xEmberChanx 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 02-27-07, id: 1229060
Author has written 4 stories | Naruto, and El Tigre.
β : xEmberChanx is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Hey everyone! I am widely known as xEmberChanx here on fanfiction and deviantart. I have been going back and forth on becoming a Beta reader and have finally decided that I would like to go ahead and become one as I take frequent breaks from working on my own stories. I am currently editing my most popular stories while working on one in progress. br /

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Honestly, I am not new to Beta reading- I've edited many stories and have quite a good experience with critiquing. I want to help other improve their work just as I would want with my own. I can't really say i have a specific "style". I beta read as I see fit, and I always make sure to send my edits back and forth with whoever I'm working with and make sure we both are on the same page. I am all about communication-which is also one of things I expect from the people I am working with. Communication is key. Nothing will get done if we don't! br /

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I take beta-reading very serious and I hope that you will be as professional about this as I am-which means frankly, I do not want to deal with people who get their writing feelings hurt easily and yell at me for being "too harsh" instead of trying to understand why I made the changes I did. I also do not want you to tell me things like: "You can change whatever you want" or "You can just rewrite it/the whole thing if you want." I am not editing MY story, I'm editing YOURS. br /

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That's really all I ask. I know this sounds vicious but I really I'm not! Please PM me and we shall commence the communicating!br /

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**I will also help with Character development as well if asked

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
-Communicationbr /

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- Four years of critique experiencebr /

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-Keen eye for errors br /

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-Detailed in editing notesbr /

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-I ask a ton of questions to make sure I understand the plot of the story!

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Sometimes I overlook simple errors that relate with wording, especially if the word is spelled correctly!
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I prefer to stay with what I know, which is in the fantasy and romance, but I'm willing to try any new genre. I am also open to doing original stories as well.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I would like to stay in the Anime, Cartoon, and Games category, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to say 'no' if your story isn't in these categories.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Cartoon Adventure Time with Finn and Jake
Movie Avengers
Anime B Gata H Kei/B型H系
Cartoon El Tigre
Anime Elfen Lied
Anime Highschool of the Dead
Anime Karin
Anime Naruto
Cartoon Recess
Game Skullgirls
Game Sonic the Hedgehog
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for