Reviews for Blue Eyes and Electric Sheep
oneandten chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
Very interesting very good chapter and story so far.
oneandten chapter 3 . 3/12/2015
Hmm, very interesting and yet I still have no clue of the background information of this story... Sylvester-Hummel. That's very entertaining... This is amazing...
oneandten chapter 2 . 3/12/2015
Ok so from chapter one... Tina is married to Blaine... ok I can understand that, so Blaine isn't gay in this story or is Finn like a brother to him; or just a neighbor. And is this in some post-apocalypse story where aren't that many animals left?

And I can see that this story will be going back and forwards between Blaine and Brittany? That's cool, so it's like a Blaine and Brit story as far as we know until Santana and Kurt pops in. I wonder how their character's plays out in this. Really good, looks like I am staying for this.
oneandten chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
Alright, so I found this story by accident but I stayed because the words are so compelling. I would like to see where this goes.
BrandSpankingNew chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
I devoured this story in one sitting. Heart breaking and confusing and funny. I found myself second guessing pretty much every character at one point or another as to human or android status. Also contemplated some pretty frightening ideas. Like, what about people with autism? A blunting of understanding social norms and empathy shows up on the Spectrum. Would they be seen as Specials or murdered? It's terrifying to contemplate. And what exactly is it that makes us human anyway? So a very good and engaging story that provoked a lot of thought. A true tribute to the spirit of the original it was based on.
error404-known chapter 23 . 3/28/2014
bravo! as always so many things were answered and this was awesome like the other 22 chapters. It was so much fun getting to read you amazing story! This will always be in my favorites and now sadly I take this out of my following since it is done. I am going to miss your updates.
error404-known chapter 22 . 3/25/2014
i don't know D; Carson is missing, that might or might not be Kurt i don't know what to think...YOU! you are an awesome writer, this story is beyond amazing, i am so happy i found this on tumblr and thought to come here to give it a chance. i cant wait but can also wait for the final chapter. when i seen that there was a new update a couple of minutes ago i literally smiled so big and now i read and is as scared as ever to see what happens next! smiling is evil, i don't do it... shh don't tell people i showed happiness... i didn't know u were thinking about not finishing that would of been sad and would of sucked. ty for that person! and thanks for the shout out... awesome journey. two things came to a end today... well for this... almost but i am feeling happy ]
error404-known chapter 21 . 3/21/2014
so did Tina cheat first, I guess it really doesn't matter cheating is wrong. Really nice what Blaine did for them but wrong for Santana to be Santana, just attack he Blaine, don't kill her but attack her... Kurt wouldn't do that, it's not like Kurt to do such a thing. I hope Carson is alright :3 nice chapter as always :3
error404-known chapter 20 . 3/16/2014
Kurt is on Blaine's side. Jake betrayed his team. Tina is still weird. sue the trouble maker. those x's mean something, I just do not know morse code. another good chapter i was scared too with Jake but then it was true, and then again with Kurt but not anymore. Tina has to be cheating... maybe there will be a Mike... it would be weird if it was with Finn...
error404-known chapter 19 . 3/7/2014
hmm I don't know what to say, I did not expect for Jake to be in on it, although I had thought that maybe he was framing him but now... hmm. it could be a trap with Kurt but I believe him! cant wait to read more!
error404-known chapter 18 . 3/4/2014
I was totally about to go ‘Lima Heights’ when at first I really thought no one was going to go with Brittany, and yeah they are totally using her and I hate Dave! Carson is mean but I like him but that went to poopie when I read that Santana goes with her anyways. Even though she is rude in the show, she is likable in this story and especially towards Brittany as always.

hehe I just read the rest :3 I'm pretty happy right now
error404-known chapter 17 . 3/2/2014
wow I was almost afraid that Blaine would kill Kurt. I can't believe Kurt did that to him, he used him but in a way Blaine did the same thing when he had him come to the hotel. Nothing was going through my head when reading the rest when Blaine was threatening to kill him but now its just like wow. I could never hate you, I twitched a little but nah I like this story too much to ever stop or think about sending evil bunnies after you. another great chapter!
error404-known chapter 16 . 3/2/2014
I was really hoping for the three-already knew Carson was one but was hoping that they weren't going to turn out to be andy's. I really don't like how he lied to Brittany like that and thank goodness for Santana taking her side :3 I was really hoping that when K&B did come Brittany was going to get caught-not killed- but caught in the crossfire and Carson was going to like save her or something but idk now. I still like Carson :3
error404-known chapter 15 . 2/28/2014
I got what went on at the end but it wasn't too graphic which was really nice, thanks for that. I really enjoyed this chapter having Blaine and Kurt getting to know each other. I think Kurt is going to have trouble with Carson when he has to fight him he said he might not care about him but he might. another amazing chapter as always I just wish Blaine would push what Sebastian told him out of his head. also bad Blaine for cheating. klaine :3
error404-known chapter 14 . 2/25/2014
well once again you have produce yet another amazing chapter, Dave and Carson as friends that's pretty cool and now Brittany has Santana. cant wait for chapter 15
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