Reviews for A Spirit of Courage
TigerArrowgirl chapter 21 . 7/14
No. No. No. No. Please tell me your going to at least update soon. Im like at the edge of my seat. Please update.
Livvea chapter 21 . 3/1
Oh my gawd update I’m so anxious. Brilliant story I love every minute of it.
xXevanderXx chapter 21 . 7/23/2019
I adore you. I adore this story! Thank you so much for this, life tends to get in the way but it makes me so happy to know you didn’t leave this alone.
Laikaa chapter 21 . 4/30/2019
Marcel you are going down can't wait to see how all how it comes to light, really don't like Marcel hopefully Caroline sets him on fire
Laikaa chapter 21 . 4/30/2019
Marcel you are going down can't wait to see how all
Laikaa chapter 21 . 4/30/2019
Laikaa chapter 20 . 4/30/2019
Oh God Stefan you must tell the Queen abt Marcel's threat he can't give in I never liked him from the beginning. He has to go the Traitor
Laikaa chapter 19 . 4/29/2019
Loved the move of going to the throne room un announced brilliant. They finally did the deed amazing welcome to Woman hood Caroline loved it too much
Laikaa chapter 18 . 4/29/2019
Lexi I'm going to miss you gal, I wonder why Stefan is lying to Caroline abt Damon why not juss tell her once. Now let the games begin Queen Caroline wants a seat on the Council and off course I think she is going to get it
Laikaa chapter 17 . 4/29/2019
That was really great I always love the action more so really really can't wait for more action love badass Caroline
Laikaa chapter 16 . 4/29/2019
That was really nice the fun stuff begin, I'm really bummed Kathrine didn't say anything to Elijah he would have definitely made a plan
Laikaa chapter 15 . 4/29/2019
That was really great loved the wedding can't wait to see how it goes on. Mason what are you upto hopefully it doesn't matter Elijah puts a stop to it
Laikaa chapter 13 . 4/28/2019
I guess the wedding is happening can't wait to see that Klaus and Caroline those 2hope they don't always have to fight and hurt each other juss to prove a point at some point both have to compromise
Laikaa chapter 12 . 4/28/2019
Ok she accepted that's great news now please please please juss kiss already
Laikaa chapter 11 . 4/28/2019
These two have to stop this back and forth and juss kiss already
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