Reviews for I Promise A SquallQuistis revision
TheLoneDerangerAzL chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
I loved it. Thank you. That was so sweet. I wish that this was what truly happens in the game because Quistis was made for Squall
TheLoneDerangerAzL chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
"Something about him cried out to be saved". Wow, that was really something and that was totally Squall
Kartac chapter 1 . 9/10/2006
Very nice use of the games opening lines. I am a massive Quistis fan. So it's nice to see someone looking at it the way I wished it would happen.
bwilbur chapter 1 . 12/18/2004
This was great - it's definately going in my favorites. I love your metaphors and such.
Wild Blueberries chapter 1 . 7/17/2004
Damn... I wish Squaresoft actually did do it that way... Good job, cute part about Seifer breaking the guy's jaw. Keep writing! :3
Rose chapter 1 . 6/18/2003
I just had to say how absolutly fantastic this story was. Every turn, every piece of emotion was felt. I just want to thank you for producing such magnificent material.

gietzeng chapter 1 . 11/6/2002
Brilliant. The piece sings the entire way through, and the ending totally seals it. Great, great work.
FFFreak3 chapter 1 . 10/29/2002
It is GREAT!

No, it's even G-G-GR-R-REAT-T-T!

Thank you so much...I mean THAT MUCH!

Can't stop screaming:"It's GREAT!It's GREAT!It's the GREATEST F.F. I've ever read!"
PeterEliot chapter 1 . 10/13/2002
You are a much, much better writer than the absolute majority of the popular FFVIII writers in this section... Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, especially someone who critiques your story for featuring a "stupid pairing", etc. Half the fun of fanfic is in the modification of the canon, so you are perfectly justified. If you ever find yourself targeted for the above kind of criticism, it is because you are-unlike many other authors who also write non-canonical pairings-actually GOOD at what you do.

Great characterization and detail... just very smooth overall. The fun of Squall/Quistis pairing, I think, is that both characters sport certain air of vulnerability (especially in FMVs) that is quite fetching.

Lovely story. I hope you write more! You know, this piece COULD serve as an excellent prololgue for a longer work. Kind of a re-writing of the game plot, perhaps, with Quistis in place of Rinoa. Just a thought.

My compliments, once again.
Headmaster Cid chapter 1 . 10/10/2002
*ahem* Well, as my first review, I must say that I am very impressed with the imagination and character of the author. She obviously knows the content and chose a wonderful scene from the game in which to set her story and added elements that were perfectly acceptable. It is a wonderful story and I applaud her workmanship. _ Good job! I love it! :)
Drossel chapter 1 . 10/10/2002
Fair enough, but I think I'm allowed a rebuttal_

First of all I don't think Squall and Quistis are a fabulous couple myself. Qusitis and Irvine make the most sense to me because Irvine is someone who could get her to open up more and kid around with her. Squall and Quistis are too alike. That is the reason why I didn't write some huge, long, involved love story.

The reason I DID write it is because the way he treated her during that scene was deplorable. I know I majorly wince everytime I see it. But Squall isn't a bad guy, and I always thought he had a motive behind keeping his distance.

As for the technicalities, Squall said: "I'll be here" to Rinoa, not the other way around. Check the script at .com if you don't believe me. I thought it was a sweet touch that maybe he had heard that speech before, said by someone else to him.

Ok, yeah, Quistis SAYS she has misplaced love for Squall but come on, even the last time she refers to it: "A misunderstood love..?" there is a question mark. I can say I never really loved a guy who fell head over heels for someone else, too. Doesn't mean I'm not trying to hide it from others, or even myself. Whether it was sisterly or not is up to conjecture, not a proven fact.

And hon, yeah, mixing up the pairings wouldn't make sense in the game because this isn't ABOUT the game. I wasn't out to rewrite all of FF8 and keep the plot the same. No one who writes mixed pairings are out to do that. Try to think of it as an alternate reality type of thing and you'll be a lot less stressed about it.

So don't think I'm flaming you either, but if you are going to review people's writing from the stand point that Square is the supreme overlord and anything they hint at is law, then maybe you shouldn't be reading alternate pairing fics in the first place_
dirtnapping chapter 1 . 10/10/2002

They (Squall & Rinoa) make the promise much further in the game. In Centra because she mentioned her 'dream'.

I don't see any reason why Squall would mention it anyway. And Quistis had misplaced love for Squall,

it wasn't like the girlfriend/boyfriend love it was sisterly love. She tried to to take 'Sis' Ellone's place since the orphanage.


Qualls just don't make any sense if you ask me...

neither do Rinoa/Seifer, or Rinoa/Zell.


because there has to have been a plot to the game, and if General Caraway wasn't Rinoa's father they couldn't do the Coup 'de etat.

And frankly, I don't think Squall really gives a S*** about his comrades' feelings, he just wants to get the job done.

Squall is just very professional, his comrades have to 'force' him to save Rinoa, Rinoa is an outside party she has no connection to Edea or the 'orphanage gang'.

Had she been Ellone, Squall would have given his life to save her because she's a virtual family to him. That's why he fights with Seifer remember?

Rinoa dumped Seifer like yesterday's garbage, I doubt she'd be interested in a guy who tried to sacrifice her to sorceress Adel.

(I don't know about you but I certainly wouldn't enjoy 'hooking up' with an ex who tried to kill me on numerous occasions.)

Rinoa and Zell...

well, they just don't make sense though he was seeing the librarian in the game. This pairing is just...stupid.

however..opposites attract heh,heh!

Zell being intelligent with Rinoa being his counterpart. Who knows...or cares?

I think Seiftis and Squinoas make most sense,

don't get me wrong! this is in no way a flame,

so don't get angry at my in-depth study of your pairing choice.

Cailin Skylark chapter 1 . 10/9/2002
Awww~~~~~~! That was so sweet! I wished that really happened in the game. The editor's note was really cute too. I loved it. Great job!
IceWolf19 chapter 1 . 10/9/2002
Great stuff, Elle... I can really see this scene turning out like this. Descriptions, characterizations, and everything else is all top-notch. Keep up the good work!