [Harry} caused too much trouble, mate. Well, at least one of you's got their priorities right.'
He strode over to Harry and clapped him on the back while giving Ron a scathing look. (OP9)

'I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!'
'What are Fred and I, next-door neighbours?' said George indignantly… (OP9)

'We're going to have to watch our step, George,' said Fred, pretending to tremble, 'with these two on our case…'
'Yeah, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over,' said George, shaking his head. (OP9)

Ron: 'They've always said only prats become prefects…' (OP9)

Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?
Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley Gryffindor common room,
For simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.
(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk.)

'They are the limit,' said Hermione grimly… (OP12)

'Fifth year's OWL year,' said George.
'So you've got your exams coming up, haven't you? They'll be keeping your noses so hard to that grindstone they'll be rubbed raw,' said Fred with satisfaction.
'Half our year had minor breakdowns coming up to OWLs,' said George happily. 'Tears and tantrums… Patricia Stimpson kept coming over faint…'
'Kenneth Towler came out in boils, d' you remember?' said Fred reminiscently.
'That's 'cause you put Bulbadox powder in his pyjamas,' said George?
'Oh, yeah,' said Fred, grinning. 'I'd forgotten… hard to keep track sometimes, isn't it?' (OP12)

Fred: 'But we feel our futures lie outside the world of academic achievement.' (OP12)

'It is NOT excellent!'
'Course it is, they're alive, aren't they?' said Fred angrily. (OP13)

Hermione has caught the twins red-handed: … 'but I will write to your mother.'
'You wouldn't,' said George, horrified, taking a step back from her. (OP13)

Ron: 'Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for tryouts.' (OP13)

'So top grade's "O" for "Outstanding",' she was saying, 'and then there's "A" –'
No, "E",' George corrected her [Hermione, '"E" for "Exceeds Expectations". And I've always though Fred and I should've got "E" in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams.' (OP15)

'Well, be a good boy and keep your temper with Umbridge today,' said George. 'Angelina'll do her nut if you miss any more Quidditch practises.' (OP15)

'Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?' enquired George, pulling a long and lethal-looking metal instrument from inside one of the Zonko's bags.
'Or any part of your body, really, we're not fussy where we stick this,' said Fred. (OP16)

'You know, I don't get whey Fred and George only got three OWLs each,' said Harry, watching as Fred, George and Lee collected fold from the eager crowd. 'They really know their stuff.' (OP17)

'But you get these massive pus-filled boils, too,' said George, 'and we haven't worked out how to get rid of them yet.'
'I can't see any boils,' said Ron, staring at the twins.
'No, well, you wouldn't,' said Fred darkly, 'they're not in a place we generally display to the public.' (OP18)

Harry was not aware of releasing George, all he knew was that a second later both of them were sprinting towards Malfoy. He had completely forgotten that all the teachers were watching: all he wanted to do was cause Malfoy as much pain as possible; with no time to draw out his wand, he merely drew back the fist clutching the Snitch and sank it as hard as he could into Malfoy's stomach –
'Harry! HARRY! GEORGE! NO!; (OP19)

'It's not my fault I didn't,' said Fred, with a very ugly look on his face, 'I would've pounded the little scumbag to a pulp if you three hadn't been holding me back.' (OP19)

'Course we can go to St Mungo's if we want,' said Fred, with a mulish expression. 'He's our dad!' (OP22)

'We don't care about the dumb Order!' shouted Fred.
'It's our dad dying we're talking about!' yelled George. (OP22)

'You were guarding it, weren't you?' said George quietly. 'The weapon? The thing You-Know-Who's after?' (OP22)

'What's that supposed to be anyway?' asked Fred, squinting at Dobby's painting. 'Looks like a gibbon with two black eyes.'
'It's Harry!' said George, pointing at the back of the picture, 'says so on the back!'
'Good likeness,' said Fred, grinning. (OP23)

'Headless Hats!' shouted George… 'How do those hats work then?' said Hermione, distracted from her homework and watching Fred and George. 'I mean, obviously it's some kind of Invisibility Spell, but it's rather clever to have extended the field of invisibility beyond the boundaries of the charmed object…' (OP24)

Fred: 'Anyway… we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble any more.'
'Have you ever?' asked Hermione.
'Course we have,' said George. 'Never been expelled, have we?'
'We've always known where to draw the line,' said Fred.
'We might have put a toe across it occasionally,' said George.
'But we've always stopped short of causing real mayhem,' said Fred.
'But now?' said Ron tentatively.
'Well, now –' said George.
'– what with Dumbledore gone –' said Fred.
'– we reckon a bit of mayhem –' said George.
'– is exactly what our new Head deserves,' said Fred. (OP27)

George: 'Oh, I hope she tries Vanishing them next… they multiply by ten every time you try.' (OP27)

Umbridge: 'You two,' she went on, gazing down at Fred and George , 'are about to learn what happens to wrong-doers in my school.'
'You know what?' said Fred. 'I don't think we are.'
He turned to his twin.
'George,' said Fred, 'I think we've outgrown full-time education.'
'Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself,' said George lightly.
'Time to test our talents in the real world, d' you reckon?' asked Fred.
'Definitely,' said George.
And before Umbridge could say a word, they raised their wands and said together: 'Accio brooms!' 'We won't be seeing you,' Fred told Professor Umbridge, swinging his leg over his broomstick.
'Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch,' said George, mounting his own.
Fred looked around at the assembled students, and at the silent, watchful crowd.
'If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley -- Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes,' he said in a loud voice, 'Our new premises!'
'Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
'STOP THEM!' shrieked Umbridge, but it was oo late. As the Inquisitorial Squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below. Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
'Give her hell from us, Peeves.'
And Peeves, who Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset. (OP29)

Harry frequently heard students saying things like, 'Honestly, some days I just feel like jumping on my broom and leaving this place,' or else, 'One more lesson like that and I might just do a Weasley.' (OP30)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Mimi's Life reviews
This is Mimi's diary! Don't ask how I got it! I'm not going to write anymore on this story.
Mario - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 447 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/2/2012 - Mimi, Dimentio
The Life of Loki reviews
No one does like the girl named Loki-Oops I mean boy named Loki. With his long,greasy hair with his green dress-I mean robe. Not even his own brother Thor.
Thor - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 5 - Words: 1,037 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 3 - Updated: 9/22/2012 - Published: 7/13/2012 - Complete
Barny,Elmo and how they became sort of friends reviews
What happens when poor Elmo becomes unemployed and Barny tries rob him or so Elmo thinks ? I couldn't find the category that had Barny in it so sorry. ONE SHOT unless you want more!
Crossover - Sesame Street & Misc. Tv Shows - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 168 - Reviews: 3 - Published: 8/4/2012