Reviews for Halkegenia Online v3
fareales chapter 44 . 6/21
esta realmente buena esta historia
Rey Paloma chapter 44 . 10/31/2019
I've rarely returned to a fanfic after catching up with the current chapter, but I keep coming back to this one. Hell, I rarely continue reading fanfics when they're riddled with spelling or grammar mistakes, but this one... this one has been amazing. I very much hope it isn't dead, as this has been one of the best stories - not even fanfics, stories - that I have read in a long time.

Heck, I even like the OCs. Yeah, it often feels like the OC-heavy chapters kill the pacing for a little world building, but other times they're just what you need to feel like there are more than half a dozen characters.

I guess my only complaint is a sort of faux-brutality in the world, or else just plot armor for the protagonists. Some of the consequences are missing. For example - and I may have just missed it - but what ever happened to Germania? There was going to be an alliance, and then the love letter stuff happened, and the country just seemed to lose all plot relevance.
Benjamin Goldberg chapter 4 . 8/25/2019
I always wanted to know what question was answered by forty two, and now I know! ;)
ZhaWarudo chapter 36 . 7/17/2019
Really? Two teens in fairy bodies living together in abstinence for years? You do know you can have sex without penis going into vagina?
Also it's getting quite repetitive the way you start scenes by introducing a characters trough all their past titles as if the character never appeared before in the story.
Honestly if one were to count how many times you wrote Kirigaya Kazuto, Kirito, Beater of SAO...
ironboy32 chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
rip updates...I really liked this story, shame it hadn't had an update in 4 years...
Jack D chapter 32 . 5/2/2018
I read your Author's Note and I just want to say thank you. This is a great story you're telling and the OC's are a big part of what makes it fun to read. I love learning more about Kirito, Asuna and Louise, but I also love to see what's happening with Shiori, Caramella, Saito-sensei and the pixies. I even love looking in on the "bad guys" Dunwell, Wells, Meinhard, Trayvor and Holland. Every glimpse into these lives adds more to the enjoyment of this story. It's obvious you put a lot of heart into this story and into the characters you've created. The world you've illustrated to us is much more in depth than the source material of either series.

So once again, Thank you. I hope to see more in the future.
WillowingBranches chapter 8 . 4/11/2018
Blair Trayvor vs Shiori. Who's vengeance burns the strongest?
AmethystPone chapter 44 . 4/3/2018
Oh, C'mon! The one time to take out someone important, the one time to reduce various strategic and tactical advantages and she failed (Not her fault, this just scream villain plot armor)...AT least she managed to eliminate the zombies...But that is of little comfort when the enemy gained so much and they didn't gain anything! Hell, give the poor girl some slack...
Not to mention, aren't the Fae supposed to be several order of magnitude above their human counterpart? That a small group is enough to take on 20 times their number. What the hell?...Not a single knight dies.

Point being...They aren't even the end-game bosses or end-game elite minions, why are the mooks or elite henchmen so difficult to take out?

Well, and the story ends here, since it does seem like it is dead. 4 years and no update. This Limbo s frustrating.
AmethystPone chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
Dead story?
Mernom chapter 44 . 7/30/2017
I have to say, I much prefer this version of Tiffania over her usual image as a walking pair or boobs.
Mernom chapter 39 . 7/26/2017
Best ending.
Mernom chapter 36 . 7/25/2017
Oh boy. This had me laughing all the way to school.
Mernom chapter 34 . 7/25/2017
This chapter reminded me of Nichijou a little. The biggest difference is that Ban-chan is not a pure reference to one character, but two (Yuuko's less than stellar academic record, and Mio's crush aspect). Similarly, one of the other friend characters has Yuuko's personality while being good at studying. Yui herself is somewhat of a funny parallel to Nano, since both are artificial, but unlike Nano Yui has the robot's mind, while Nano only has the robot's body.
Mernom chapter 32 . 7/25/2017
Personally, I don't have a problem with OC's. If you can write a good OC, go ahead! What I do have a problem with is when the OC ends epic being uninteresting, unrealistic, when it hijacks the plot, or any combination of the above. However, what I hate more is when a Canon character is changed to an uninteresting/unrealistic character (can't highjack the plot if it already has a role... Unless someone takes a side character and elevates it to MC role without proper development). If you want to write a character who doesn't fit in any existing canon character mold, don't force it, use an OC! In this fic, what you do is introducing INTERESTING OC's, and giving development to SIDE plot through those OC's. The main plot ended up being derailed, and the Canon ZnT characters are somewhat put to the side, but this was achieved through development, instead of simply shoving them to the side. It's a marvelous job, and I enjoy reading it.
Mernom chapter 30 . 7/24/2017
I'm starting to think that Greer us related to the governor.
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