Sereq ieh Dashret 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 09-30-08, id: 1703683
Author has written 26 stories | Misc. Books, Legacy of Kain, Hellboy, Redwall, Forgotten Realms, Record of Lodoss War, A song of Ice and Fire, Os Sete, W.I.T.C.H., Frankenstein, Temeraire, American Gods, Dragonlance, Star Wars, Star Wars, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
β : Sereq ieh Dashret is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I am a voracious and fast reader in Italian, Portuguese and English, so you can expect a fast response. (providing that I am not stuck with my work...) br /br /

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I care much about accuracy and consistency of details and would even research historical/anthropological/cultural facts on behalf of /br /

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I have read a lot about the areas for which I offer to beta read, so you could expect me to tell you if something happens or not in /br /

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As for grammar, I am mothertongue Italian and Portuguese so I can give translation advice about /br /

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My English is fluent but I would not be so presumptious as to offer grammatical /syntactical counsels apart from the basic /br /

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I have had a classical education so I can provide quotations from Greek and Latin authors (those in greek just translitterated) and check grammar and syntax to a certain extent.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I have a great care for the consistency of details. I check everything to correct discrepancies. (such as saying in one paragraph that the hero has blue eyes and in the other that he has green.)br /br /

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I research on canon facts to build the plot. I love to find apparently neglected details in a canon plot and exploit them to build a whole side-story. I do it also with historical facts when I am writing original /br /

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I have a degree in Biotechnologies and have had a forensics course in university so I could give useful details about DNA profiling, blood-pattern analysis, luminol staining and other useful scientifical /br /

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I am very much interested in anthropology and mythology as well as cryptozoology and would love to help to build a weird, complicated plot including half-forgotten myths.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I have too many ideas at a time, so I do not manage to end a fic before I want to start another. I usually have more than one ongoing fic at a /br /

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I tend to complicate things and write scenes with too much people in them, so they are not always /br /

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My main characters, in original fiction, fanfiction and RPG usually are rejects from society and tend to be too much the Byronic Hero-type, and it tends to irritate people sometimes. They tend to be a little too arrogant and aggressive also, and mostly they are male, so I'm not exactly an expert in characterizing a female character. When trying, I usually make them too warlike and masculine, I have been /br /

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I am not mothertongue English so I may make grammatical or syntactical mistakes. I learned English first with a New Zealander teacher and then with English teachers so I may not understand american slang or colloquial /br /

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I am European and,though it is not a weakness in itself, it means I know next to nothing (except what I have learned from films) of school, habits and conventions of American society, so I cannot judge if something concerning these subjects is correct/uncorrect.

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I would prefer to beta for multichapter stories with a complex /br /

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I'd do oneshots /br /

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Also I'd prefer adventure or crime over romance, but have no objections about a bit of romance here and there, as long as the fic does not revolve around the building of a relationship between two characters, just because, though I appreciate reading them, I'm not good at writing about sentiments.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I would not beta for stories which revolve only about a couple of any combination of genders having sexual /br /

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Also i would not do parody or AU funny stories in which a medieval character goes to high school or something like that, also because I do not know anything about the USA schoool system and its /br /

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Also I would prefer not to beta for stories which revolve around the fact that a girl gets sucked into a dangerous fantasy world and promptly falls in love with the main hero/villain/sexy guy. I simply would not enjoy

Beta Preferences
Language: English & Italian
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Forgotten Realms
Comic Hellboy
Game Legacy of Kain
Book Lord of the Rings
Book Temeraire
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for