munkeemunkee 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 09-17-06, id: 1135039
Author has written 1 story | Naruto.
β : munkeemunkee is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Hmm.  My style.  Who I am.  I always hated filling out these things, they always seem to silently remind you of how much you suck (*laughs*).  Well, as a beta I'm just a generally helpful person, I love literature and deeply appreciate how much hard work an author will put into their story.  When you write, it becomes a part of you, and I know how crushing it feels when someone harshly criticizes your work, so I try to be constructive and keep the author's best interest in mind.  I think of beta-ing (is that really a verb?) as a fun way to pass the time, as well as gaining writing experience on my end. Also, I am currently a beta for haipa-chan, but I am still willing to beta more than one author at a time! You can message her and ask about me if you wish.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm really good at spotting both spelling and grammar errors (which is obviously essential).  I am also very skilled when it comes to the wording of sentences, as in the way you put things, and character and plot development.  Most people would be amazed how seemingly small, subtle changes can dramatically improve the flow and overall status of a piece.  So yeah, I specialize in things like that.  Also, I’m totally open for people to come and pick my brain for ideas.  A fresh set of eyes is always good for a new perspective.  Also, I’m pretty … creative when it comes to outrageous ideas.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
My weakness are that sometimes I’m told I’m too nice.  It’s true, in a way, I suppose … whenever I leave reviews for someone I usually don’t pick apart their piece because they might consider me rude and try to flame me or something infantile like that.  I also like to preserve the integrity of the author’s work, which means that even though their writing style might be different from mine, I won’t deliberately try to change it, even if I may want to.  So sometimes I don’t speak up, in my reviews at least.  But as a beta I will try to be a bit more attentive and outspoken about those sort of things.Then again, in a way sometimes I really can be blunt and to the point about things that annoy me, so, you know, it fluctuates.  And other times I just can’t think how to improve something.  But we all have times when we’re at a loss, we’re human.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Hmm … well, my preferred genre is almost unlimited.  I’ll do comedy, action, drama, mystery, fantasy, parody, romance, whatever.  However, what I really enjoy is fan fiction about anime and/or manga.  I must confess, I am an otaku at heart, but I’ll pretty much take any story – it doesn’t have to be anime.  I’m flexible like that.  So, don’t be afraid that I’ll deny you if you have a story about a book or a movie or something like that, I won’t mind.  I also won’t mind if you think your story sucks.  I’ll take writers at all levels.  Newbies welcome!
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Okay, I’m going to be clear on this – I don’t like yaoi or yuri.  I have nothing against gay people, or gay characters.  As you can probably tell from the rest of my last section, I’m a very open-minded person.  I just don’t like reading about what gay people do with their free time.  Anything else, violence, gore, mass carnage, total insanity, I can take.  Just not that.  No offense to anyone who does enjoy reading it – I just don’t.  Also, I’d prefer that you didn’t come to me with any foreign languages unless you have a translation handy.  Hábla inglés, por favor.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Cartoons
All Comics
All Misc
All Movies
All TV Shows
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for