Reviews for Befriending a Bookworm
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14
freckledizuku chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Im over here crying wtf
NoMeLlamoAlfred chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
Just a shadow chapter 1 . 1/4/2018
Oh my fucking God- I AM CRYING. THAT WAS SO BITTER SWEET AaRGH! But, it’s wonderful writing too, my lord. Bless you and this story
hanifina600 chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
Oh god... this story is masterpiece! I cried! I love this story! Good job author!
carmineautumnmoon chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
This hurts my heart so much... I cry every time I read this
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
I was all like fluffy fluff and yaay thay live each other, but then you ruined it and killed Arthur off, I kinda expected it, but, you monster I was crying so hard... but it was sooo good, would do it again.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
Man I'm crying right now this is so cute but so sad at the same time
p01ent chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
Shit, you made me cry ;;;;

Honestly, the mention that Arthur wasn't noticed got me raising an eye brow, but other than that I just brushed it off.

And then came the scene where Kiku came along into the library and pretty much ignored Arthur's existence as a whole. That, caught my attention and had me thinking; Kiku is protrayed as a very perceptive character and is polite due to the Japanese stereotype-so Kiku ignoring someone's existence as a whole when there's only one other person other than the person he searched for is discerning to say the least. I had my suspicions. But then I kept myself in quiet denial, pulling at small threads such as Arthur having a most likely horrid reputation that even Kiku wouldn't want to associate with. -that was me being desperate.

Then came along the scene in where Arthur was 'locked up' in the library. Honestly, if I were to read this scene as itself, I'd make a lot of logical reasons that don't involve him being dead, but putting all the hints together, I just can't deny it anymore.

Overall, I adore this one-shot; it's bittersweet. And usually I'd say it's not my cuppa, but I can't deny a good plot when I see one. Keep up the great job :
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
How dare you make me cry!
Let'sDoOurBest chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
Nooo, that's so saaaad.
Still very well-written, with a good struggle and conclusion.
Well done.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
Oh my goodness. This is beautiful. There are tears in my eyes right now.
I KNEW. Halfway through, the thought came to me, and I was completely blown away. I refused to believe it. But then it turned out to be true, and Until I realized it, that was a twist that I had no idea was coming. At all. You shocked me.
The ending is kind of bittersweet. It seems that Arthur has been put at rest, but Alfred won't be able to speak to him anymore. I think he knows that deep down, he's lost a part of him that faded with Arthur. I'm going to give myself the illusion of a happy ending that the two meet again some day in the afterlife.
Thank you so much. This story is absolutely amazing, and I really mean it.
1DATMLP chapter 1 . 6/19/2016
I really enjoyed this. I am currently crying. Could you please do a sequel?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2016
I hate/love you! I'm crying so much! Thanks for the beautiful story.. weeps
Akina1621 chapter 1 . 4/27/2016
At first, I thought Arthur was just like Kuroko from KnB- low presence. But soon it all came together. After all, no one just ups and disappears like that. This was a great story, and very heart-wrenching!
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