Pasta and Sin 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 03-10-17, id: 8912553
Author has written 12 stories | Hetalia - Axis Powers, and ManHua/Chinese Comics/漫画.
β : Pasta and Sin is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'm an awesome beta-reader, or at least, I like to think I am. That's all you need to know. I'm kidding xD

Okay, so when I beta, I would read over the chapter twice or thrice to make sure. Then, I'd correct spelling/grammatical/punctuation errors, and review it again. At the end of it all, I can leave a comment on what I think about the story (or a constructive criticism if you prefer that) and it will be found at the bottom most part of your document which you can delete after (Er, I'll probably just generalise that to the important aspects of your story). Or maybe if you just need someone to proof-read it, give it a quick skim, tell you what my thoughts are for you your stories before you publish it, I could do that.

Oh, and I'll only beta-read for the Hetalia fandom because that's the fandom I know best and I'm stuck in it. Willingly. *cue, Marukaite Chikyuu bursts through the speakers* Draw a circle, that's how straight we are.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Spelling, grammar, characterisation, and a tad of punctuation. Oh, and I can help out with emotional scenes and descriptions.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I am no professional, but I can give you my best! Also, I may not that good with handling all characters of Hetalia (meaning, I might not be good at their characterisation) but that doesn't mean I can help you any less. I'll just need to do a bit of research and we're good to go! Also, if I know the character well, then you're in great luck. Oh, I suck at historical accuracy, too. I mean, I could do a bit of research but if you're looking for someone keen on small details in a certain era/timeline or what events took place in certain years, then you have the wrong person. You have to look for another beta-reader that excels in that area.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Genre: FEELS AND ANGST. Maybe a bit of Hurt/Comfort but a little Romance and Fluff wouldn't hurt as well. Also, I don't mind if the fic you want me to beta-read is in a nutshell, and basically, I'll accept whatever story you have for me to edit. Those are just my preferred genres.

Length: I don't really mind the length if it's a one-shot or a three-shot. If it's a multi-chap, maybe I can handle 5k words and up per chapter. Sounds good?

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
What's it called again? Porn without Plot? Yeah, that one. Also, child pornography. And OCs. Also, Character x Reader sort of thing. One reason is that I'm horrible at those kind of things so I may not be able to help you in that area. Another reason is that I took an oath to myself to not touch that subject myself and that includes me writing it or me beta-reading for such stories. Oh, worry not because if it's just about hints of sexual tension and the like, I can help. Just don't let me edit full-on sex scenes, please. Thank you.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime Hetalia - Axis Powers
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for