Reviews for A Presidential Election
Guest chapter 68 . 6/15
Hows that holier than tho "trump is better" attitude going for you? Have you SEEN whats happening in the US thanks to Trump? Black lives matter? Or are you gonna run your ugly ass mouth off again,you sniveling antiblack racist? Still think hillary is evil? Lol
hilltyneshia chapter 68 . 6/7
Next Chapter please! This is so good.
Guest chapter 68 . 2/13
I hope you and yours are well and hppe that you come back to writing.
I decided to reread part one and two, and when I saw "Really? Then you better start dreaming about her too. Because it'll be winter, possibly 2020, before you see me naked." I laughed because here we are in winter (It's -20 celcius today) 2020. We done, I needed the laugh.
Be blessed and happy.
lalanie21 chapter 68 . 8/23/2019
Can we get an update on this please really miss it
Guest chapter 68 . 5/25/2019
god just shut the fuck up.
CrumbleCookie chapter 68 . 4/13/2019
I have been reading your story’s back to back. I have absolutely adored and loved the whole thing. You need to update! I think it would be so sad if you didn’t finish this story!
piglet873 chapter 3 . 6/30/2018
i love the banter between James and Cyrus... had me busting out...
itsanewworld chapter 68 . 4/2/2018
I really enjoyed A Presidential Divorce but this has become too political for me to enjoy. That said, some of the reviews posted are genuinely nasty and personal. We all have the option to stop reading, I'm going to stop now. Good luck with your writing.
It's Almost Like chapter 1 . 12/2/2017
Your Australian government banished your melanin body on Manus island with the refugees they are abusing; that must be the only reason it's been almost a year since you disrespected sane American citizens with your 'researched' Obama hate, Hillary Clinton hate... And wait wait for the punchline - your Trump is better than them both rants.

So how does it feel to be 'right'? I mean, Trump's racist tweets, insulting allies, draining the taxpayers coffers to enrich himself, his rich pals and Putin is your dream president. You won! BIGLY! Believe me! Only you knew how great Trump would be for America after Hillary and Obama had killed your friends in war actions. Sgt. La David Johnson's grieving family would appreciate you explanation of how great Trump is, how the sergeant good what he signed up for, and all the other proof you'd educate the world of your... Wisdom.

Be bold and brave with an anniversary chapter condescending to Scandal's fan fiction readership that Bob Meuller's investigation is an illegal wictch-hunt set in motion by corrupt Hillary & racist, envious Obama to takedown your choice for Pootus (pun intended) Donald J Trump. ;-)
Guest chapter 7 . 11/19/2017
its funny how you went from loving obama to hating him, but i guess you never really liked him since your dumb ass kept giving his (a black man's) achievements to fitz (a white man). and i cannot begin to tell you how racist that is, but lmao. your fics are both TEEMING with anti-blackness and im glad you outed yourself.
CheshireHexx chapter 68 . 9/10/2017
When is your next update. It's been over half a year... are you ok?! PLEASE update soon!
Fangirl256 chapter 48 . 7/28/2017
I really enjoyed reading APD. This one I'm gonna have to stop. It's not very imaginative. It's a bunch of headlines written by other people and facts and lectures and just implausible stuff. Oh well it's just not for me. Just some advice. Do more of your own storytelling and not ripped from the headlines and Wikipedia stuff. That's boarder line plagiarism. Stop with the long lectures. This is a story, and for goodness sake do something with Jerry he's annoying as fuck and wayyyy too much in grown folks business. Plus this is definitely not how the US Whitehouse family and protocols work. All communication is monitored. All. ... so yep... gonna stop typing... I have to say I will NOT be recommending this story to our FF group. Not that anyone cares.
R U Ashamed chapter 65 . 7/18/2017
'Rules Are For Peasants' sounds like you and your favorite, illegitimate US president, Dingbat Tromp share many ideologies. How's that working for you?

