Reviews for Climbing out of Hell
BeMyHeroSeverus chapter 49 . 9/4/2019
Amazing story
Kinda thought there was a sequel but didn't find one
That makes me sad lol
rayvynkhusrenata89 chapter 49 . 8/25/2018
I’ve read your ww2 story and reviewed as well after I had finished. And once again, I absolutely love your stories! When I read them I’m absolutely enraptured by them. Way to go!
Guest chapter 46 . 4/21/2017
Beautiful! You know I've been imaging young Daryl like that :)
Guest chapter 49 . 11/28/2016
Hi loved this story and I can't wait for the sequel (if you haven't forgot about this one like most authors) but when I first started to read this I was like "cool its going to lead into the apocalypse" but as I continued reading I was dreading the apocalypse cause I knew that If it were to happen than their family would suffer terrible loss after loss and after all the shit the Dixons went through they deserved a happy ending but like I typed earlier I love this story and can't wait for the sequel
Chapter Title chapter 49 . 5/15/2016
There better be a sequel when I look for it.
Chapter Title chapter 34 . 5/15/2016
When's the apocalypse coming? I'm getting a little tired of waiting.
Chapter Title chapter 27 . 5/15/2016
You better not make Trinity his half sister.
Chapter Title chapter 13 . 5/15/2016
I liked this one. I also wanted to put an emoji here.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/12/2015
You are doing great. Zombies are missing but the storyline is awesome.
sweetlilac chapter 49 . 4/6/2015
I just finished climbing out of hell and I am anxiously awaiting the sequel!
puggernutter chapter 49 . 3/6/2015
Pleeeeeeaaaase make sequel!
NoirxIggy chapter 5 . 8/14/2014
Holy shit, I almost choked on my lunch when I read that Trinity plans on going to Asheville NC! I live about thirty minutes south-west of Ashvagas and go there all the time. My sister also goes to UNCA! Ahhhhh!
DarylSurvives73 chapter 43 . 7/13/2014
'Daryl just smiled knowing he would never see that man again. Not unless the world came to an end and somehow Gene managed to escape. And he knew there wasn't any chance of that happening.'

You have a very wicked sense of humor :'(

Watch, I bet he's gonna be at the prison that we know so well.

All this aside, great story! I loved how Gene finally got locked up (for however long it lasts). I like your version of Merle; you show that he actually has kindness inside of him. As for Daryl and Trinity, they are totally cute together, as are T-Dog and Sasha. But if their together, does that mean Bob is gonna find a different girlfriend?
jeanf chapter 49 . 4/21/2014
Omg! This is too good! Loved reading about their kids and each unique personality. Lexy is just too adorable. I was sad to read about Jared's diabetes...since I know the za is coming I know most likely he won't make it..and that would break trin's and daryl's hearts. hubby and I discuss scenarios if there is a za or some kind or long-lasting disaster that is widespread. I imagined we would lose a lot of people naturally, not from direct zombie action. Those who are insulin-dependent, dialysis patients, elderly, cancer patients, those with heart or asthma issues (like my hubby)-eventually the meds and oxygen tanks run out...
Hope Merle has reunited with his family and pulled himself together. Poor Vincent. He knows carol is grieving too. Also hope Jim is meeting them at the compound also. And with trin being pregnant, it won't be easy at all. Trin is such a fertile myrtle...and here I am still trying! Hehehhe
FallenDarkAngel105 chapter 49 . 4/16/2014
This is an amazing story. I can't wait for the sequel!
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