Reviews for Mosaic Broken Hearts
Kaiana chapter 11 . 10/11/2017
Am still waiting... :"(
tinkermist99 chapter 11 . 8/1/2017
plz update
puddinlove chapter 11 . 1/13/2017
Are you going to finish your story? It is really good and I think you should.
Liljaiiris chapter 10 . 12/4/2016
Came back to read the story second time, still hoping for a new chapter - so please continue!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/4/2016
KEEP WRITING PLZZZZZ chapter 11 . 2/9/2016
Wish there was more to read
smelsies chapter 11 . 1/20/2016
So now I'm all caught up and I'm hoping that you still plan on writing more. I see from the last update that it's been awhile but I can be patient.
smelsies chapter 6 . 1/20/2016
Oh man, I really do love this story.
smelsies chapter 4 . 1/20/2016
Oh my gosh, that's so heartbreaking!
smelsies chapter 2 . 1/20/2016
I'm excited to see where this goes. It is definitely pulling on my heart strings and putting tears in my eyes.
smelsies chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
I like it and I'm eager to read more.
Legolas' Girl 31 chapter 11 . 10/23/2015
Awesome story so far, I love it.

Guest chapter 11 . 8/29/2015
Liljaiiris chapter 11 . 8/7/2015
Wow! This was really good, the plot is great, though I bet it's sometimes a bit difficult to write along. Please continue this, give good story a worthy ending :)
Kaiana chapter 11 . 4/12/2015
Please update, or maybe Paul's POV :D
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