Reviews for Another Hesitation Ramification
browneyedgirl41 chapter 25 . 3/15
This story was awesome! Thank you
imagelesssky chapter 7 . 12/21/2019
loved that she stood up for herself. also loved the bit about faking it. dude, you got to take care of your girl of you want her to stay your girl
meganedanshi chapter 9 . 2/25/2019
I really love this chapter. so much. Being able to admit to yourself that you need improvement is a really scary experience. Not everyone has that courage.
meganedanshi chapter 8 . 2/25/2019
This is my favourite chapter! Sheldon is just so sweet and lovable and I really appreciate Penny's introspection.
meganedanshi chapter 6 . 2/25/2019
I hope Sheldon castrates Leonard for Penny. That little homunculus is being an A-hole.
BrilliantLady chapter 9 . 8/28/2017
You know, Dr. Landrew is a very lovable OC. OCs are hard to get right, but I do enjoy her.
BrilliantLady chapter 4 . 8/28/2017
Having a nice re-read of this fic. I have to say, scenes where Penny throws away her booze are some of my favourites. Alcohol is such a trap for some people.
BrilliantLady chapter 2 . 8/28/2017
Almost a Spock quote, but not quite! Sheldon should've gone with "I have been - and always shall be - your friend." :)
Chippers chapter 25 . 7/25/2017
Sweet and believable. So glad they waited for marriage for the final step. Penny's observations about steps in commitment followed by intimacy make sense.
Whirlwind421 chapter 25 . 7/13/2017
Awesome! I loved it!
together25x3 chapter 25 . 6/9/2017
Absolutely loved it!
ElysiumPhoenix chapter 25 . 5/26/2017
A thoroughly awesome story that I've loved reading.
Avana92 chapter 9 . 2/13/2017
I somehow managed to reach this chapter before I realized I've actually read this story before. But ahh well it's a good story, and I'll definitely finish it (again) !
Iagan chapter 25 . 2/12/2017
Well done
Shalk Zailackar chapter 24 . 12/9/2016
Nice story!
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