Questions: Due to your firm, heavily researched, authority on American politics has the illegitimate president tweeted you to discuss the 'fake news' about his ENTIRE family's collusion in election fraud, obstruction of justice, his Mellie-like leaking of National Security secrets to Russia's diplomats in the Oval Office... and so on? And how did your talks with him proceed most recently, since he's not publicly acknowledged the murder of your countrywoman Justine Damond in Minneapolis? From your deep confidence that Sec. Clinton and Potus Obama are despicable human beings, and trump is safer and better because ... well, he's not them or a Democrat, I'm SURE he's confided in YOU, his feelings about this poor Australian bride-to-be being inexplicably shot DEAD by a Minneapolis police officer?

Hypotheses: But maybe you don't care, because what's really vital is that Potus Obama's 'vile policies & influence' is erased from existing. Or all that's truly important is that Sec. Clinton not be Potus because your limited & skewered opinion decreed she was a bad, hateful person, and tWump (snicker) even if the same as her, would be better because Obama and Clinton would be punished and humiliated with a loss?

Alternative: Or could it possibly be that since you share trump's ideology that in spite of being a POC yourself, that Black Americans (other than fictional Olivia Pope) lives &/or opinions &/or rights Do. Not. Matter, (your A/N confirm your 'learned' opinion) and so you must like him & his party support Blue !ives Matter over that of ANY POC or foreigner or immigrants? And maybe from that shared hate for Potus Obama and Democrats you and trump rejoice about those police body-cams being turned off so that there's NO Record of Justine's assassination? I mean since TRumPutin and you've made it clear that two time, democratically elected Potus Barack Obama is YOUR anti-Christ, Justine's murder, just like the murders of innocent Muslim and Black lives are just collateral damage to trump's greatness, right? But can you clarify where you come down on the FACT that in his 6 month old illegitimate presidency He. Has. Killed. MORE. CIVILIANS. In. Military. Strikes. Than. Potus Obama's. 8 YEARS. Of. Foreign. Military. Initiatives? Who could forget that that was your clincher to supposedly prove that Potus Obama is an evil soul with malice & disregard in innocent people, like your friends who were sadly impacted, died or displaced from their homes or countries in US &/or NATO anti-terrorism initiatives? So, do you like Fox News & the GOP still embrace him now, as being better than Potus Obama &/or Sec. Clinton as he meets your *wise criteria* for A. BETTER. More presidential. Humane. Intelligent. Strategic. Level Headed. Ethical. Man & leader of the Free world than with of them? I mean you waxed poetic from a place of power (research) that like trump you Blamed. Hillary Clinton & Potus Obama. For. 'people have been killed and countries destroyed under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Administration' (Oopsie! Has your researched YET revealed that there's only been a Potus Willian Jefferson Clinton Administration but NEVER a Hillary Rodham Clinton Administration yet? ;) So are you by any chance now 'even sorrier' that you grossly misunderstood political policies, theories & practices in general and ... crossed a socially appropriate line with your unenlightened, immature, grandiose statements to more your well informed American readers? Are you now big enough to admit publicly that 'at least with trump' your eyes were biased against the AA man & the politically experienced & learned White female who both have more Dignity, Grace, Ethics, Intelligence & Empathy than both you & your idol trump? Have you read countless, international assessments of trump's psychosis & pathologies - many of which were already written and filed BEFORE the election? O.K. I understand that his psychological & psychiatric evaluations weren't hard evidence, but didn't research the DSM-5 & the BPRS yourself because he was/is bizarre & disturbing in his narcissism & sexism? Phew! You mean to say you dismissed all that? Really?

Homework: Do you still 'continue to blind yourself' to the TOTALITY of a Kennedy presidency, a Reagan presidency, a Clinton presidency, a Bush the father's presidency AND Bush the son presidency as they DO. ACTUALLY. COMPARE. To an Obama presidency? If so take a course in statistical analysis & another in Critical Thinking. But in the meantime revisit your extensive research pursuits, with a focus on the stats re: economy, war, social services, women's rights, education, race relations, international relations, national security, AND foreign affairs under ALL those aforementioned administrations. What say you shoot off an A/N when you've studied & collated the comparative results. Be aware 538 has done so, therefore we'll be able to tell if you're fudging to suit your ;) desired results. Are you brave enough going to go on record about the results of such research'?

