Reviews for Scars of an Imprinted Sister
Colours in Glass Shards chapter 16 . 4/2/2018
Another thing I must express appreciation about, your take on the imprinting for Bianca. It bothers me how in most OCs except it all Willy nilly but let's be honest, THAT is exactly one of the big things to think about. It would worry the hell out of me if I was in that position.
Colours in Glass Shards chapter 5 . 4/2/2018
YESSS! FINALLY! I absolute ADORE OCs that aren't afraid to kick ass! Too few are tough and hardy enough to do it! Awesomeness
Neonflowerbot chapter 3 . 2/12/2018
saw your note at the top and it reminded me that I always forget to comment on completed stories bcz I'm so eager to keep ready. so figured I'd send ya a little comment to say that so far I am reallllly enjoying the story and Bianca, as well as the relationships she has with the other characters so far.
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 2 . 5/9/2015
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
She's not a vampire is she?!
jeangary28 chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Awesome twist and start
R.I.PxGlee2015 chapter 8 . 9/11/2014
Can you do a one shot for chapter 8, showing what happened when Bianca passed out?
Dawolfpack chapter 19 . 6/22/2014
I really liked that story I think the ending could of been better maybe a epilogue like talking about them years later.
dhvdnkbabio chapter 19 . 6/22/2014
I need a sequel! Please!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/22/2014
Bassoon chapter 19 . 6/22/2014
Hmmm... I just love the way this ended and I can't decide if you could make it anymore perfect with a sequel.. But either way I would love to read more from you!
Lauren chapter 19 . 6/22/2014
Pleeeaaasseee do a sequel! I have cookies to bribe you! Pretty please!
dhvdnkbabio chapter 18 . 6/22/2014
Update soon!
dhvdnkbabio chapter 17 . 6/21/2014
I don't think it's rushed! Update
Dawolfpack chapter 16 . 6/21/2014
Ohhh Poor Embry
Keep updateing
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