Reviews for Yearly Visit
nightowl22366 chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
What a cute, enjoyable little bit of fluff! I really like it!
I did notice one typo, though (I do that, it's the way I'm wired, sorry...)
You have "he voice [gasped behind the flowers]" when it should be "the voice..." in the 11th paragraph.

One potential problem: The fact that she named her daughter Evalina (the name of one of her kids in the dream world in the Library's hard drive) might be something that would have troubled her in the "real" world after she had to go back to never remembering things that happened while she was traveling with the Doctor - wouldn't using that name... be a trigger? It's a bit of a worry, I'd think.

The only other negative thing that strikes me about this is, it reminds me that... when the big battle where they went to rescue Amy's baby occurred, wouldn't the Doctor have asked for help from Jack, too? That little thing always bugged me. They never even mentioned him, which is rather annoying.

But, that last bit's not your fault, of course. So I shouldn't bug *you* about it. It just reminded me of that annoying little problem that they never wrapped up in the storyline. This concept in your story that the Doctor never let Donna be left unprotected is really, really nice! I like it a lot!
Alandriel-Daughter of Destiel chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
I really like that you said that Jack and the doctor even talk to each other after the regeneration
Killua Lawliet chapter 1 . 3/17/2018
Loves to read books chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
Aww this is so sweet especially the Hug-O-Gram bit!
jacks marie chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
This was lovely,and JUST what the DOCTOR would do...
Have you decided what to do with your other story yet ?
Waiting for an update on so soon.