Reviews for Fablehaven Time
Nono chapter 14 . 7/9
I have a few ideas if you’re still accepting. It’s totally fine if not just thought I’d put them out there for you or maybe even others ;)
-Bracken and Kendra small scale fight and make-up
-Verl dropping in on a Kendra and Bracken conversation or vise versa
-Bracken wishing Kendra a happy 6 month anniversary of being a couple
-Seth getting annoyed with Bracken and changes his username to something else over and over again until someone puts them both down
-Seth and Bracken planning a surprise for Kendra and Nyx
-Prank war
-Unicorns talking about “strange human traditions.”
-Gavin/ Navarog rerun and everyone telling him to get lost
-Bracken being behind on the modern day slang
Iguessiputmyname chapter 10 . 6/30
For the vampire girlfriend joke, it totally should’ve said no, then you’d be Warren! ;)
CorianeJacos chapter 14 . 5/21/2019
Cute story! One thing though, wouldn't Nyx have silver blood like Bracken?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/13/2019
Idea: Raxtus gets involved. Bracken wants to fully figure out the Gavin scenario, so Seth suggests twenty questions as a way to give Bracken a chance to guess. Bracken turns out to be terrible. Later, someone (probably Seth or Warren) suggests playing word chain, where the first person says a word that starts with A, and then someone has to come up with a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. Example: AppleEarlyYearRat. Raxtus, Kendra, and Bracken then team up and do a bunch of y words. They break Seth. They break him.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/26/2019
I was really hoping that Warren would post an update along the lines of, "Someone (Seth) got onto my FB account last night after I fell asleep and did some messed up stuff, sorry. Fortunately they also did a bit of a favor for me that I was trying to work up the nerve to do, and now at least one thing good has come out of this." And then for Warren to say that the good thing that came out of this mess was that Tanu got pranked. You know Warren would do something like that.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/14/2019
Please do another chapter I'm the one who asked for the shirt thing. I know it takes awhile to write but please consider doing it . it it would make my day
Guest chapter 15 . 2/13/2019
How about a Valentine's day one were Bracken gets Kendra a shirt that says "my boyfriend's a unicorn"
Guest chapter 9 . 2/8/2019
Good job with the characters
Wolf lover27 chapter 15 . 9/27/2018
Wolf lover27 chapter 15 . 8/27/2018
So far this has been hilarious! I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE!
Wolf lover27 chapter 13 . 8/27/2018
Don't say that it was bad cause it wasn't cause I like it
Guest chapter 12 . 8/25/2018
sexie seth plus nyxie
Guest chapter 15 . 3/19/2018
ummm continue the BRAKENDRA! yah
Guest chapter 14 . 3/19/2018
mwah hahahahahhahahahahahha
Guest chapter 13 . 3/19/2018
no its fine️️️️️️
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