Reviews for Durin's Folk
Teddy chapter 11 . 12/29/2014
This is great! Do another chapter, please!
ManyNerdThings chapter 11 . 7/29/2014
Just found this story, and I really like it! I look forward to seeing more!
wrmbutnotworm chapter 9 . 1/27/2014
I think cookies are a much better treasure. Just ask Bilbo, he'll agree with me! :)
wrmbutnotworm chapter 8 . 1/26/2014
Awwww :)
wrmbutnotworm chapter 7 . 1/26/2014
While the crying at the end was unexpected, the fight was pure Thorin temper.
wrmbutnotworm chapter 6 . 1/26/2014
Typical youngster- not paying attention, and nearly stumbling into trouble. I bet Thrain new exactly what Thorin was (more precisely was NOT) doing. :)
wrmbutnotworm chapter 5 . 1/26/2014
I do hope the lessons on moderation sunk in. But, he is young, and he most certainly is stubborn.
wrmbutnotworm chapter 4 . 1/26/2014
Well, maybe Thorin will learn something about moderation.
Hobbsy3 chapter 10 . 1/26/2014
Sorry for not reviewing the last couple of chapters, I have been reading but I had internet issues :( This is a really good story and it definitely deserves more reviews, follows and favourites than it gets. I'll be disappointed if you put in on a hiatus, but at the same time I completely understand why, though I would say it is possible to work on two stories at once!

Anyway, back to this chapter. The mentioning of the Arkenstone LAST chapter made my stomach curl, and I can see where this is going wrong. I love how Frerin's not taken with the Arkenstone and I love love love when Thorin says "That's it, I hate you all," Go Thorin! Poor Frerin! Keep up the good work, but only write if you enjoy it, that's what this is for after all :D happy writing!
Hobbsy3 chapter 7 . 1/22/2014
Awww poor Thorin and Frerin! I think it's really interesting how you're drawing parallels between Kili and Frerin (excuse me while I pretend not to be upset thinking about what happens to both of them) and I love your characterization of Frerin. For a first time writing angst that is really good, and this is coming from someone who can't go two chapters without writing in angst SOMEWHERE so well done! I look forward to your next update!
Hobbsy3 chapter 5 . 1/20/2014
Ah ha, this is brilliant! I love this fic, there really aren't enough stories about Thorin growing up and this one is warm, funny and well written. I cannot believe that you don't have more reviews, you definitely deserve them :) Your dwarven aging idea is interesting, not my headcannon but then again neither is the aging way I used in my own story, besides here it works perfectly :P Perhaps you could have them retain their innocence/youth/childishness mentally for longer so as to fit with Fili and Kili by the time of the book? I don't know :) Anyway, loving this, please update soon!
Aranel Mereneth chapter 4 . 1/18/2014
Good chapter! But I'm not sure what you mean by dwarves coming of age at 18... Dwarves can live up to 300 years. Fili is in his early 80s and Kili is 77 when they embark on the quest to Erebor... And Kili as the youngest, is considered to have just reached adulthood (someone on tumblr calculated that in human years 77 equals around 18, and Fili 19/20). Just something to clarify please :)
Aranel Mereneth chapter 3 . 1/17/2014
Haha oh I can't wait until Dis is older! Thorin and Frerin would be so sweet to her :) i would love to see a chapter before she grows up, or Thorin and Frerin spending time with baby Dis. Update soon
Aranel Mereneth chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
Really well written! Update soon
wrmbutnotworm chapter 3 . 1/16/2014
Those two are a handful! But, then, could Thorin be any less? And like Frerin said, just wait until Dis is older. It will be triple trouble!