Reviews for Watching the movie
daniblack520 chapter 9 . 6/1
Hi just wanted to know are going to continue on with the story and if you are, are you going also write it like in the canon or is there a gong to be a twist like Hiccup doesn't end up with Astrid?
TheRedPhoenix chapter 9 . 5/4
Please continue with the fanfiction because it's just to good to be left unfinished without another ending.
DreamCatcher34 chapter 9 . 2/1
Do you plan on updating this?

I mean, I'm aware it's old - really old - but have you completely discontinued this story? Because I, personally, would really like an update. I was really looking forward to everyone's reactions of how Peter got so good at Dragon Training as well as him flying with Toothless. Oh, and the scene where Hiccup flies with Astrid on Toothless and they end up meeting the queen. And everything else in between and after...

Wonderful story, by the way.

FireStar22 chapter 9 . 9/23/2019
can you please make chapter 10?
FireStar22 chapter 9 . 7/16/2019
update please
EndyNight chapter 9 . 2/17/2019
where's next TT
Guest chapter 2 . 1/19/2019
Yeah... Hiccup's parents are SO nice. They named him something that not only means 'small, runt, and weak' but also 'mistake and problem' (Ex: there is a bit of a hiccup with the plan)
tefe203 chapter 9 . 10/8/2018
to be continued
Guest chapter 9 . 9/5/2018
when will there be a new chapter of watching the movie httyd
Sleeping Dragon2333 chapter 7 . 1/31/2018
Hmm. I think this is is one of the problems with, watching a movie style. Most people, just seem to pay attention to the movie itself and not how he others will reacted. I just don't see, Hiccup talking as much as he does in this story, he's the only one reacting out of the whole ordeal. What about the teens and how they about, this situation, watching a movie about the runt of the litter and their future Cheif? What about, Stoick or Gobber or maybe even, Hiccup uncle? These guys are Hiccup family (well Gobber friends of the family) and yet, they aren't at all really reacting to the ordeal.

Stoick would at least, fell betrayed like he had done in the film about finding out, his only son and only child befriending a dragon and yet, he's here not even talking. I just feel that, Hiccup would be uncomfortable with the whole event. The village itself, is practically watching his life right before their eyes.

Meh, I just feel that you could have worked on the emotional part a bit better.

When most people, read these type of stories they want to know, how he others will react and not, seeing the movie again.
FMA-Fangirl33 chapter 9 . 1/1/2018
Guest chapter 9 . 8/28/2017
Guest chapter 9 . 7/20/2017
Absolutely love it!
Pls upload more
CosmicEssence chapter 9 . 1/10/2017
Right first off! I can tell you started to lose interest (or have) with this chapter as the same level of care that was given to the other chapters is missing. We've got mixed up 'movie scenes' and 'speaking scenes' in the same style writing, half your words are joined together 'likethis', there aren't as many reactions from people especially as moments where before I believe there would have been and it just generally lacks the structure of previous chapters...which FYI were pretty snazzy. You did leave out some more interactions from the villagers, it became more the teens, Gobber and Stoick and then 'whole village' reactions. Where was Spitelout's reaction to his son not taking the training seriously and instead hitting on Astrid, or Tuffnut getting a shout at because of his tattoo? This was my only criticism with the chapters before 9 (although there were more 'village' reactions in the 1st chap). It would be good to see this continued and see how far you were planning to take it but I realise from this chapter and the fact its been nearly 3 yrs that that's unlikely.
Natsuki D chapter 9 . 11/22/2016
Yep. Snotlout was probably the most useless...
can't wait for more /
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