Reviews for All That's Left
JackslovesHilson chapter 2 . 4/20/2019
Cuddy suck, I hate her a lot. tricking House who is basically a kid with trust issues. It was immoral.
arctichamster chapter 2 . 3/1/2018
Wow. I just...I mean...*wow*. I really don’t read your stories often enoughor else I'm just WAY behindeither way, this was incredible. You have no idea how much I identify with the chronic pain issue; I've had those nights staring at the clock, when even Dilaudid isn't enough, when dozing for 12 minutes seems like a freaking joke (they are, in fact, most nights...some better, some worse) All in allto be reread many, many times...
Guest chapter 2 . 4/28/2014
Wow your stories are fantastic! I really hope you continue to write House fan fiction! :D
Guest chapter 2 . 2/12/2014
Really lovely exploration of House and his relationship to pain, Stacy and (of course) Wilson. Thank you for writing it.
Boo's House chapter 2 . 2/5/2014
Always a test! Between being a natural-born teacher and a game player, House can't just make a statement when a question will make the other person think. He has a need to draw the answer from the student, or friend, because it makes the other person better in the long run.

If I were to get all thinky, I'd say whereas House won't control because he hates being controlled, he will manipulate because it gives the other party the opportunity to response of their own volition. House gets his way, but no one can say that they were forced into an idea or action.

Great story!
anamq chapter 2 . 2/4/2014
Now I understand a bit the ending of the last chapter. It function's as a cliffhanger. I had assumed he had taken the morphine.

This story reads very well. It has a good pace. It seems it has a quicker pace than the previous chapter. It's also simpler, not so complex as the events on chapter 1. I think they kind of balance each other nicely.

I assume, "All that's left" is Wilson, then.

I enjoy reading it. Thanks for writing.
Flatpickluvr chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
No, I'm not ready for this to end! It's too good!
purpleu chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
Always love House and Wilson together, even if House doesn't have much to say. The combination for the lock was very clever, yet also made perfect sense. A tense chapter, that in the end, ultimately made you smile. Wonderful!
purpleu chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
A beautifully heartbreaking reminder of the pain that House lives with every waking moment. His weaknesses are exposed, but his determination to find a solution so well presented. This is a very difficult read, but so very worth it.
ViolettBlack chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
This story is so great!
IMO, it deserves another chapter which deals with the aftermath of House's breakthrough pain episode.
House choosing the date on which he first met Wilson in New Orleans as combination for the box with the morphine gave me all the Hilson feels.
MissBates chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
Enjoyed this story which seems to focus on House's pain, but ends up as a hymn on a very screwed up friendship.
KKBK2 chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
This story is so well done. Your description of the consequences of chronic pain are excellent. It is difficult to believe that Cuddy and Wilson are so oblivious to the effects and intensity of House's pain, chronic and breakthrough. Their denial of his pain is inexcusable. Thankfully Wilson's experiences with House in the past has made him more aware of the possible consequences of Cuddy's irresponsible actions giving him the placebo. I am glad he arrived when he did and was able to help.
I look forward to your next chapter. Thanks
Brighid45 chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
This had me wincing, both from Wilson's guilt (fully deserved on his part), to finding House in agony. But you wrote this perfectly-of course even in the middle of the most extreme situation, House would still play games with Wilson. That's so completely in-character you had me laughing out loud. That final exchange between Wilson and House is classic, and a total delight. I loved this story-it addresses House's chronic pain so beautifully, and does it the way House would do it. Excellent work! This one is definitely going on top of the Favorites pile :)
OldSFfan chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
Good exploration of Wilson's evolving understanding of how manipulative he and Cuddy are. At least Wilson redeems himself.
Girlfromdk chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
ahh I want to hug both these men right now.
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