Reviews for Unrequited
meep15 chapter 2 . 4/13/2015
Are you continuing this story? If you are please update soon. It's vary interesting, and I'll love to know more!
R chapter 2 . 1/28/2014
Your flow for this chapter is much better than the first one, to me at least. Your grammar is also good, although you do have a consistency error. When Lavender is describing how she got Jazz, she says "It-him." This is the first time in this story that she has problems referring to Jazz as a him. It is also the last time. To keep your story consistent, take out the "it"s in the paragraph and just leave the "him"s.

Now, what type of trouble can a six year old Praxian and a newborn Crystalite get up to? The first thing I think of is Prowl trying to feed Jazz and accidentally spilling the formula on him. Perhaps Prowl could offer Jazz his favorite blanket/soft toy and Jazz, not realizing that he has sharp claws, shreds it. A cute scene would be if Frostbite 'lost' Jazz, but found him sleeping with Prowl.

In the end, what happens is completely up to you.
Searece chapter 2 . 1/29/2014
This fic has such potential, and I'm already in love with the concept! Also, the art you drew for this is absolutely beautiful. Jazz squirming over to Prowl... adorable. I have a feeling that Jazz is going to get in a lot of trouble as he gets older.
Pjlover666 chapter 2 . 1/28/2014
Awwww super cuteness! I just want to hug Jazz, he's so adorable! Little baby crystal *squee* I can't wait to see what comes next! Hope real life gets easier on you, I know college can be rough.
Super cute chapter!
Grifen345 chapter 2 . 1/27/2014
I'm sorry if this might offend you or take this badly which I hope you don't but I was looking at your art of Prowl's parents and it sorta looks like Lavender is wearing a tie. This is not a criticism, just a little something that I noticed and smiled about.
Also I really find it awesome that you make art for your stories. I'm not a bad artist myself but tend to suck at anything original. I can copy a picture fine, but can't seem to make my own stuff look good. And I have no idea how to use color right. So I end up with black and white sketches of things that I see and decide to make copies of my own.
Anyway, enough with my own babbling, just wanted to say that is awesome what you do to complement your stories. Now on with the story!
LadyAhiru chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
OOoo, I am really interested in this story! X3
R chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
I like the idea, a lot. I am going to assume the Crystalite is Jazz. I am curious, are going to have this as a Jazz and Prowl pairing or have them as brothers in this fic. I'm fine with either. Also, as this is an AU, your going have to spend more time fleshing out the details than one based off of the cartoons. For example, in this chapter you didn't tell us how Prowl's sire knew to get stuff that makes small crystals grow. It is easy to figure out, but it would still be a nice thing to know. You also need to tell the readers that don't want to leave this site what everything you create looks like. This doesn't mean you need to spend a paragraph describing everything, although that is a option, just a few sentences with will suffice in most cases.

You might also want to tell us what Prowl and his family look like. Do they look like G1 Praxians or are they different? Do they use any doorwing language if they have doorwings? I personally like doorwing language if it is done well.

Your overall grammar is good. I haven't read too many of your fics, so I don't know your writing style, but your flow is a little choppy to me. That could just be me though.

Also, a few people won't even read a fic if the summary says you're horrible at summaries. It implies you lack confidence.

Overall, I would like to see this continue.
Jaki822 chapter 1 . 1/23/2014 that Jazz. Is Jazz a crystal baby?
Pjlover666 chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Wow what an amazing and thrilling start! I love it so much! And it's SO original... I hope you write more of this, the idea is simply too good to be left aside! And I saw the designs of Jazz... he's beautiful! Hope you update soon!
Grifen345 chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
I wasn't so sure about this at first, but after seeing the art you drew for it and reading the summary you put for the picture, I have to say that this sounds like the makings of a very good, original story. I would love to see where you can take this.