Reviews for Stuck
officially.rachel chapter 18 . 8/12
Oh my goodness. I’m not even sure you read these reviews anymore, but this story was SO good. Ch. 17 had me ugly crying. This whole thing was so beautifully written. Thank you for writing this piece. Loved it.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/6/2019
What!? Why is this the end? Why did you kill Pacey, I cried and cried
prp8383 chapter 18 . 7/16/2019
Wow what a large amount of feels. I have never read a story that made me shed some real tears. Simply amazingly written. Cannot believe the emotional roller coaster you put us thru.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/16/2018
This killed me. But really well done. Thanks you
kalei chapter 18 . 9/27/2017
OMG, I have never shed so any tears for a story. you are an amazing writer that knows exactly how to pull all emotional strings. I couldn't stop reading this story, please please write more.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/5/2017
Stephair chapter 18 . 7/26/2017
I cried a lot at the beginning and at the end. Did not expect the ending-what a sucker punch! Wonderfully written and I really felt the characters and felt more understanding for what depression feels like from the inside. Quite a bit different than a sad mood or a bad day indeed. This Joey's reaction to Promicide feels a little more authentic than the almost casual brush off that we saw onscreen. Thise,words should hurt. Those words have power. And we never really saw that get portrayed on screen.
happiness8000 chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
I'm taking a trip down memory lane and I can't believe I didn't review this fabulous fic. It got me hooked into fanfic. It's bittersweet and so well written. Just reread the first chapter and sobbing!
R.G.Daemon chapter 18 . 5/28/2016
this story bout killed me. it's so beautiful and yet painful . I did nothing but cry while reading this. you an amazing writer I love reading all your story's
R.G.Daemon chapter 12 . 5/24/2016
this story has seriously hit me hard. I sobbed like a baby through out the begining of this story , joeys depression is something I related to strongly. your writing is so beautifully designed and expressed. I love reading all of your work. this story so far is worming it's way into my favorites
aka charativa chapter 17 . 3/6/2016
Ok, so I know I already left a comment but I'm watching a marathon of Long Island Medium on TLC and one surprise reading on the show just totally reminded me of this fic. Well, the ending mostly. A mother of two surprised her eldest daughter (11 years old) with a reading. And it was about her father who died of pancreatic cancer when she was 6. The daughter said she was there til the end with her father and the mother was pregnant during that time. The father had said through the medium that their second daughter was his last gift to her. And just like in Pacey's situation it was sudden.

Whooo...and just like with this ending I was bawling my eyes out. Just wanted to share. :)
Cinty chapter 18 . 2/2/2016
You are not my favorite person right now *sobs*

I seriously was sobbing through the ending. I was hoping it was all a trick and you'd kill someone else off in the end.

Anyway amazing story!
kelly.winters.946 chapter 18 . 1/23/2016
I have to say i both loved and hated this story i am an avid Pacey/Joey fan and him dying broke my heart, but this story is so well written and poignant that i loved it in spite of wanting to hate it.
wanderlustnyc chapter 17 . 12/10/2015
Crap...not the chapter but the fact that I'm not even at the halfway point and I've already used up half a box of tissues. I'm crying my eyes out here. *deep breaths* Ok...back to reading.
dagchild chapter 11 . 7/28/2015
As the girl he loves isn't his job to offer emotional support, and if that emotional support is offered through tactical gestures how is that wrong.

This is my very favourite joey and pacey story every time I read it I have a different take on there relationship this time as a mum who is moving past her postnatal depression it has so far helped me to actively stop looking at the world through blinders. Xoxo dagchild
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