Reviews for Checkmate
Demented Noodles chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
This sort of stuff is what you are best at! I would like more characters to be included like Amanda and Doppie! Please?
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
I don't have stitches but I would have laughed em off by now if I did. I love Min and Bree such awesome characters
ANARCHY RULES chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
I can't believe that I hadn't read this one shot yet, it was so good. I know it's not a huge story like the others but it helps with my Tomb Raider fix so it's all good I'm sure that I've already said this in a review for The Camera Loves You or The Dreaming but I really love your take on the characters. They just feel so natural and real. The idea of Min trolling Lara like that was hilarious. Great work as always
Yuna-likes-moonmoon chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
You write Sam(POV) and I just cant stop smiling. I dont really know why everyone of your readers are fangirling about Min. In my point of view your best characterization is Sam, you portrait her perfectly. In TCLY and TD we always just see Laras perspective and shes sometimes so rigid and a control freak (nice she loss of control in TD). Sam is so light hearted, open minded, good hearted and so pur. I enjoy reading her POV most. Laras affection for Min ist ok, no one is perfect, but why I feel always so creepy when most people wants you to write them to go further. Im so glad you won't do that. But can do what ever you want with your characters, its your literary license. I would review so much better in my language, but I hope you get the doing a great job and I can feel your passion to every story and every word.
suziegon chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
Bahaha Sam! Every single time Sam does/thinks something it makes me laugh. That girl is hilarious. And Min - she's a pure evil genius! I loved this chapter!
Tsukanda chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
This little spin-off was definitely a breath of fresh air from Lara's hard-hitting POV in the main story. The way you write Sam's POV is just so hilarious! I smiled along with Sam whenever she laughed. :)
ButtonMasherFTW chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Wow, Sam actually being jealous... That's so adorable! And Sam is right about not being allowed to eat burgers... It truly does suck when doctors have you on a restricted for your own good. For two years i wasn't allowed a bunch of stuff while on dialysis.
Dumb Katt chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
hahah mins great xD you gotta make another chapter with bree waking up next to sam ! she was so, so very drunk , yes? xD
Confiscated Retina chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
I already said this on tumblr but: oh my god, Min! So much love for this woman now! :D
knives4cash chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
You never fail to impress. There's no need to review it. All I have to say is that I enjoyed it.
KadeSmash85 chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
xD Loved it. Always enjoy seeing Sam's point of view. You make her so god damned hilarious too. Like seriously, I read one of your other fics on DeviantArt or whatever and the porn shop thing.. I was cracking up. Then I needed a cold shower. Thanks for that btw.

Anywho, awesome fic is awesome! Hilarity and all.