Reviews for Pearl (Rosefernverse)
Susan L. Grabon chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
If Hetty ever leaves LA I will be so sad. She is an incredible addition to the program. Love tis story and AU. Will be back to read more.
alix33 chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Hehehe at Hetty saying Gibbs would throw a tantrum.
"Plenty of people be interested" - "people would be interested".
Can you imagine Ducky and Hetty both going into storytelling mode when they are in the same place? That would be heaven!
briwd chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
Great story, Sarah! Right in the spirit of what I'm looking for in regards to the challenge!

I'd expect Team Gibbs to defer to Rachel, to Vance, to Hetty - for the time being, and to Caitlin herself as long as she wants...and to be ready to go over all their heads and bring her back to DC themselves if and when they judge necessary.

If I saw this on TV I'd be reassured by Hetty's reassurance that she'll take care of Kate. And that Five-0 will look out for her.

I'm really looking forward to Kate and Five-0, by the way!
sansone chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
I really like how it has all come together YAY! I love the ending; it has a nice, fade-out quality, but as a reader, it leaves me satisfied. I can imagine how it would play out on screen, too. Now that I think about it, Hetty & Ducky would make quite the pair with their inexhaustible supply of stories. Anyway, just to say, GREAT JOB!
JET1967 chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
So glad to see a new story in this universe.
I love to imagine Hetty/Gibbs interactions. If push came to shove, I'm not sure who would come out on top. I guess I would put my money on Hetty just because she has more contacts, broader experience and more finesse.
Keep the stories coming.
Have a great weekend!