An aside: Are you still naive and ill informed enough to believe trump's racism and sexism are or were his worst traits - the most negative traits that CLEARLY. INDICATED. he was NOT. FIT. TO. BE. A. Leader. Of. A. Democracy? If not, to use your own words, 'I am sorry for you and the people who don't get this.' You. We're. Wrong. And. We. We're. Right. Hillary. Was. The. Best. Presidential. Candidate. AND. She. Legitimately. WON. The. USA. 2016. Presidential. Election. With. 48% of the vote ... AND did so in spite of Republican Dark money, GOP gerrymandering, GOP and Russian voter suppression flushing 22 million Democrats from voting, Russian Fake News, and millions of bots!

P.S. We're still waiting for your apologies, preferably, ones that will be equally well researched and emphatic as your uninformed, disrespectful, condescending, Author's Notes. It hasn't escaped our attention that it's been 7 months of your silence. Guess you're embracing your trump qualities "I won't claim this failure. It was Obama's fault. It was Hillary's fault. It was the Democrats fault. I have all the words. The best words. Only I know how American politics works. Nobody knows American politics better that me. I have the best people. And the best research."

Some advice: Try Obama level Grace
Hmmmm chapter 67 . 7/1/2017
You've gone rather quiet... Could it be because your superiority of ' I'm a well-researched authority on America, American way of life, and American politics' has been publicly revealed as - inconsequential, stupid and WRONG, i.e. great for fiction but not for reality?

Hopefully, you've learnt humility and so, maybe you might want to pen an A/N apology (1 that's as long and as passionate as your perceived entitled rant) to your American readers whose lives, way of life and REAL life concerns you decided to diminish and disrespect. Or perhaps when your PM joked about tRump's inanity & illegitimacy as a statesman or intellectual, you saw the light so you're now so embarrassed at your ignorance & gross words & beliefs, that you're still licking your wounds. Yep! Growing up is hard to do even when your not a kid... Maybe it's especially painful as an adult (Wink. Wink. In this, you have a lot with your idol Donut tRump.)

Either way my dear, you brought this on yourself. You have/had no horse in this race & so you should have had the grace - and if not that the ;) 'well researched' wisdom to stay in your lane. Girlie, all you are in terms of Real Life America is: an Australian Sri Lankan FF author of an American based, political themed television night-time drama. Nothing more. Some where along the way, you lost your way, your lane, your perspective on who you are in terms of REAL 2016/2017 America & American politics. Welp! A mighty public way to learn your death of grace, lucky for you, you wrote under an alias. Oh the horror, if the world knew your real name and tied this muck-up your forever life legacy. :0 Fortunately, God chose to give you a chance to be see who you really are - patently in need of a lesson of Grace - though making a world stage spectacle of your ignorance & bigotry. And you being a woman of color yourself... SMH Anyway I hope you've consulted your pastor or a therapist so that so can face up to who this showed you to be, and perhaps, IF you WANT to be a better soul, you'll do the work to find Grace & apologize.

I remain,

A more graceful and wise American Democrat, devout Potus Obama admirer, & also respecter and admirer of Secretary Hillary R Clinton: The Legitimate WINNER of the 2016 American Presidential elections (***in spite of Russian collusion with tWump; dark money GOP bribes/intervention; fake news; GOP FBI & Congressman Witch hunts about emails & Benghazi;, Independent Bernie Sanders joining the DNC for campaign funding & electoral college relevance, Russian aided division of the Democratic electorate; gerrymandering; voter suppression***) SHE. WON. BY. 3. (THREE) MILLION. MORE. VOTES.

Love Trumps Hate
Stronger Together
Guest chapter 68 . 3/31/2017
you stupid cunt.
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