Reviews for Lean on Me
Just Sus chapter 7 . 8/17/2019
So sad! Crying here...poor Carlisle and Edward!
Just Sus chapter 4 . 8/17/2019
I love this story...thanks!
sue1zide chapter 19 . 9/24/2018
Thank you.
ChristyWIX chapter 19 . 8/7/2018
That was a cute outtake. I thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 18 . 8/7/2018
The moments with Edward and then Carlisle speaking to Esme were very touching. Made me tear up, too. Now, if the woman can go through so very much pain during childbirth, the very least the man can do is get a vasectomy. And, he should get it before she has the baby. Men are still very fertile for at least twenty ejaculations after surgery. Some even longer. They may as well suffer in pain together at the same time. *nods head* I am happy that they are pregnant again. Hopefully, they'll get a little boy this time. Someone to carry on the last name. This has been a wonderful little story.
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 8/7/2018
What a wonderful chapter! I love that they named her Esme Rose. What a beautiful name and the meanings behind it. So cute that he nicknamed her Essie. I love, love, love the way she told him she was pregnant again. That was wonderful. I am happy for Rose and Emmett too, with their little EJ. Yes, very sweet chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 16 . 8/7/2018
I kind of liked the little times jumps in this chapter. Jumping to them looking at their wedding photos was really nice. We read so many weddings here in the fandom, you doing what you did made it unique. I agree, they essentially said their vows the night of their engagement. It was sad that they lost their first baby. I really liked that Edward asked his mother for help and guidance, even though she isn't there. I think it worked. Certainly did not hurt. It was really nice to time jump again to her only having six weeks left of the pregnancy. Not having to read yet another pregnancy in this fandom, was also lovely. It also let the reader know that this baby stuck and made it. Even if she had the baby six weeks early, the baby would make it by that point. They finally had their romp in his office. Kate laughing at them was funny. I wonder if this potential partner will be Jasper?
ChristyWIX chapter 15 . 8/7/2018
That was a wonderful first time together engaged. Very loving and sweet. I love that they spoke of wanting children. That is an important conversation. I love children, yet never wanted them for myself. Thankfully, I found a wonderful man that didn't mind having a life without them. We borrow our nieces and nephews when we want a kid fix. Best of both worlds. I loved how happy Rose was for Bella. She was so happy she was crying. That was wonderful. It shows that she accepts Edward as Bella's future husband. Haven't heard much of Emmett in this story at all. Simply that he is married to Rose. Maybe he will be helping out with her move to Edward's? When she went to Edward's and rang his bell for him to allow her entry to come up, I wondered why she didn't have a key yet to his place. Then, he gave her one. Solved that question of mine right quickly.
ChristyWIX chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
That was so kind of Seth to get those petals set around for their arrival. The food too. Seth mentioned the backyard but, did he get the lights for Edward to set up or, did he set them up? Either way it was also very nice of Seth to do that. His proposal was so heartfelt, sweet and caring. She was surprised. I am happy for them to embark on this journey. Really good chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 13 . 8/6/2018
Edward’s letter was wonderful. She knew him so very well. She loved him so very much. I’m glad that his and Bella’s both, did not make me cry. You had me worried. Carlisle’s was the best one. It was so beautiful. I love that Carlisle accepted the position and will be moving there. I love Carlisle’s idea of what to do with the house more than what I’d left in my review. Much better idea.
ChristyWIX chapter 12 . 8/6/2018
Loved her calling to pop in on him for lunch and how excited he was for her to do so. Emily wondering why Bella was there and Bella having that deer caught in headlights moment, before Edward came swooping in. That was fun. I love that he kissed her right then and there. He wanted to hold nothing back and I loved it. Emily coming after Bella later, was fun too. She had to have her answers after all. Him amkin dinner for her was sweet. Sexy times were fun to read too.
ChristyWIX chapter 11 . 8/6/2018
Maybe he could rent out the family home, so as not to get rid of it, and move down to Seattle? He could easily get a position at a hospital there. Be near enough to his son that they see each other often. I knew all those memories would be both wonderful to relive, yet so all encompassing being submerged in the memories in that home of theirs. That letter killed me. All the tears again. Ugh.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 8/6/2018
I kind of love that he fell apart in her arms in her bedroom on their first attempt. She totally understood too, which was great. Letting him sleep and starting their food. I was surprised at their ILY's. Pleasantly surprised. I loved that she realized they said them during sex and asked about it. Very happy he reiterated and she followed. Love that they are so happily doing everything backwards. Very enjoyable chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 9 . 8/6/2018
I really liked all,of the conversations in this chapter. The one between sisters about Bella moving out and Rose letting her know she didn’t need to. Bella saying it was time. Then the one with Edward anc Carlisle. Carlisle telling Edward he was fine and he would be fine. The
At it was time for him to go back to his business and his home. I’m still so heartbroken for Carlisle. I really liked that he also noticed what he and Bella felt, just like his mother did. That he shouldn’t let it go. He had to live life, as you never know when it ends. Truer words have not been spoken. Then I loved Edward and Bella's conversation. Opening up. Taking the ricsk. Telling each other how they feel. And, more kisses. Very good chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 8/6/2018
In this situation, I feel more pain for Carlisle than Edward. We know where the story will eventually lead so, we know Edward will have Bella and he won’t be alone. Carlisle on the other hand has lost someone he’s been with together, longer than they ever were apart. He’s going to be so very lonely. All those memories there in that town they live in. Memories he won’t be able to escape from. Not that he wants to, they’ll just be there. Plus, Edward lives four hours away and never made it home much when his mother was sick. Knowing she isn’t there anymore, and all those memories are, I think he won’t be visiting his dad very much. That is why I feel so badly for Carlisle. He'll make himself sick, throwing himself into his work. Losing people sucks!
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