Reviews for Lost Without You
Washed Clean chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
That was sweet, even if I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning for how the awful "destroy" ending works. If destroy killed ALL Reaper-based life (and, since the Geth are using Reaper code and EDI is a Reaper-based AI, it would kill them too), then why wouldn't control take control of ALL Reaper-based life (the Geth and EDI?)

I'm not criticizing your fic-it's gorgeous, even if FemShep/Liara isn't my ship. I'm just curious as to how you explain the distinction there (for the record, I chose synthesis, if that matters).

In any case, excellent job.
RheasHelm chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Nice story, and not unbelievable. Seems like enough of Shepard has survived. She should be able to create a mobile platform for herself, in time, and then they can go away together and... do stuff.
HK-Revan chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
This is...adorable. This it should be. I mean, yes. I love this.
Suphlatus chapter 1 . 2/2/2014
Everyone complains about ME3's ending. One of the biggest problems is the lack of a proper epilogue, which this fic helps address. I particularly like how well you captured Liara's thoughts and emotions, which make this a tense and gripping piece. I also like how you tied Liara's acceptance of the new Shepard to her acceptance of the rebuilt Shepard in ME2: a love that transcends mortality and physical limitations. The way you've written it almost makes it feel like the Bioware writers were leading up to this moment, and you completed the thought for them.
rakuzo chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
It's fantastic! Great work, I like this story.
t chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
I cried wow
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
Man this one-shot fanfiction just tugs at my heartstrings bro. Its so angsty man. Super well written and so full of fluffy romantic angst! There are just no more words I can expres dude. This fanfic is just so good. I know its a one-shot but I'd really love it to be a series. You're writing style is epic in this fanfic.