AmatureAuthor 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 05-15-10, id: 2365444
Author has written 4 stories | Harry Potter, Hana-Kimi, Fruits Basket, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
β : AmatureAuthor is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
i'm as good a beta as i am a writer, because it's much easier to edit someone else's work because you're not caught up in creating ideas. i edit a few of my friends stories, and i am pretty critical, but it's because i never fail to comment on a detail. Please don't take it personally when i comment on every little mistake. I just want your writing to be the best it can be!
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
i am good at fixing grammar and paragraphs, ect. i'm not useless for plot ideas either...
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
i'm not that good at spelling, but thats what spell-check is for, which some people don't appear to use... *vienpop*
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I perfer to edit fanfictions of mangas/animes/books/ect. that I know, just because otherwise i wont know what is going on and i will be not all that useful.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
i. hate. asgnst. and hardcore yaoi. i'll edit soft and sweet, but nothing else. it makes me want to puke unless the characters were origionally paired together.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Cartoons
All Movies
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for