Reviews for Beyblade Metal Heroes Season 1: Darkness Transcends
Eternal Nexus Warrior chapter 54 . 5/27
It was nice to see outside of the main school group to see what was happening on the sidelines. Between Tsubasa comforting Hikaru and Ryo and Katsuro's talk, it was a steady change of pace, like a calm before the storm.

I know my review is small, but honestly that is something I am used to, just giving small reviews. But I know the importance of what my review is about to do. Is it a little funny and ironic since it is me who noticed the review counts being so close? Absolutely. Do I regret what I am about to do? Nope.

So congrats on surpassing my review count and being the 3rd most reviewed Metal Fight Beyblade story in the site Infinity Wizard. Because you earned it with this story. :D
Omega darkseid chapter 53 . 5/25
Nice for not reviewing for a long was busy,so good to see you're updating and This story is amazing as always.I am quite surprised to see is zygor.I thought zygor is someone much ruthless and it's quite luck.
Eternal Nexus Warrior chapter 53 . 4/1
I see that infinity war meme you sneaked in there. XD

I gotta admit, ziggurat being zygor caught me off guard (cue the dramatic music meme) and I am curious to see what is to come from everything. I have a feeling that maybe he knew max before everything happened, maybe erased his memories before the events of the story started. Just a theory, but a possible one. That said, great chapter, and great episode 2 for the abridged series (popped up on my recommendations and I remember you said a while back in an authors note or dm that you worked on it).

As of my review, you are 1 away from tying my review count, and 2 from surpassing it. Gotta admit, both stories had a great run.
TopGun1986 chapter 8 . 2/28
it feels like the eyes on the stories' cover images almost looks like Ryuga's eyes.
AKA99 chapter 52 . 2/21
I haven't left a review in a while, but I've kept up with the story as best as I could.
I know it's a bit selfish I'm only just now responding on the chapter with Simon focus, but I really liked what you did in this chapter.
The characterization aspects were really well done and would've been my favorite parts even if it hadn't been Simon who was at the center of them. The bey battle aspects were also done incredibly well. I wanted to know what was going to happen next and how Simon was going to get out of his predicament. As for the backstory aspects, you covered parts of his history I hadn't even thought about, such as family drama with regards to his ability to see Griff and Drake and how it would affect people's perceptions of him. I though that was a nice addition to this version of the character. It's different than what I had originally intended for him in terms of backstory and character, but even so it's still really great.
The plot with Max was also intriguing and left me wanting more. I'm really looking forward to what happens next with him and finding out what happens to him next in his journey.
Silverish-WhiteOtter chapter 51 . 12/18/2019
-squeals- Ahhh! This was great! Your writing has definitely improved! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters. (Sad that it's almost over too.) And, if there happens to not be a season 2, that's completely fine! Also, I'm enjoying the fact I've changed Mana so much over the years that it's weird seeing her use Ice Fox. Guardian Kyuubi is so much more fleshed out as a beyblade. (And a spirit creature as an FYI. He's the Guardian of Souls/Spirits. A Five Tailed Kyuubi.) But, also, if you ever need to talk to somebody whether it be ideas or such, let me know! I'm more than happy to listen!
Omega darkseid chapter 51 . 12/13/2019
Amazing chapter.22k words in a single chapter is something seeing viper betray them is is also a worthy villain and psychopath.
Eternal Nexus Warrior chapter 51 . 12/11/2019
22K words in one chapter? Damn, you're good at this Infinity. I can barely crack out a 6K chapter after 5 years of writing on the site. XD

Well, Viper is indeed dead. Somehow I knew it was gonna come to this because he made me think of the character professor Viper from the GX anime. Still, the biggest part of this final battle has yet to come. And that means one thing.

You still got a chance to break my review count. 7 more reviews to break it, 6 more to tie it up. XD
Omega darkseid chapter 50 . 11/10/2019
This is a beyond epic chapter. I love the violence in this chapter. Update soon.
Omega darkseid chapter 50 . 10/26/2019
Very impressive chapter.
Omega darkseid chapter 50 . 10/26/2019
Very impressive reaper is finally in luck.
Silverish-WhiteOtter chapter 50 . 10/26/2019
I have reason to review this chapter. (It's Mana's owner by the way. ;)) Anyway, I had to reread a few chapters since I seemed to have missed some of them? Somehow. Some way. The shame. ANYWAY, your storytelling and writing has definitely grown from chapter 1. I'm really, really impressed! I am also glad Mana's still hanging around. Probably wanting to kill Max herself at this moment. Lmao. She's more than likely to be the one to kill him again when he comes back. No lie.

But, keep up the great work! I can't wait to see the next chapter. But, also, I can't believe it's coming to an end? But, I hope you're still planning on writing a season 2! I'd be so there. And so hooked. Keep growing in the writing!
Omega darkseid chapter 35 . 8/21/2019
Beyond epic! This is just futuristic. This fanfic finally reached the 350th review. It is an honour for my part to be a part of this awesome update luck.
Omega darkseid chapter 34 . 8/21/2019
This is just one of the best chapter in this story. Very awesome!.
Omega darkseid chapter 49 . 8/20/2019
I think you are going to take another year to update. This story is not going to get finished in another year.
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