Reviews for Wardrobe
whatsintheboxx chapter 5 . 4/16/2014
Nawwwww! I would ask for more but this is the cutest ending! (: I love it awww... Thank you for writing this!
ncisnewbie chapter 5 . 3/15/2014
This is a nice story! It works out well.

Looking forward to your next story.
Anj3lik chapter 5 . 3/15/2014
This was so cute! I can imagine this happening in the series. Made me smile the whole way through. Good job.
SilverSentinal21 chapter 5 . 3/14/2014
Okay this was AWESOME! Oh I am in love. I just want to sigh in a dopey way and grin... Oh wait, I am! But it's worse because I'm watching Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy too. lol I wonder what they call someone obsessed with all of Europe in general? That me.

This story was absolutely PERFECT! Congratulations.
AkaOkamiRyu chapter 4 . 2/17/2014
Stumbled onto this via tumblr. This story is utterly adorable! I am so excited to see somewhere take that shopping trip and make it into a story! Can't wait for your next chapter :)
SilverSentinal21 chapter 4 . 2/6/2014
Hi! YEY! Awesome like usual, and just what I needed to begin my hellish day. Thank you, HUGS.
Nothingtoseehere000 chapter 4 . 2/6/2014
I am VERY excited for a suits chapter! I really love the way you write for this pairing, I hope you write more for them!
SilverSentinal21 chapter 3 . 2/1/2014
Love it! Love it! Love it! And for once Kensi didn't say something completely mean! Sorry, I'm angry with her for many many many things. This is so brilliant! I'm more of a DC girl myself so I would have said "a shirt with overtly sexualized images of Poison Ivy or Harley Quinn" but to each-her-own.
ncisnewbie chapter 2 . 1/31/2014
This story is off to a nice start. I'm looking forward to more.
SilverSentinal21 chapter 2 . 1/31/2014
I'm angry at every person who is reading this but isn't reviewing! Can't they understand you're awesome? Anyway, it's not the length I mind about this one, it's just that I would have liked an amazingly creative reason other than "surfer dress code" Moondoggie didn't wear flip-flops 24-7. Neither does Laird Hamelton for that matter. LOL Still, it's a WONDERFUL story and I love it and YOU!

SilverSentinal21 chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
OMG! Okay first of all, LOVE the idea of Eric in Private School, there are so many ways I can see that! There's the ever-popular 'rebel rich kid' angle to a scholarship where he was the 'charity case' or a family member on staff could have got him in! AWESOME! Second, I love Eric's quirky wardrobe, so mixing that with a truly touching case of a bond between friends is a perfect way to honor it! Third, he told Nell! He keeps so much close to the vest, that I found it an appropriate milestone in the evolution of their friendship.

And I don't care how long I have to wait to post my next chapter, POST THE REST OF THIS SOON! I love it!