Reviews for Brutal Love
Sword of Daylight chapter 22 . 5/6
First off. It was partially hard to read through a few chapters, cause I couldn't stop feeling for what Vash was going through, but damn this is one heck of an amazingly written story.
You kept me on the edge of my seat all the time. The emotional aspects of Vash's tortured and broken mind and Wolfwoods struggle between helping his lover and forcefully trying to save himself from a mental breakdown at seeing how sickeningly Vash had changed, are so real, that it nearly hurt physically to read how both suffer q_q
And now the new emotions Livio has to deal with, he isn't accustomed to and the guilt of being the reason why Vash had to endure more torture. Geez, you really know how to captivate a reader xD
Great work ~

Please keep writing, I really wish for all three of them a somewhat happy ending in some way or another.
0ayumi0 chapter 22 . 7/22/2019
Thank you ! Please continue this one
Etoile chapter 22 . 6/13/2019
Hey !
I remember reading your fic 4 years ago and I really loved it
Now, I'm so surprised and glad that you are still updating it ! I'm looking forward the next chapter. :)
Keep up the good work !
MacGirl49 chapter 20 . 2/24/2017
I'm completely in love with this story, I have read all of these chapters and cried more than I thought was possible for the last three days! I haven't cried over anything since I read Twist And Shout almost a year ago! It's one of the best things ever! I love everything about it because I haven't felt this many emotions in near forever. I love love love it! Keep up the amazing work!
GunBunnyShift chapter 20 . 12/2/2015
You finally updated?! I thought this was gonna be another abandoned story, never to finish up. I have a tendency to follow stories that never updates again after awhile. Anyway, great chapter as always. Please update again soon!
wolf-akuma chapter 20 . 12/1/2015
Vash please be okay!
Great chapter!
Update soon!
acedickgrayson chapter 19 . 8/1/2015
Before I get into an actual review of this chapter, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY IT'S ALL GOING TO SHIT.

Wow, what a chapter. You got in the biggest players of the story and man are they having a blast. The interaction with Vash and "John" was one of my favorite parts by far. From start to finish I was unable to tear my eyes away. "John" is more Chapel than Wolfwood in his actions and words and I couldn't be happier. He's professionally unprofessional and has an entirely different trigger setting for his temper. It's not very common with any sort of undercover fics to actually have characters that act appropriately undercover, so definite kudos to you for that.

I also really liked the evolution, or rather de-evolution, of Vash's thoughts towards the sexual acts he's been/being forced into. It's starting to fit in so well with Knives' plans that I'm on the edge of my seat more than ever. The interactions between the twins has been near-perfect right from the start but now it's on a new level and I can't wait to see where it goes.

And Livio and Razlo, gosh that was amazing. Livio's thoughts and feelings just seem so right, despite this angle of him barely being lightly touched on in the manga. And Razlo's appearance at the end has me eagerly awaiting your next update. The characters have their plans set up and I can't wait to watch all their dominos fall.
acedickgrayson chapter 18 . 8/1/2015
One of the most stunning things about this chapter, in my opinion anyway, is the contrast from earlier chapters. Vash has been through the grinder and shattered beyond repair and his torment's still going on, but the angle has been shifted. It's not Knives doing the damage, in the sense of execution, and I think that it's phenomenal how the story's just had this incredibly smooth shift of who's physically hurting Vash. You're capturing every angle of Knives' character when he's at his best. Every single order he gives and every armor-piercing speech he throws at Vash feel so precise and in character. I'm just so in love with your writing for these characters.

(This may or may not be the previously anonymous "Alex" from before.)

(It totally is.)
0ayumi0 chapter 16 . 6/15/2015
Whouaw ! this is how i feel :)
Wolferix chapter 19 . 5/31/2015
Wolfwood and Vash got together! Well, kind of, but still! ;)
Oh my! Razlo is in the picture!
Great chapter! And I will keep reviewing!
Update soon!
wolf-akuma chapter 18 . 3/18/2015
Vash is falling for Knives! No! Wolfy is very much alive!
This is getting interesting! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
-Update soon!
Alex chapter 17 . 2/18/2015
Your writing throughout the story is fantastic, some of the best I've ever seen from this particular fandom. I think what I'm most impressed with is your dedication. Hopefully this won't come across the wrong way, but this story is sick. The blatant and intense abuse Vash has to go through sometimes gets to the point where I have to stop reading for a short while before I'm able to continue. If that's how I feel sometimes, I can't imagine how it must feel for you, having to not only write that, but to have to up the ante, in a manner, in every chapter. The storyline that your using is one of the most creative and unique ones I've ever seen. A couple of other fics have tried to do what you're doing, but none of them have quite blended manga and anime canon and captured relationships between characters as vibrantly and intensely as you have. It feels wrong to say I adore this work, but I do. It's dark, depressing, and very wrong. But you don't romanticize any part of it. Everyone, Vash especially, seem as human as their canon counterparts, if not more so. I won't ramble much more as this is already the longest review you've gotten for this work (sorry!) but all I can say is that I look forward to reading more each time you update and I can't wait for this one. And congrats on making me want the schmoopiest and happiest ending possible all while still wanting the absolute worst to be thrown at the characters.
Scepterraven chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Listen to "Snuff" after you read this story. I DARE you not to cry inside.
Scepterraven chapter 17 . 1/26/2015
I did the mistake of reading this before watching Trigun Badlands Rumble.
I basically cried through the whole damn movie.
You're writing is captivating, left me so emotionally fucked up that even my sleeping meds didn't work.
-hugs again-
KnightOfLelouch chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
I've been meaning to review for a long time now. Let first say, bravo! I love this story, it makes me feel every chapter. Keep it up, also while I love Vash and Knives to pieces. Sometimes I think Vash needs to exact some revenge, especially those a-holes and Legato. Maybe next chapter Vash gets even...anyway can't wait for the next chapter!
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