Reviews for The Unseen Facade
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
i m a big fan of vivek and tasha .u have portrayed vivek's condition writing :).
inspectorlily chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
bravo it made me cry too
plz make more stories about them like father boy relationship of ACP sir and Vivek
plzz love u!
The TrendSetter chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
You just made me cry Originals143! But, I LOVE YOU for that! One hell of a masterpiece! *bows*
raj-fan chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
i know how he is missing his dearest friend and girlfriend tasha whom he never confessed his love to her. but even though he didnt confess she did know his feelings towards him really it was a very sad incident in which we lost our dear tasha because of which we lost vivek also. bec he is not coming in cid now a days. we miss u both vivek and tasha. we even miss rajat and vineet also. we all miss u all.
foreverknights28 chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Sorry for the late review..
ahmm..actually not getting words to review (since most of the words are said previous reviews) ..seriously every time you manage to make us speechless not only with your storyline but also with your skills.
ACP and Vivek this relationship is not much explored (also never imagined them, esp ACP comforting others officer except their DUO) but reading this is amazingly perfect. I really hope that someday, I could write like you ( i know it will not be achieved even in thousand years but still..) and think and attain the maturity like you.
Needless to say your THE BEST (y)
Crazy-M.D's chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
It was lovely...i loved the characterization and the theme of your was well described..i was really expecting something of this kind from writers here... to be specific you of all people have that talent to write on such a situation so beautifully..thank you for this
Roxtar chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
This was something truly amazing and beyond imagiation...
m a great fan of ur writings...luvd it...
storiesbyAbby chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
You should've given us a tissue-warning before! ;)
On a serious note, awesome story!
Thanks to you we got to see ACP Pradyuman as exactly what a caring boss should be.
Thanks for this OS. Please keep writing such great stuff! :)
subhsresaha chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
wow its jst awesum... lyk vivek n acp relatn... n their cncern... n lovd hw acp start the cnvo with vivek's mom name...
realy mis vivek...:-(
Metallic Mist chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
You know those times when you want to laugh and cry at the same time? Unusual, I know, but it's only so inevitable when originals143 writes something like this. :D Beautiful! :D
girl.with.passion chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
Vivek and ACP Pradyuman?! You do love me Ori. :') Thank you so so so much for this stunning, flawless and epic OS. I absolutely in love with it. Written so beautifully and full of emotions, got me teary eyed. Such a wonderful OS. 3
poesiariptide chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
You and GWP seem to have developed a real talent for making me cry nowadays! :'(
I swear, this was thoroughly perfect in every way, and SO like Pradz! :D While everyone sees him only as the dominating leader who suspects everyone no matter how close he is to them, you brought out his concern for his team and his caring nature brilliantly (which isn't nearly done often enough if you ask me). Not only Pradz, Vivek was also beautifully portrayed in his mourning for Tasha (but then, what else can I expect from you, eh :D). Amazing work! :')