Reviews for Dark Divergent
All4Aslan chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
This is beautifully sad. At least you have them dying heroically.
Sunchaser chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
Ok I normally never cry. Well congrats you made me cry. This was soooo good!
Ranger's Daughtr chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
Very sad...this is very sad.
But onone hand, im glad someone finally didnt get th cordial in the nick of time. That seems to happen a lot. But still, this was very saddening...I might go to bed now...
dreaminsapphire chapter 1 . 2/13/2014
Woah. I was not expecting this. It's a bit fast paced so it took me a minute to process what you wrote, but it was good. I felt sad. I think it might be interesting to do a sequel piece dealing with how this situation might look a while away. I just I'm not sure, but I don't dislike this. Anyway, I totally understand if you want to leave this as it is, but alright... moving on now.
moonshine19 chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
This is unlike you :( normally, you stick with the way C.S. lewis wrote his books which it what helps make your stories one of, if not the best. Just my opinion though
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
I just want to hug them!

Ooh, how about making a companion piece where Ed and Lu are killed and Peter and Susan must live on?
MCH chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Oh my you never know when you will do the unexpected I suspect the story came and would not let you go until written.

The King and Queen are dead long live the King and Queen - poor Lucy and Edmund but they will not let Susan Peter Narnia and Aslan down.

Despite the fact that they knew they would die they died with Aslan name on their lips. Very apt.
Poor Oreius he'll never forgive himself for this.
WillowDryad chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Peter and Susan both? Gah. Harsh. Poor Lucy and Edmund. But, yes, they were all very brave. Those that died and those that survived. I loved that Peter obviously protected Susan as long as he could. Grim, but well done.
quarterhorseranch chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
SO SAD! But good though.
Elbereth Starkindler chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
...Words escape me...O.o For a moment when you switched to Edmund's POV, I thought he had turned traitor and sent the Fell to capture Peter and Susan, but then they killed them instead. I just thought "what!?" But then when Edmund and Lucy are comforting each other and realizing just what broke my heart. You did a really good job of writing this, but I hope you don't decide to do very many. :''(