Reviews for The Good Boy
Guest chapter 23 . 7/25
You are doing the Lord's work in writing so much Good Shit for Sladin, omg. I love all the research and knowledge sprinkled throughout too. Will there ever be an update? I'd think of arc ideas but I've just finished this at 5am... Will definitely be checking out your other works though! x
Tarrow chapter 23 . 5/18
Can’t believe it’s been three years. Still as good as I remember :)
RandomGirl313 chapter 23 . 9/16/2019
Plz, don't tell me this is over.
I want mmoorreee!
Maggie chapter 15 . 12/17/2018
Loooove your writing! So glad I found this!
Ice chapter 3 . 7/24/2018
Bahahahhahaha i loved that! DAAAAAAD!
Felisa chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
I love it! Can't stop to read
CalandNik chapter 23 . 11/19/2017
OK, I had this idea awhile ago. what if Robin has to go undercover as a stripper and he's really good at it? Too good at it in Slade's opinion. now it's time for Slade to be jealous.
Danny-spark chapter 23 . 7/23/2017
Amazing story , but don't tell me that this is the end ...
Guest chapter 23 . 7/18/2017
mas mas
Athanata chapter 23 . 3/24/2017
Hello Wynja,

i just wanted to say thank you for the best fanfiction i have ever read. I dont know how many times i read it so far, but i read it like all the time and it dont get boring:DI love how Robin and Slade are progressing in this story. Sometimes i wonder what would have happened if Robin or Slade would have done something different or so :)

Your other Storys are not bad either, but my favourite story will always be The Good Boy. Unfortunately i am not so good at having ideas for more chapters, i am not so creative like you :)

And i wanted to ask you a question: you mentioned that you have a group on facebook called the ducklings or so. Does this group exists still and how can one become a member?

Loveley Greetings,
Athanata :)
Valkyria Raven chapter 23 . 1/27/2017
Slade you should listen to Robin! He knows what's he's talking about!
anon chapter 23 . 1/27/2017
For a future mission continue with the frequency to control the probes gets successfully duplicated and Robin begins to have weird side effects from the serum mixing with the probes and the second transmitter takes over and uses Robin as a weapon and turns him against Slade.

the more the frequency is turned on the more deadly things turn for Robin. They have to track the new signal but this time Robin won't recover fully even if they manage to destroy the transmitter.

The probes are an interesting plot point and I think you should explore that happens now they are becoming more organic and when someone begins to abuse the tech?
Thoughtlessly chapter 23 . 1/27/2017
Is there ever going to be an end? Don't get me wrong, I love that this story will continue but like, if it's not complete how do I download it? .
Cinnamontips chapter 23 . 1/27/2017
:) this was fun. Really enjoyed this trip, Robin being the detective that he his. Slade is going to make him wear a deerstalker one of these days. Also fun little side mission, if the Swiss Bitch was selling off scerets, wouldn't someone pay awfully well for those scrects to be "erased"?
Anonymity chapter 22 . 1/22/2017
Im so curious about whats going on with the plastic starbucks cup! What's that all about? Another great chapter as always.
Also, this was all bolded for some reason? I'm not sure if it was intentional, just thought I'd let you know
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